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Lottie Animation Format

Version 1.0.0

Status Draft



Rendering Model


Property Types

Animatable properties


Text Data



The Lottie Animation Format is a vector format focused on animation, interaction, real-time updates and multi-platform support. This document describes the specifications of the format and its extensibility. It will also describe how to specify supported layer types and properties.

Given its objective of being a global animation vector format, the Lottie Animation Format does not focus on performance improvements for a single platform. Instead it tries to be as simple and extendable as possible.

The format is influenced by the Adobe After Effects Render Model, from which it draws the layer, keyframes, and properties structure.

This specification defines a model for drawing and animating a set of layers on a canvas.

Rendering Model



General Considerations

Floating-point coordinates

All values (both time and spatial) are defined as floating point numbers unless otherwise specified. Values do not have units to accommodate for different programming language capabilities, format preferences, and varying pixel density devices.

Required properties

It is recommended that any required property that is not defined in the format should throw an exception and the animation should refuse to play. Although in some cases a default value could fill the missing property, or an element could be ejected from the animation, to preserve consistency and fidelity to the original animation it is better to reject the animation altogether.

Width and Height

Property names: w / h

Property type: Number


An animation has a defined width and height. These two values will define the visible drawing area. The (0,0) coordinate is positioned at the top, left corner of the resulting rectangle.

All coordinates both positive and negative are valid. The width and height will work as a visible frame of all the drawn scene.


An animation must have a duration set in the number of frames. Its value is expressed as a pair of properties: In point and Out point.

By definition the Out point should be larger or equal to the In point.

If this condition is not met, the player should refuse to play and throw an exception.

Since these properties indicate a segment of an implicit timeline that goes from -Infinity to Infinity, any keyframe that is out of bounds won’t be rendered and only the parts that are within the segment will. Segments can nonetheless have keyframes defined outside the time segment; but only the overlapping part of the segment with the animation time boundaries will be rendered.

Exposing an API to adjust the segment at runtime could be helpful, for example to animate various states responding to an interaction, or simply to allow for multiple animations to be in a single file.

In point

Property name: ip

Property type: Number


The In point can be any number, positive or negative, and indicates the initial frame of the animation that should be rendered.

Out point

Property name: op

Property type: Number

The Out point can be any number, positive or negative, and indicates the final frame (not included) of the animation that should be rendered.

Frame Rate

Property name: fr

Property type: Number


An animation has a defined framerate. It represents the number of frames per second that should be used to calculate time interpolations. Its value can range from 0 (not included) to any positive number.

The larger the frame rate, the more time-based resolution the animation will have. This allows for more fine grained interpolations, specially useful for heavy based discrete effects.

On the other hand, a large frame rate will need an equally large refresh rate, which will be covered in the next section.

Refresh Rate

The refresh rate of an animation is not explicitly defined in the animation definition. It can depend on platform capabilities, engine preferences, and could change during the course of an animation.

It describes the number of times per second the engine should compute new values and redraw the canvas. The larger its value, the smoother the animation will look, but it will also require more computational power to calculate values and redraw the result.

In general, devices have a refresh rate of 60Hz or 120Hz which means that animations have a 16ms or 8ms budget, respectively, to redraw. A 60Hz default refresh rate should be enough to render a smooth looking animation.

It is encouraged to develop an API to modify this value. This API can be used for different scenarios:

  • When performance issues can be detected and signaled, modifying the refresh rate should reduce per frame calculations and hence free computing cycles for other requirements.

  • When the animation is not the most relevant element in the view, a lower refresh rate should be enough and it can be modified when the animation is front and center.

  • When a user has reduced motion settings enabled.

  • When a specific refresh rate reflects a particular design decision to convey a message, effect or experience.

Note: If the refresh rate differs from the defined original frame rate, it can have unexpected values when interpolating between keyframes. Particularly when two keyframes are positioned on consecutive frames, with different values, and its easing expects an interpolation between them.

Relying on how the animation looks in the authoring tool is not enough, since it can have a fixed refresh rate that doesn’t match the default one used inthe runtime environment.

This issue can be solved in two ways. The first is to make sure that when designing the animation, frames that should not interpolate are correctly set to behave that way by using the hold type interpolation.

