diff --git a/Algorithms/Numeric/SieveOfEratosthenes.cs b/Algorithms/Numeric/SieveOfEratosthenes.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18bcfc87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Algorithms/Numeric/SieveOfEratosthenes.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+* Generates all prime numbers up to a given number
+* Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sieve_of_Eratosthenes
+namespace Algorithms.Numeric
+ public static class SieveOfEratosthenes
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Calculate primes up to a given number
+ ///
+ public static List GeneratePrimesUpTo(int x)
+ {
+ //The list of primes that will be returned
+ List primesList = new List();
+ //Returns an empty list if x is a value under 2
+ if (x < 2)
+ {
+ return primesList;
+ }
+ //Adds every number between 2 and x to the list
+ for (int i = 2; i <= x; i++)
+ {
+ primesList.Add(i);
+ }
+ //integer that all multiples of will be removed from the list
+ int removeMultiplesOf;
+ //Finds the next number in the list that hasn't been removed and removes all multiples of that number
+ //from the list
+ for (int i = 2; i <= Math.Sqrt(x); i++)
+ {
+ if (primesList.Contains(i))
+ {
+ removeMultiplesOf = i;
+ for (int j = removeMultiplesOf*removeMultiplesOf; j <= x; j += removeMultiplesOf)
+ {
+ primesList.Remove(j);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //The list of primes is returned
+ return primesList;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/MainProgram/AlgorithmsTests/SieveOfEratosthenesTest.cs b/MainProgram/AlgorithmsTests/SieveOfEratosthenesTest.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44a1cf03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MainProgram/AlgorithmsTests/SieveOfEratosthenesTest.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Linq;
+namespace C_Sharp_Algorithms.AlgorithmsTests
+ class SieveOfEratosthenesTest
+ {
+ //Test lists
+ static List testList = new List();
+ static List primesUpTo100List = new List{2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97};
+ static List primesUpTo2List = new List { 2 };
+ static List emptyList = new List();
+ public static void DoTest()
+ {
+ //Check if algorithm returns expected lists
+ testList = Algorithms.Numeric.SieveOfEratosthenes.GeneratePrimesUpTo(100);
+ Debug.Assert(testList.SequenceEqual(primesUpTo100List));
+ testList = Algorithms.Numeric.SieveOfEratosthenes.GeneratePrimesUpTo(2);
+ Debug.Assert(testList.SequenceEqual(primesUpTo2List));
+ testList = Algorithms.Numeric.SieveOfEratosthenes.GeneratePrimesUpTo(1);
+ Debug.Assert(testList.SequenceEqual(emptyList));
+ testList = Algorithms.Numeric.SieveOfEratosthenes.GeneratePrimesUpTo(-100);
+ Debug.Assert(testList.SequenceEqual(emptyList));
+ }
+ }