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Refactor 3: Monad Transformers

In this refactor you'll work on the GameState and RenderState modules. From this point on, you'll feel you are overengineering your code. This is a difficult topic. I'd say that simple is better than complex, so the implementation as in refactor 2 is a good balance between complexity and simplicity. Nevertheless, In order to learn deeper about monads we need to move into the topic of monad transformers and mtl style. If you feel your code is getting less readable, keep in mind this kind of patterns are suited for more evolved software, so it may not fit well in this situation. It won't be that bad, though.

This refactor has two steps, which one is optional.

  • Step 1: Introduce the ReaderT transformer and monad stacks in general
    • Taks 1.1: use the ReaderT transformer to refactor a common pattern
    • Taks 1.2: Apply the same stack to the RenderState module
  • Step 2 (Optional): Work in the IO monad and asynchronous code.
    • Task 2.1: Re-implement your-self module EventQueue

Step 1: Monad Stacks

As you can guess, State monad is just an example of monad. In Haskell we have monads for error handling (Maybe and Either e), for doing input/output (IO), for parallelism (Eval), for read-only / write-only / read-write state (resp. Reader, Write, State), etc...

The problem with monads comes when you want to compose them. Meaning, what happend if I want to do input/output and having a read-only environment, and a read-write state? I would need to use three different monads, but what type is that? As we've seen in the previous refactor we have State for managing the read-write state. If I want to do all those effects, does it exist a IOReaderState data type? There exist something very similar: monad transformers.

Task 1.1: Did you spot the subtle pattern?! That's the Reader Monad

Did you notice that many functions in the GameState module uses the BoardInfo datatype? Of course!, the information about the size of the board is crucial all along the software. The Reader monad essentially abstract this pattern. When you have a function from some environment to some result function :: env -> a, that can be express as Reader env a. This is useful when you have multiple functions taking the same env. For example

Without Reader monad

f :: env -> a
g :: env -> b
h :: env -> c

j :: env -> (a, b, c) 
j e = (f e, g e, h e)

With Reader monad

f :: Reader env a
g :: Reader env b
h :: Reader env c

j :: Reader env (a, b, c) 
j = do
  a <- f
  b <- g
  c <- h
  pure (a, b, c)

You may think we haven't won anything. That's kind of true, but intention matters here. In the second example, it is very clear from the type signature that env is an important datatype in our software. It is used for configuration and as a read-only environment. Let's refactor GameStep to introduce the ReaderT transformer.

  • Introduce the following imports
    • import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT (runReaderT), ask, runReader)
    • import Control.Monad.Trans.Class ( MonadTrans(lift) )
  • Change the GameStep to look like below. Try to understand what you are doing. (tip: why ReaderT but not StateT. Go to transformers library documentation and read more about them)
    • type GameStep a = ReaderT BoardInfo (State GameState) a
  • Change all functions with signature BoardInfo -> GameStep a to GameStep a. Use function ask to get the read only env. These are:
    • makeRandomPoint :: GameStep Point
    • newApple :: GameStep Point
    • extendSnake :: Point -> GameStep DeltaBoard
    • displaceSnake :: Point -> GameStep DeltaBoard
    • step :: GameStep [Board.RenderMessage]
  • Notice that you need to use lift when using the State monad. (Why is that?)
  • Modify function move to use runReaderT

Task 1.2: Refactor RenderState

For the sake of practice, let's refactor RenderState module. Again, this feels like a total overengineering. Keep in mind this refactor will break something in the main module. This is done on purpose.