The second is to match refresh rate and frame rate. This should guarantee parity between authoring tools and runtimes, but it can be a limitation to take advantage of the full display rate of the device. The animation might look degraded compared to other transitions. Nevertheless, this feature can be especially useful for testing purposes where one set of stills has to match another set.

Playback speed

Playback speed is a value that describes the ratio between the total duration of the original animation and the duration at which the animation is playing.

This value is not part of the animation format but it should be an implicit or explicit value of the runtime engine. Default playback speed is 1 which means that the animation duration and playback duration are equal.

Negative values are supported, and they describe an animation that is played in a reverse direction. (See direction as another option to reverse animation playback.)

It is encouraged to expose an API to modify this value, but there is no specification on how that API should be implemented.

This capability, combined with the previous refresh rate, allows for effects like slow motion or high rate animations.


Playback direction describes the direction at which the animation is progressing. This value is not part of the animation format, but it is part of the runtime engine. Its value can be either 1 or -1. Implicitly it has a default value of 1, which means that the animation is running in its original direction.

It is encouraged to expose an API to modify this value, but there is no specification on how that API should be implemented.


Loop describes if the animation should restart once it reaches the end. This value is not part of the animation format, but it is part of the runtime engine. Its value can be either a boolean or a natural number including the 0 value. If the value is 1, the animation should loop one time after it reaches the end, totalling a number of 2 full cycles.

The true value should mean infinite loops, and false should mean 0 loops.

Property types

Lottie has multiple properties depending on what type of layer, content and attribute they are targeting. Below is the list of different types.


Type: number

A number property is a single floating point value. Depending on the attribute, they can have valid ranges that will be specified when necessary.


**Type: **array[Number]

Some properties can have a single dimensional array containing the corresponding value.


**Type: **string


**Type: **boolean


**Type: **object

Shapes are defined by four properties that describe the collection of bezier curves that represent each path segment of the shape.


Property Name: v

Property Type: Array of Tuples of length 2 and type Number


Vertices describe the collection of vertices needed to draw the bezier curves.

In Points

Property Name: i

Property Type: Array of Tuples of length 2 and type Number


In Points describe the collection of incoming control points needed to draw the bezier curve. The number of in points should match the number of vertices of the shape.

Out Points

Property Name: o

Property Type: Array of Tuples of length 2 and type Number


Out Points describe the collection of outgoing control points needed to draw the bezier curve. The number of out points should match the number of vertices of the shape.

Is Closed

Property Name: c

Property Type: Boolean

If true, the last vertex should connect to the first vertex of the list using the out points of the last vertex and in points of the first to draw a bezier curve that closes the shape.

If false, the shape stroke between the first and last vertex should not be drawn and the shape fill should describe a straight line between them.


**Type: **Tuples of length 3 and type Number

A Color is expressed as a 3-dimensional tuple where the first index is the red component, the second is blue, and the third is green. All three values range from 0 to 1.

Color is a special case of an Array.


**Type: **object

In order to express gradients in a concise way, gradients are described by two properties.


Property Name: p

Property Type: Number


Points describe the number of stops the gradient has.



Property Name: k

Property Type: Array[Number]

Each color stop has 4 values (color stop location, red, green, blue), and they are all appended to the same array sequentially.

If the gradient has opacity, since opacity stops can differ from color stops, they will be appended to the same array. All opacity values will be grouped at the end of the array expressed as a pair of floating point numbers (opacity color stop, opacity value).

Although opacity can have different color stop values, the total number of opacity stops should be equal to the number of color stops.

In order to identify whether the array is representing only color values or also opacity values, the Points property must be used.

Text Document

Font Family

Property name: f

Property type: string


The font family of the rendered text

Font Size

Property name: s

Property type: Number


The font size of the text

Font Caps

Property name: ca

Property type: Number


Caps accepts 3 values.

  • 0 for regular,

  • 1 for All Caps,

  • 2 for Small Caps

Paragraph Justification

Property name: j

Property type: Number


Justification accepts 6 values.

  • 0 for left justification

  • 1 for right justification

  • 2 for center justification

  • 3 for full justification with last line aligned left

  • 4 for full justification with last line aligned right

  • 5 for full justification with last line aligned center

  • 6 for full justification

Text Tracking

Property name: tr

Property type: Number


Tracking of the text

Paragraph Line Height

Property name: lh

Property type: Number


Line height of each text line

Baseline Shift

Property name: ls

Property type: Number


Distance from the text to its baseline. It can be a positive or negative value.

