Manager Store is a simple web application to manager some POS (Points of sale). You can search the closest POS once given longitude and latitude. You can also create new ones POS and get a specific one from its ID.
What is under this app ? It's basic Rails API with GraphQL as query language API, Postgres as database store with postgis extension to store some geography/geometric data.
Why I've choosen this kind of stack instead of another one.
At first, why Rails? I've started this project using Sinatra + Sequel. Although I get some troubles to make it a modular application easily. After 3 days developing it, I had choose change it to Rails. Earning the active-record (ORM) I was able to include the activerecord-postgis-adapter to handler better geometric datas type. Changing to Rails give me more power to build a modular and flexibilty application.
Why GraphQL ? I've decided use GraphQL to learn more about it. It was my first experience. No more reason.
And about Postgres? I was thinking about what kind of aproach. So, I took my decision thinking about a real project. Thinking about costs and manageability. The redis is memory database, usually no persitent and add any cluster is expensive (usually). It's a little hard do debug and find some keys (it was based on my experience). The Postgres is a powerful database store. Writing and reading are extremally fast operation and easy to manager. Although Redis is faster than Postgres because is a memory database I've choseen Postgres thinking mainly about costs and manageability.
That's the graphQL schema supported:
address {
coverageArea {
It means you can get all of them data. Once given the API will return it.
Providing some id this route returns the POS.
Method: GET
URL:{getPDV(id: 11){ownerName}}
Giving an input this request will try create the resource.
Method: POST
mutation {
tradingName: "Bar do zé"
ownerName: "Cori"
document: "1233123/232"
address: { coordinates: [12, 23] }
coverageArea: { coordinates: [[[[123, 123]]]] }
) {
address {
Providing latitude and longitude the closest POS with coverage this area.
Method: GET
URL:{searchClosestPDV(lng: -40.36556, lat: -22.99669){ownerName}}
We're using Heroku as PAAS for this app.
The command git push heroku master
that's enough to deploy it.
We're using NewRelic as Monitoring APM.
We're using Rollbar as Tracking Error.
We're using wrk (for Linux, for OSx) as tool for benchmarking app
Just run at root app ./benchmarking/
docker-compose build #(once executed it is not necessary anymore. Except if you'd made any changes on Dockerfile or docker-compose.)
docker-compose up
docker-compose build #(once executed it is not necessary anymore. Except if you'd made any changes on Dockerfile or docker-compose.)
docker-compose up
docker-compose run app rake spec