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LTI 1.3

IMS LTI 1.3 based starter (sample) application written using Java and Spring Boot

The goal is to have a Java based web app which can serve as the basis (or starting point) for building a fully compliant LTI 1.3 tool.



If you do not have Java v16 installed we recommend installing the adoptium version through homebrew

brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
brew install --cask temurin16

You will also need Maven

brew install maven

Setting up the Application

To run it and connect it to real LMSs it is recommended to run it in an accessible server with a valid certificate. Follow all the setup steps below to set it up.

Things you can do without the certificate:

  • Use the config endpoint - https://localhost:443/config/
  • See Accessing endpoints in the Extra Features and Information section below on how to configure authorization to access the endpoints

1: Creating the Postgres database

  1. Install PostgresQL (version 13.4 as of today): brew install postgres
  2. Start the database: brew services start postgres
  3. Create a Postgres user and database for this project by entering the following in the Terminal:
psql postgres
CREATE ROLE lti13user WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'yourpassword';
psql postgres -U lti13user
CREATE DATABASE lti13middleware;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE lti13middleware TO lti13user;

2: Create an

It is recommended to use a properties file external to the jar to avoid to store sensitive values in your code.

  1. Copy the inside src/main/resources and name the copy
  2. This is the .properties file where we will edit values for local development as described below
  3. Ensure that the values in match the database name, user, and password that you used when creating the postgres database in the previous section.

Alternatively, you can create an file in a config folder in the root of the project, and override any property for local development.

3: Adding PKCS8 RSA Keys to the .properties file

  1. cd to the directory that you want the keys to be located
  2. openssl genrsa -out keypair.pem 2048
  3. openssl rsa -in keypair.pem -pubout -out publickey.crt
  4. cat publickey.crt
  5. Copy this value to oidc.publickey inside the .properties file. The key needs to all be on one line, with a newline character, \n, preceding and following the string that you copy in between ---BEGIN PUBLIC KEY--- and ---END PUBLIC KEY---.
  6. openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -nocrypt -in keypair.pem -out pkcs8.key
  7. cat pkcs8.key
  8. Copy this value to oidc.privatekey inside the .properties file. The key needs to all be on one line, with a newline character, \n, preceding and following the string that you copy in between ---BEGIN PRIVATE KEY--- and ---END PRIVATE KEY---.

4: Setting Up SSL Cert for Local Development

Note: As of 8/11/2021, for Mac, this works with Firefox but not Chrome.

  1. from the middleware directory, cd into src/main/resources
  2. Generate ssl certificate in the resources directory: keytool -genkeypair -alias keystoreAlias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype PKCS12 -keystore keystore.p12 -validity 3650
  3. Enter any values desired when prompted, but make sure you remember the password that you used.
  4. In the .properties file, ensure that each of these variables have the correct values filled in:
server.ssl.key-store-password=<password from step 2>
  1. After running the spring boot application, you should be able to reach it at https://localhost:443

5: Using Ngrok For Local SSL Cert

  1. Download and install ngrok
  2. You will need to set up an account to use localhost. See the setup instructions
  3. ./ngrok http 443 (Note: This port number must match the value of server.port in the .properties file.)
  4. Ensure in your .properties file that the application.url is set to the https ngrok url. eg:
    1. application.url=
  5. Utilize the https url from ngrok when registering your tool with the LMS platform

Note: Each time you restart ngrok, you will need to change the url of your tool in your registration with the LMS. However, you may restart the tool as much as you like while leaving ngrok running without issue.

Build and Run

Option 1

Start by building the .jar file

mvn clean install

The following command below will run the app with the file assuming you placed it in the project's resources directory. Find the name of the .jar file in the target directory and replace "name-of-.jar" with your .jar

java -jar target/"name-of-.jar"

Option 2

You can run the app in place to try it out without having to install and deploy a servlet container.

mvn clean install spring-boot:run

Testing the application

Skipping Unit Tests

You can add this -DskipTests=true to either of the build and run command to skip running the tests

  • This can be useful if you know the tests are passing and want to save time in development as running the tests can add on extra build time.

