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Releases: lsst-sqre/vo-cutouts


01 Jun 23:53
@rra rra
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  • Stop masking pixels outside the cutout stencil. The current performance of masking is unreasonably slow for CIRCLE cutouts, and masking isn't required by the SODA standard. We may revisit this later with a faster algorithm.
  • Update dependencies.


31 May 18:29
@rra rra
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  • Dataset IDs are now Butler URIs instead of just the bare UUID. The CUTOUT_BUTLER_REPOSITORY configuration setting is no longer used. Instead, the backend maintains one instance of a Butler and corresponding cutout backend per named Butler repository, taken from the first component of the Butler URI.
  • Drop support for Python 3.8.
  • Update dependencies.


24 Feb 03:55
@rra rra
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  • Build a Docker image (as lsstsqre/vo-cutouts-worker) for the backend worker, based on a Rubin stack container.
  • Use /api/cutout as the prefix for all public routes. This was previously done via a rewrite in the ingress. Making the application's internal understanding of its routes match the exposed user-facing routes simplifies the logic and fixes the URLs shown in the /api/cutout/capabilities endpoint.
  • Add logging to every state-changing route and for each Dramatiq worker operation.
  • Record all times in the database to second granularity, rather than storing microseconds for some times and not others.
  • Fix retries of async database transactions when the database saw a simultaneous write to the same row from another worker.
  • Enable results storage for the cutout worker to suppress a Dramatiq warning.
  • Update dependencies.


09 Feb 23:32
@rra rra
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This is the initial production candidate. Another release will be forthcoming to clean up some remaining issues, but this version contains the core functionality and uses a proper backend.

The database schema of this version is incompatible with 0.1.0. The database must be wiped and recreated during the upgrade.

  • Use lsst.image_cutout_backend as the backend instead of pipetask without conversion of coordinates to pixels.
  • Data IDs are now Butler UUIDs instead of colon-separated tuples.
  • Support POLYGON and CIRCLE stencils and stop supporting POS RANGE, matching the capabilities of the new backend.
  • Use a separate S3 bucket to store the output rather than a Butler collection. Eliminate use of Butler in the frontend, in favor of using that S3 bucket directly. This eliminated the CUTOUT_BUTLER_COLLECTION configuration setting and adds new CUTOUT_STORAGE_URL and CUTOUT_TMPDIR configuration settings.
  • Use a different method of generating signed S3 result URLs that works correctly with workload identity in a GKE cluster. This adds a new CUTOUT_SERVICE_ACCOUNT configuration setting specifying the service account to use for URL signing. The workload identity the service runs as must have the roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator role so that it can create signed URLs.
  • Add new --reset flag to vo-cutouts init to wipe the existing database.
  • Stop using a FastAPI subapp. This was causing problems for error handling, leading to exceptions thrown in the UWS handlers to turn into 500 errors with no logged exception and no error details.
  • Update dependencies.


11 Nov 23:19
@rra rra
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Initial version, which uses a colon-separated tuple as the ID parameter and has an initial proof-of-concept backend that runs pipetask via subprocess and does not do correct conversion of coordinates to pixels.

This is only a proof of concept release. Some of the things it does are very slow and block the whole asyncio process. The backend will be changed significantly before the first production release.