Fill Color

Property name: fc

Property type: Color


Fill color of the text

Stroke Color

Property name: sc

Property type: Color


Stroke color of the text

Stroke Width

Property name: sw

Property type: Number


Stroke width of the text

Box size

Property name: sz

Property type: Number


Text layers can have a text box that defines the boundaries of the container where text would be rendered. Text lines should wrap around the box. If text exceeds the box, it should clip it.

Box position

Property name: ps

Property type: Coordinate


If the text layer has a box size defined, this property defines the position of the box relative to the layer.

Animatable properties

Lottie supports animating different types of properties. Some of them are multidimensional, some are unidimensional, and some have a spatial component. Depending on the type of property, some attributes may vary. When these properties are not animated, their signature will be different.

Easing types

Lottie has different easing types depending on the type of property that is being interpolated.

One Dimensional Easing

Properties with this easing type have a single easing function for all parts of the interpolating object. For example, shape vertices, outpoint and inpoints share a single easing function.

Out Point

Property Name: o

Property Type: object


The outpoint is the outgoing bezier control point that describes the easing function.

Coord x

Property Name: x

Property Type: Number


The x component of the control point

Coord y

Property Name: y

Property Type: Number


The y component of the control point

In Point

Property Name: i

Property Type: object


The outpoint is the outgoing bezier control point that describes the easing function.

Coord x

Property Name: x

Property Type: Number


The x component of the control point

Coord y

Property Name: y

Property Type: Number


The y component of the control point

Multi Dimensional Easing

Properties with this easing type have a different easing function for each of their dimensions.

Out Point

Property Name: o

Property Type: object


The outpoint is the outgoing bezier control point that describes the easing function.

Coord x

Property Name: x

Property Type: Array[Number]


The list of x components of the control point

Coord y

Property Name: y

Property Type: Array[Number]


The list of y components of the control point

In Point

Property Name: i

Property Type: object


The outpoint is the outgoing bezier control point that describes the easing function.

Coord x

Property Type: Array[Number]


The list of x components of the control point

The x component of the control point

Coord y

Property Type: Array[Number]


The list of y components of the control point

The y component of the control point

Non animated

When an animatable property is not animated, it will consist of a single prop called "k", and its value will depend on the type of property.


Animation objects are mostly described by five attributes: time, easing in, easing out, hold and value


Property name: t

Property type: Number


Time describes, in frames, the time at which a new value is specified.

Easing Out

Property name: o

Property type: One Dimensional Easing | Multi Dimensional Easing


Easing out describes the outgoing interpolation values used to create the easing function between two keyframes.

Easing In

Property name: i

Property type: One Dimensional Easing | Multi Dimensional Easing


Easing in describes the incoming interpolation values used to create the easing function between two keyframes.


Property name: h

Property type: Boolean


If true, the hold property indicates that the specific keyframe should not interpolate to the next value and instead should stay on its own value until it reaches the next keyframe.


Property name: s

Property type: Number | One Dimensional Array | Multi Dimensional Array | Shape | Gradient | Text Document | Color


The value of the property at the specific keyframe that should be rendered at time t

One Dimensional Animated Property

One Dimensional Animated Properties include the same properties as animated properties. Their easing type is One Dimensional Easing.

Their value type is a Number or an Array.

Multi Dimensional Animated Property

Multi Dimensional Animated Properties include the same properties as animated properties. Their easing type is Multi Dimensional Easing.

Their value type is an Array.

Shape Animated Property

Shape Animated Properties include the same properties as animated properties. Their easing type is One Dimensional Easing and their value type is Shape.

Gradient Animated Property

Shape Animated Properties include the same properties as animated properties. Their easing type is One Dimensional Easing and their value type is Gradient.

Spatial Animated Property

Spatial properties include the same properties as animated properties but they add two extra properties that describe how the spatial interpolation should be applied. These two properties describe the bezier curve control points needed to draw the path between the spatial coordinates. Values are relative to the coordinates of each keyframe.

Their easing type is One Dimensional Easing.