  • Import the following:
    • import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT (runReaderT), asks, ask)
    • import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (State, put, get, runState, evalState)
    • import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
    • More import will be necessary, but you should find out yourself.
  • Create a new datatype type RenderStep a = ReaderT BoardInfo (State RenderState) a
  • Change these function types and modify their body accordingly:
    • updateRenderState :: RenderMessage -> RenderStep ()
    • updateMessages :: [RenderMessage] -> RenderStep ()
  • Rename function render to renderStep with type renderStep :: [RenderMessage] -> RenderStep Builder. This function should update the RenderState w.r.t the received message, and produce a Builder of the updated state.
  • Create a function render with type render :: [RenderMessage] -> BoardInfo -> RenderState -> (Builder, RenderState), which runs the monad stack producing the builder associated to the RenderState and the RenderState itself.
  • Function main should be broken now. Make it work! Do you think main looks better now? By "better" I mean: Does it looks like code is more declarative?

Step 2 (optional): The IO monad and async code

This step consists in re-implementing the module EventQueue.hs. This module implements an asynchronous bounded channel in which we push our key strokes. Working in the IO is not more difficult than working in the State or Reader monad. The only difference is that IO monad can throw exceptions at any time for any reason.

Any program which actually does something has to do input/ouput (reading files, putting text to console, etc...). The problem with the real world is that it is a mess, therefore if we have a function interacting with the real world, we should annotate it using IO monad.

Task 2.1

  • Make a backup copy of EventQueue.hs
  • Create a new EventQueue.hs file and paste the template below
  • Fill the template and check the game runs as always


{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

{- |
This module handle the external events of the game. That is: the user inputs and the time.
module EventQueue where

import Control.Concurrent (
import Control.Concurrent.BoundedChan (
import GameState (Movement (..))
import qualified GameState as Snake
import System.IO (hReady, stdin)

-- | The are two kind of events, a `ClockEvent`, representing movement which is not force by the user input, and `UserEvent` which is the opposite.
data Event = Tick | UserEvent Snake.Movement

-- | the `UserInputQueue` is an asynchronous bounded channel which contains snake movements. This channel is feeded by key strokes
type UserInputQueue = BoundedChan Snake.Movement

-- | The `EventQueue` has a `UserInputQueue` and the global speed of consumption (as a mutable reference) and the initial speed of the game.
data EventQueue = EventQueue
  { -- | An asynchronous queue of movements the snake needs to do.
    userInput :: UserInputQueue
  , -- | A mutable reference to a Int. This is used for modifying the speed of the game as we play
    currentSpeed :: MVar Int
  , -- | The initial speed
    initialSpeed :: Int

-- | Given the current score and the initial speed, calculates the new speed.
--   The speed is increased by 10% every 10 points, up to 50 points.
calculateSpeed :: Int -> Int -> Int
calculateSpeed score initialSpeed = undefined

{- | Given the current score and the event queue, updates the new speed and returns it.
   This action is mutable, therefore must be run in the IO mondad
setSpeed :: Int -> EventQueue -> IO Int
setSpeed score event_queue = undefined

-- In StackOverflow we trust.
-- This function reads the key strokes as a String.
-- The arrow keys correspond to the following strings
-- "\ESC[A" -> Up Arrow
-- "\ESC[D" -> Right Arrow
-- "\ESC[C" -> Left Arrow
-- "\ESC[B" -> Down Arrow
-- therefore the following code: 
--     k <- getKey
--     print $ k == "\ESC[B"
-- will print True when Down arrow is pressed
getKey :: IO String
getKey = reverse <$> getKey' ""
  getKey' chars = do
    char <- getChar
    more <- hReady stdin
    (if more then getKey' else return) (char : chars)

{- | This function translates key strokes to movements and push then into the queue.
 The player is free to push keys as fast a he/she can but the userqueue is bounded,
 meaning that if we push a movement to a filled queue it gets discarded.
 This is intented for the game play, If we press keys faster than the game speed
 they will be enqueued and pushed into the game with delay.

Check getKey function's comment for a hint

writeUserInput :: EventQueue -> IO ()
writeUserInput event_queue = undefined

-- | Read the EventQueue and generates an Event to pass to the user logic.
-- It should pass an UserEvent if the queue is not empty, otherwise a Tick
readEvent :: EventQueue -> IO Event
readEvent event_queue = undefined