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Releases: luomus/finbif

finbif v0.6.0

26 Jul 04:36
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  • New variables lat_euref and lon_euref available for occurrence
    record downloads. These new variables represent the central point of
    a bounding box encompassing a record's geographic coverage in the
    EUREF (ETRS89/ETRS-TM35FIN) coordinate system.

  • Option now available to retain the TSV data file when loading FinBIF
    occurrence data with finbif_occurrence_load from ZIP archive or
    online reference.

  • Option now available to extract "facts" when using
    finbif_occurrence_load to import records from a ZIP archive. The
    user must supply a named list, where the names refer to one or more
    fact types: "record", "event" and/or "document", and the list
    elements are character vectors indicating which "facts" to extract.

  • "Lite" download files (occurrence record datasets of less than
    10,000 records downloaded directly from can now be imported
    using finbif_occurrence_load.

  • New filters (currently undocumented) ely_center_id and region_id
    are available for finbif_occurrence.

  • New function, from_schema, to convert variable names from FinBIF
    schema to other styles.

  • New computed variable date_time_ISO8601 (currently undocumented)
    can be selected when creating finbif_occ objects.

  • New computed variable epsg (currently undocumented). If selected,
    the column will have the EPSG code of the first column that contains
    geographic data.


  • Can now select all available variables when importing a FinBIF
    download request file using finbif_occurrence_load with
    select = "all".

  • New option, drop_na, to drop columns that only contain missing
    data added to finbif_occurrence and finbif_occurrence load.

  • User can now select columns multiple times and rename them on the
    fly by using a named character vector as the value of the 'select'

  • The variable taxon_rank is now converted to a string on the fly
    via taxon_rank_id.

  • Variables that are computed from their identifiers are now localised
    when multiple languages are available.


  • Fixed bug that prevented occurrence record counting when caching was
    not in use.

  • Fixed bug that triggered an error when selected a variable that had
    to be computed from its ID when using DWC style variable names.

finbif v0.5.0

29 Mar 06:44
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  • Getting records from FinBIF can now be speed up (~1.5x) with
    asynchronous processing. If the future package is available and an
    asynchronous strategy (e.g., plan(multisession, workers = 2)) is
    selected then downloading records and processing them will occur
    simultaneously in separate threads, often leading to a significant
    speed up over sequential processing.

  • Occurrence records can now be requested using multiple sets of
    filters at the same time. If a list of filters (with unnamed
    elements) is supplied then a record request will be made for each
    set of filters and the results of all requests combined and all
    duplicate records removed.

  • Occurrence records can now be read directly from FinBIF download
    request files. The function finbif_occurrence_load can load data
    from a local file or remotely using a persistent identifier URI

  • Aggregation of records can now be performed at the recording "event"
    level as well as the "record" level.

finbif v0.4.1

27 Jan 12:07
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  • New functions scientific_name and common_name are now available
    to get scientific and common names for taxa (given a taxon name or
    FinBIF ID code) or extract names from a finbif_taxa- class object.

  • Add ability to extract complex record variables such as those
    associated with record media (currently undocumented).


  • Collection name can be selected as a variable for occurrence
    records. Previously it had to be manually translated from collection

  • Variables restriction_reasons_conservation,
    restriction_reason_embargo and restriction_reason_custom are no
    longer in use upstream and can no longer be selected.

finbif v0.4.0

17 Dec 11:33
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  • Occurrence record requests can now be made with aggregation,
    aggregate = c("records", "species", "taxa"). This returns the
    number of records, and/or species or taxa for each combination of
    the selected variables instead of the occurrence records themselves.


  • Error is triggered when attempting to request less than one record.

  • New content on requesting aggregated occurrence records added to
    vignette: 2. Occurrence records from FinBIF.


  • Fixed two bugs in print method for FinBIF occurrence records that
    were triggered when attempting to print only one row of data.

  • Fixed bug triggering error when attempting to print occurrence
    record objects with zero rows.

  • Fixed bug triggered when trying to print occurrence record data with
    NA values.

  • Fixed bug causing incorrect subsetting of occurrence records when
    using logical vectors to subset rows.

  • Fixed bug that printed occurrence records with multi-element data
    incorrectly when there was a single element.

  • Fixed bug triggered by some system locales (#1).

finbif v0.3.1

25 Nov 07:26
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  • Occurrence records can be ordered by the total number of records or
    total number of Finnish records of the taxon (variables:
    n_total_records & n_total_finnish_records, currently

  • New Finnish occurrence status, records_only, added.

  • New administrative statuses added to filters.


  • Filtering vignette updated to reflect changes to data quality

finbif v0.3.0

25 Apr 05:13
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  • All user facing functions with a finbif_ prefix can now also be
    used with the alternative shorter prefix fb_.

  • Crop Wild Relative, CWR, added to admin statuses.

  • There are two new utility functions, to_dwc and to_native for
    converting variable names to and from Darwin Core style.

  • Users can select and order by variables in Darwin Core style when
    using finbif_occurrence.

  • Some changes in variables and filters have flowed from upstream
    changes to "". The variables is_unidentifiable,
    record_reliable, collection_reliability, taxon_reliability,
    taxon_reliability_message and taxon_reliability_source have been
    deprecated and replaced with requires_verification,
    requires_identification, record_reliability and
    record_quality. The filters collection_reliability and
    taxon_reliability have been deprecated and replaced with
    requires_verification, collection_quality, record_reliability,
    record_quality, and expert_verified.

  • Vernacular names are now localised. Users can select a language to
    use for taxon vernacular names. Missing names will fallback
    gracefully to other languages. A package-wide locale can be set and
    is by default set to the system locale (if not set or can't be
    determined it will default to English).

  • New vignettes on getting occurrence records, selecting and ordering
    variables, metadata and plotting have been added.


  • Caching defaults to in memory caching instead of relying on the
    temporary directory.

  • Front matter of vignettes is now visible when using the R help

  • Retired "quiet" option for "on_check_fail" argument in function

  • Improved error messages when taxa fail checking in

  • Global option to set timezone, "finbif_tz", as default value for
    "tzone" argument to finbif_occurrence(). Avoids having to set
    system environment variable TZ or specify "tzone" every time
    finbif_occurrence() is run.

  • Now when a record has no time information the start time is assumed
    to be midday. Previous behaviour was to assume start time was
    midnight, making errors potentially biased.

  • Package options are now documented in the package level man page.

  • News file is now accessible via R internal help system.

  • The number of default variables selected when accessing occurrence
    records has been reduced to speed up downloads and improve the
    display of finbif_occ objects.

  • The print method for occurrence record objects has been updated. It
    is now aware of console width and when truncating variable values is
    more considerate of the context.

  • Variables can now be "deselected" when using the select argument
    to finbif_occurrence by prepending the variable name with a "-".

  • After some failures, API requests are now automatically retried up
    to three times.


  • Ordering by descending variables did not work when ordering by both
    ascending and descending variables.

  • Fixed bug in handling of duplicates that could result in an infinite

  • Fixed bug that (when "on_check_fail" = "warn") all taxa failed
    checks 'finbif_occurrence()' would proceed as if no taxa had been

  • Fixed bug in print method for finbif_occ objects that caused error
    when trying to display a single column objects with a list-col only.

finbif v0.2.0

20 Jan 07:25
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  • Add capacity to request a random sample of FinBIF records.


  • Add more content to vignettes.

finbif v0.1.0

20 Nov 20:25
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