Spatial Out

Property name: to

Property type: Array[Number]


The coordinates of the first control point of the bezier curve relative to the initial value of the interpolated segment

Spatial In

Property name: ti

Property type: Array[Number]


The coordinates of the second control point of the bezier curve relative to the end value of the interpolated segment

Text Document Animated Property

Text Document Animated Properties include the same properties as animated properties. They don’t have an easing value and their Hold property is set to true.


Assets are a collection of source objects needed to fill layer information that could be shared between multiple layer instances.

They range from preComps, audios, images, font binaries.

These objects do not always have a specified type, when they don’t, content can be inferred from the requester.


Precomps have three properties: id, name and layers.

Precomp id

Property name: id

Property type: Number


The id of the precomp source

Precomp name

Property name: nm

Property type: string


The name of the source of the comp. This property is useful for expressions that reference another composition.

Precomp layers

Property name: layers

Property type: Array[Layers]


The list of layers that compose a precomposition


Images contain the information to obtain an image source. It can be expressed in different ways: inline or pointing to an external path.

Asset type

Property name: t

Property type: Enum[Number]

Property value: 1


The type of the asset

Image id

Property name: id

Property type: Number


The id of the image source

Image mode

Property name: e

Property type: Enum[Number]


The way information is stored to retrieve the asset. Its values are

  • 0 when the asset is loaded externally

  • 1 when the asset is embedded inline in the json file

Image width

Property name: w

Property type: Number


The width of the image source

Image height

Property name: h

Property type: Number


The height of the image source

Image path

Property name: u

Property type: String


The path of the image excluding the file name

Image name

Property name: p

Property type: String


If asset mode is 0, it indicates the file name of the image.

If asset mode is 1, it contains the embedded image encoded as base 64.


Audio contains the information to obtain an audio source. It can be expressed in different ways: inline or pointing to an external path.

Asset type

Property name: t

Property type: Enum[Number]

Property value: 2


The type of the asset

Audio id

Property name: id

Property type: Number


The id of the audio source

Audio mode

Property name: e

Property type: Enum[Number]


The way information is stored to retrieve the asset. Its values are

  • 0 when the asset is loaded externally

  • 1 when the asset is embedded inline in the json file

Audio path

Property name: u

Property type: String


The path of the audio excluding the file name

Audio name

Property name: p

Property type: String


If asset mode is 0, it indicates the file name of the audio.

If asset mode is 1, it contains the embedded audio encoded as base 64.

Text Data

In order to render text, two different solutions are provided by the format. Text can be exported as glyphs or as regular text data.


Glyphs allows Lottie to detach itself from any external font file to render text. By including every character as a shape described by bezier curves, it can render text independently from the original font.


Property name: chars

Property type: Array[Char]

The chars array contains the list of all characters available to be rendered.

Char Object

Property type: Object

A character is described by a set of properties to identify its font family, shape and other necessary properties to be rendered.


Property name: ch

Property type: String


The character string. It should be used to map the character requested by a text layer.


Property name: style

Property type: String


The font style. It should be used to map the character requested by a text layer.

Font Family

Property name: fFamily

Property type: String


The font family. It should be used to map the character requested by a text layer.

Advance Width

Property name: w

Property type: Number


The distance at which the following character should be drawn, expressed relative to a font size of 100px.


Property name: data

Property type: object


The data object contains a set of extra properties relative to the character.


Property name: shapes

Property type: Array[Shape]


The list of shapes that represent the character


Property name: fonts

Property type: object


Fonts contain a set of properties related to font information needed to render text layers.

Fonts List

Property name: list

Property type: Array[Font]

The list property contains the array of fonts needed to render all text layers.


Property type: Object

Each font describes the font information needed to render a specific text layer type.

Font Origin

Property name: origin

Property type: Enum[Number]


The font origin indicates how to interpret the other properties in order to load the font

  • 0 for None

  • 1 for Google

  • 2 for Typekit

  • 3 for URL

Font Path

Property name: fPath

Property type: String


The path that should be used to load the font

Font Class

Property name: fClass

Property type: String


The class that should be assigned to the text element for it to get the font assigned via a css selector

Font Name

Property name: fName

Property type: String


The name of the font to identify which font should be used to render the text

Font Family

Property name: fFamily

Property type: String


The value of the font family

Font Weight

Property name: fWeight

Property type: String


The value of the font weight

Font Style

Property name: fStyle

Property type: String


The value of the font style


Property name: ascent

Property type: Number


The value of the font ascent expressed relative to a font size of 100px. The ascent references the yOffset by which to draw the character.



