Releases: lsst-sqre/mobu
Releases · lsst-sqre/mobu
Disable forced source queries
- Add more query annotations to TAP queries to make qserv statistics easier
- Make providing UIDs for users optional. If not provided, mobu will rely on Gafaelfawr assigning UIDs, which will be supported by the next release of Gafaelfawr.
- Update dependencies.
- Update TAP queries for the TAP runner with new queries and objects from the qserv team
- Drop support for Python prior to 3.10
- Upload Docker images to GitHub Container Registry
- Reset the image on each Jupyter lab spawn loop
- Update dependencies
- Add cachemachine_image_policy to allow toggling between available and desired images; desired is preferred where there is image streaming (e.g. IDF).
- Allow web socket messages of any size
- Improve reporting of more types of errors, including cachemachine errors
- Only number code cells in error reporting of notebooks
- Increase user token expiration to one year so that it stops expiring during runs
- Make default spawn timeout more closely match JupyterHub's
- Stop using the FastAPI Docker image as a base and build our own
- Drop support for Python 3.8
- Use the correct token to make cachemachine calls
- Query cachemachine for images rather than requiring configuring all the spawner form fields
- Allow testing the latest weekly by asking cachemachine what it is
- Report the image name in error messages on Slack
- Truncate errors and code if they are over 3000 characters, since Slack has a limit on block size
- Overhaul TAP testing, now called
, and update the queries it runs
- Add an API for a summary of flocks
- Post a periodic status summary to Slack
- Log additional information when lab deletion fails