Option 1

mvn clean install -DskipTests=true

Option 2

mvn clean install -DskipTests=true spring-boot:run

Extra Features and Information

Accessing endpoints

  • To set up access to endpoints you will need authorization stored in the .properties file
    • terracotta.admin.user
    • terracotta.admin.password

Config Endpoints

  • Likely the main endpoints you will want to test or use directly when developing locally is the /config/ endpoint
  • This endpoint is how we access and save LTI 1.3 tool deployment records which need to be configured when setting up a tool in an LMS

Config Alternative Domain Endpoints

  • To add alternative domain configurations the path to the endpoint is /config/altDomain
  • It supports GET, POST, and adding the altDomain id to the path, GET (one), PUT and DELETE
  • The structure of the altDomain is:
"altDomain": "sunymar",
"name": "Lti tool name Suny Playa",
"description": "Desired description of the tool",
"menuLabel": "Menu Label",
"localUrl": "",
"domainUrl": ""

Only altDomain and name can't be null. altDomain needs to be unique because it will be the id, used later to get or put or delete name must be unique too. description and menuLabel will take the default values if they are empty or null. If localURL or domainURL are empty, they will be calculated based on the default baseUrl and domainURL values.

Postman Exports

  • There are Postman exports stored in src/test/postman that can be imported in to Postman to use the config endpoints.
  • Once imported, in Postman:
    • Add the value you have set for the terracotta.admin.password to the auth_password variable stored in the lti-middleware Globals in Environments Section of Postman

Turning Demo/Test Features On/Off

In the .properties file, the following env variables have been added.

  • lti13.demoMode must have a value of true for AGS, Membership, or Deep Linking (the LTI Advantage Services) to function regardless of the value of their individual env variables. This is because each of these services is currently a demo.
  • lti13.enableAGS must have a value of true in addition to lti13.demoMode having a value of true for the Assignments and Grades (AGS) demo service to function.
  • lti13.enableMembership must have a value of true in addition to lti13.demoMode having a value of true for the Membership demo service to function.
  • lti13.enableDeepLinking must have a value of true in addition to lti13.demoMode having a value of true for the Deep Linking demo service to function.
  • lti13.enableMockValkyrie must have a value of true in order to do integration testing locally.
  • The remaining new env vars lti13.enableDynamicRegistration, lti13.enableRoleTesting, lti13.enableTokenController are for test endpoints. lti13.enableDynamicRegistration corresponds to the RegistrationController which has not been tested. lti13.enableRoleTesting corresponds to the TestController which I suspect will be deleted as role authorization is not needed. lti13.enableTokenController corresponds to TokenController which I suspect will be deleted if it remains unused.

Setup SQS for AGS Grade Pass Back

  1. The authentication to AWS uses Spring's default authentication chain.
  2. The URI for a SQS queue should be filled in for either lti13.grade-passback-queue or as LTI13_GRADE_PASSBACK_QUEUE environment variable.
  3. The region of the SQS queue should be filled in for either in the .properties file or AWS_REGION as an environment variable.

Turning off AWS Integration for Local Development

Prior to running mvn clean install spring-boot:run, do the following:

  1. Ensure that the following property is present and uncommented in the .properties file:,,,,,
  2. Set the Spring Boot profile to no-aws in the run command by doing one of the following:

    Option 1

     java -jar target/"name-of-.jar"

    Option 2

     mvn clean install spring-boot:run

Turning on AWS Integration for Local Development

Prerequisite: Set up envchain

  1. brew install envchain
    envchain --set aws-sqs-gpb AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  3. Enter the values of these variables that correspond to the AWS account for your SQS queue for grade passback.
  4. Confirm the variables are set by running: envchain aws-sqs-gpb env | grep AWS_

Turing on AWS Integration

  1. Ensure that the following properties are set in the .properties file:
lti13.grade-passback-queue=<queue name>
  1. Ensure that the spring.autoconfigure.exclude property is commented out in the .properties file.
  2. Run the application, ensuring that the no-aws profile is not being set.