A collection of layers describes an animation or a composition (see compositions for more information).

They are the building blocks of an animation. The order of layers represents (in most cases) the order in which they should be rendered. The first element in the list should be rendered above all the other elements on the stack.

Some exceptions to this rule are camera layers that don’t have a visual representation on the canvas. Others, that are not yet part of the specification, are Light layers, and Adjustment layers.

Layers are categorized by the type of content, and each should be rendered according to their unique specification.

Layer Properties

Layers have common properties and unique properties related to their content. In this section common properties will be covered.


Property names: *ks *

Property type: object


The transform property is a container for a set of properties that are traditionally related to GPU operations on textures. They represent affine operations and opacity.

Anchor Point

Property name: *a *

Property type: Non-Animated Array | Spatial Animated Property


The Anchor point is a two-dimensional (or three if layer is 3d) array that represents the origin from which other transformations should be applied.


Property name: p

Property type: object | Non-Animated Array | Spatial Animated Property


The position can be expressed in two different ways, and it will be indicated by a property called "s". If s is true, dimensions are separate. If s is false, it behaves as an Array.

Position Separate Dimensions

Property names: *x, y, z *

Property types: Non-Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


If dimensions are separate, the position will be a container for 2 (or 3 if the layer is 3d) one-dimensional independent properties. Those properties are "x", “y”, and “z” and they can be animated separately.


Property name: *s *

Property type: Non-Animated Array | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


The scale is a two dimensional (or three if layer is 3d) array that represents the scaling percentage of the layer. If its value is 100%, no scaling is applied.

Rotation for 2d layers

Property name: r

Property type: Non-Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


This property is the rotation expressed in degrees applied to the layer.

X Rotation for 3d layers

Property names: *rx *

Property type: Non-Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


This property is the x rotation expressed in degrees applied to the layer.

Y Rotation for 3d layers

Property names: *ry *

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


This property is the y rotation expressed in degrees applied to the layer.

Z Rotation for 3d layers

Property names: *rz *

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


This property is the z rotation expressed in degrees applied to the layer.

Orientation for 3d layers

Property name: or

Property type: Non Animated Array | Spatial Animated Property


3d layers have an extra property called orientation represented by an array of 3 floating point values expressed in degrees. It indicates the pitch, roll and yaw of the layer.


Property name: o

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


Opacity is a percentage based value. It defaults to 100 which means the layer is fully opaque. Value 0 means the layer is fully transparent.

This property ranges from 0 to 100.


Property name: sk

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property

Skew indicates the slant of the element.

Skew Axis

Property name: sa

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property

Skew axis specifies the axis along which the character is skewed.


Property name: ind

Property type: Number

The index refers to a unique id that each layer has within a stack. It is used for parenting and also for certain expressions.


Property name: parent

Property type: Number


If present, it points to the ind property of the target layer whose transform data should be included in the transform operations that affect the layer. When a layer has this attribute set, in order to draw the content, first all the parenting hierarchy needs to be looked up iteratively. Once the parenting chain is complete (the top layer doesn’t have a parent property set to look up), transforms have to be applied from the top layer down to the transforms of the current layer.

Note: Parenting should never target the original layer as part of the chain or it would create an endless loop.

Time Stretch

Property name: sr

Property type: Number


Default: 1

This is a factor by which time should be stretched on keyframe information. A value of 1 means that no stretching is needed.


Property name: masksProperties

Property type: Array[Mask Elements]

Masks define a list of bezier curve shapes that act as clipping paths or composite operations on layers. Multiple masks with different properties can be applied to the same layer where, depending on the mask mode, different rules of stacking apply.

Matte Masks

Matte masks are pairs of layers where one acts as a mask for the other. Those layers are indicated by a tt property on the masked layer and a td on the masking one. They are always stacked one after to the other on the stacking order.

Masked Layer

Property name: tt

Property type: Enum[Number]

Optional (Required if previous layer has a td property)

This property only accepts four values and describes the type of mask that should be applied.

Its values are

  • 1 for Alpha Mask

  • 2 for Inverted Alpha Mask

  • 3 for Luminance Mask

  • 4 for Inverted Luminance Mask

Masking Layer

Property name: td

Property type: Number

Property value: 1

Optional (Required if next layer has a tt property)

This property only accepts one value that indicates it should be used as a masking layer

Mask elements

A mask can be considered as a clipping shape or a composite operation depending on their specific properties and types.

Mask modes

Property name: mode

Property type: String


Mask types describe how the shape should affect the underlying layer.

  • None: Mask has no effect on the layer. This mode is solely used for attaching shapes to a layer that can be used by other properties, effects or expressions.

  • Add: This mode will always take the original layer as input and add the opacity values to the final output.

  • **Subtract: **This mode will take the output of masks higher in the stack as input. If there are no masks, it will take the layer as input. As output it will subtract the opacity values from the input.

  • Intersect: This mode outputs the areas of opacity that overlap with masks higher in the stack.

  • Difference: This mode outputs the subtracted areas of opacity that overlap with masks higher in the stack.

Inverted property

Property name: inv

Property type: Boolean


The inverted property will take the opacity values of the output of the mask (with its corresponding higher stack of masks if it applies) and perform a boolean filter to invert the result.

Path property

Property name: pt

Property type: Non Animated Shape | Shape Animated Property


The path property describes the bezier path that the mask will use to apply the mask

Opacity property

Property name: o

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


The opacity property defines how clipped pixels will transfer to the final output. When opacity is set to 0.5, the resulting output will multiply the alpha.

Expansion property

Property name: x

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


Expansion affects the path property of the mask by shrinking or growing it by the specified number of pixels. The path should be transformed by the center of the shape itself.

Since offsetting bezier curves is not a trivial task, this effect might be hard to copy.

Lottie-web makes use of the feMorphology filter and applies an erode operator to shrink the mask. For growing it, it adds a stroke to the mask which is used as part of the masking itself.

Layer Types

Each layer has a type attribute (‘ty’) which indicates the type of content.

Solid Layer Type

A solid layer is the simplest type of drawable layer. It has three properties specific to the layer type (color, width, height) and others shared with other layer types (transform, masks, effects, layer styles).

Type Property

Property name: ty

Property type: Enum[Number]

Property value: 1

Shape Layer Type

Shape layers define a set of shapes and shape modifiers grouped together. It has a single specific property (shapes) and others shared with other layer types (transform, masks, effects, layer styles).

Type Property

Property name: ty

Property type: Enum[Number]

Property value: 2

Shapes Property

Property name: shapes

Property type: Array[Shape Properties]

Shapes is a collection of paths and path modifiers like fills, colors, groups, trim paths. Each property has a type defined by the "ty" prop.

Group Element

type: gr

A group contains a list of shape properties that are rendered as part of that group. Any modifiers defined within the group will only apply to the stack preceding the modifier but only scoped inside the group.

Items Property

Property name: it

Property type: Array[Shape Properties]


The list of items defined within the group

Transform Element

Property name: tr

Property type: Transform


A transform property that is applied to the stack of elements preceding it

Rectangle Element

type: rc

A rectangle is a parametric shape defined by its size, position and roundness.

Size Property

Property name: s

Property type: Non Animated Array | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


Size is a two dimensional array that represents the width and height of the rectangle.

Position Property

Property name: p

Property type: Non Animated Array | Multi Dimensional Animated Property

Position is a two-dimensional array that represents the coordinates of the rectangle relative to its containing group.

Roundness Property

Property name: r

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property

Roundness is a one-dimensional value that represents the roundness of the rectangle corners.

Ellipse Element

type: el

An ellipse is a parametric shape defined by its size and position

Size Property

Property name: s

Property type:Non Animated Array | Multi Dimensional Animated Property

Size is a two-dimensional array that represents the width and height of the rectangle.

Position Property

Property name: p

Property type: Non Animated Array | Multi Dimensional Animated Property

Position is a two-dimensional array that represents the coordinates of the rectangle relative to its containing group.

Polystar Element

type: sr

This element has two different subtypes that define a Star or a Polygon.

Its points, position, rotation, outer radius and outer roundness define a polygon.

A star is defined by all the same properties as a polygon, and it includes an inner roundness and inner radius.

Subtype Property

Property name: sy

Property type: Enum[Number]

  • 1 for Star

  • 2 for Polygon


Points Property

Property name: pt

Property type: Non Animated Shape | Shape Animated Property


Points is a one-dimensional number that defines the number of outer corners the parametric shape has.