Sample SQS Message for AGS/Grade Passback

"Type" : "Notification",
"MessageId" : "f85561b6-dd51-5de6-8d75-3b128d9598d5",
"TopicArn" : "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:725843923591:develop-lti13_grade",
"Message" : "{\"user_id\":\"4f3d12df-e1ae-484f-8b9a-b667864e8100\",\"lineitem_url\":\"\",\"client_id\":\"97140000000000230\",\"deployment_id\":\"523:0a47de91cf84ee147f6e534195988508504d3e82\",\"issuer\":\"\",\"score\":0.42857142857142855}",
"Timestamp" : "2022-03-10T19:16:20.157Z",
"SignatureVersion" : "1",
"Signature" : "j48wQktGN/UUjwsUK+w7tpn68ANS7/nM8Kwbb848sEZ1Hl7+N1/D8CoDutFHzaT2GbQ+Vh6NFCXtEMyX2LF/UwqqTRqLYknIm7NVCob9/2hADuE6Ix5mPcJKD+Y7nwl6GGu/6I9o+JzVzO2DqOVz7rL3QGnZrJi35RU/SGAxE1NcKl24y6bR+kGPK6O+O3WlyFIPkAP74qIgqdVGtq6v7OJtsDirxBg0JrX4eRNTVMWT+1CK/n78yG8EWs9SARHaLtN+donriYuw59G7ofkwKVmjYniJixpz1hIsyTzP/TZpi+Fn8ZobYMB5WsuUkjnqZTsV45Q/Wm14Ul8rMvUYEg==",
"SigningCertURL" : "",
"UnsubscribeURL" : ""

Setup Harmony Courses Endpoint

When there's a deep linking request the LTI tool displays a Harmony course selector to the instructor, the list of courses comes from a Harmony endpoint. Please complete this properties in the .properties

To do integration testing locally ensure that lti13.enableMockValkyrie=true and set the equal to your ngrok url with /valkyrie appended to the end. (e.g.

Dynamic Registration

If using dynamic registration, ensure that the domain.url in the .properties file is set to the appropriate version of Waymaker. ie:


Adding an altDomain path parameter in the registration url will register the tool with alternative name, localURL and domainURL and optionally description and menuLabel

The configuration property allow.flexible.urls with a default value of false, if set to true will allow urls like following this pattern *.application.url and *.home.url to be accepted meanwhile there is an entry in the configuration database for the value that * represents. It will use the altDomain attribute during the Dynamic Registration to allow custom dynamic registration urls.

Deploying to the Dev/Staging Environment

  1. Push changes to the branch that you want to push to the dev environment (e.g. L3-66-integration-testing)
  2. git branch -d dev-env
  3. git checkout -b dev-env
  4. git pull origin L3-66-integration-testing
  5. git push --force --set-upstream origin dev-env
  6. Wait 10-15 minutes for the deployment to complete.
  7. View the logs using aws logs tail /aws/elasticbeanstalk/lti-service-dev-docker/var/log/eb-docker/containers/eb-current-app/stdouterr.log --follow --since 1h

Getting Started with the Deep Linking UI (React)

The Deep Linking UI was written in React to support deep linking messages in the LTI middleware, it allows the instructor to pick courses from Waymaker.

It can be displayed in the LMS launching the Middleware from a deep link request or it can be run independently using NPM.

You can install NPM chosing your OS favorite distribution from here.

We recommend installing the same Node.JS and NPM versions described in the pom.xml to be consistent with the build process.

Available Scripts

In the 'src/main/frontend' directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.

npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.


The project contains the frontend-maven-plugin plugin that downloads/installs Node and NPM locally, runs npm install, and then any combination of Bower, Grunt, Gulp, Jspm, Karma, or Webpack. It's supposed to work on Windows, OS X and Linux.

After building and packing the entire React UI, it deploys it together with the Thymeleaf existing static files.