For a polygon, it also equals the total number of corners.

For a star, the number of corners is double, since every segment is subdivided by an outer circle and an inner circle.

Position Property

Property name: p

Property type: Non Animated Array | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


Position is a two-dimensional array that represents the coordinates of the rectangle relative to its containing group.

Rotation Property

Property name: r

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


Position is a one-dimensional number that represents the rotation angle in degrees of the shape.

Outer Radius Property

Property name: or

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


Outer radius is a one-dimensional number that represents the radius of a circle where the outer points of the shape should be inscribed.

Outer Roundness Property

Property name: os

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


Outer roundness is a one-dimensional number that represents the length of the control points of a bezier curve by which the corners of the shape should be drawn. Those control points should be tangent to the circle defined by the outer radius property.

Inner Radius Property

Property name: ir

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


Inner radius is a one-dimensional number that represents the radius of a circle where the inner points of the star should be inscribed.

Inner Roundness Property

Property name: is

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


Inner roundness is a one-dimensional number that represents the length of the control points of a bezier curve by which the corners of the inner points of the star should be drawn. Those control points should be tangent to the circle defined by the inner radius property.

Shape Element

type: sh

This element has a single property defining the path of the shape

Path Property

Property name: ks

Property type: Non Animated Shape | Shape Animated Property


The shape described by the collection of bezier curves.

Fill Property

type: fl


This property defines the fill color that should be applied to the stack of elements preceding it. It has two inner properties, color and opacity

Color Property

Property name: c

Property type: Color | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


The color of the fill

Opacity Property

Property name: o

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


The opacity of the fill

Gradient Fill Property

type: gf

This property defines the gradient fill color that should be applied to the stack of elements preceding it. It has seven properties: Type, Start Point, End Point, Highlight Angle, Highlight Length, Colors, Opacity.

Type Property

Property name: t

Property type: Enum[Number]


This property only accepts two values and describes the type of gradient that should be applied.

  • 1 for Linear

  • 2 for Radial

Start Point Property

Property name: s

Property type: Non Animated Array | Spatial Animated Property


A two-dimensional array that represents the coordinates of the starting point of the gradient interpolation.

End Point Property

Property name: e

Property type: Non Animated Array | Spatial Animated Property


A two-dimensional array that represents the coordinates of the end point of the gradient interpolation.

Highlight Length Property

Property name: h

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


A value that offsets the starting point of the gradient.

Highlight Angle Property

Property name: a

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


A value that defines the angle by which the starting point of the gradient will be offset.

Color Property

Property name: g

Property type: Gradient | Gradient Animated Property


The set of colors that define the gradient

Opacity Property

Property name: o

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


The opacity of the gradient fill

Stroke Property

type: st

This property defines the stroke color and width that should be applied to the stack of elements preceding it. It has six inner properties, color, opacity, stroke width, line cap, line join, miter limit.

Color Property

Property name: c

Property type: Color | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


The color of the fill

Opacity Property

Property name: o

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


The opacity of the fill

Stroke Width Property

Property name: w

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


The width of the stroke applied to the shapes. It does not accept negative numbers.

Line Cap Property

Property name: lc

Property type: Enum[Number]


The line cap of the stroke

Its values are

  • 1 for Butt Cap

  • 2 for Round Cap

  • 3 for Projecting Cap

Line Join Property

Property name: lj

Property type: Enum[Number]


The line join of the stroke

Its values are

  • 1 for Miter Join

  • 2 for Round Join

  • 3 for Bevel Join

Miter Limit Property

Property name: ml

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property

The miter limit is a one-dimensional value that applies only if the line join value of the stroke is Miter Join.

Gradient Stroke Property

type: st

Defines the gradient stroke color and width that should be applied to the stack of elements preceding it. It has eleven inner properties, color, opacity, stroke width, line cap, line join, miter limit.

Color Property

Property name: g

Property type: Gradient | Gradient Animated Property


Describes the set of colors that define the gradient

Opacity Property

Property name: o

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


The opacity of the fill

Stroke Width Property

Property name: w

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


The width of the stroke applied to the shapes

Line Cap Property

Property name: lc

Property type: Number


The line cap of the stroke

Its values are

  • 1 for Butt Cap

  • 2 for Round Cap

  • 3 for Projecting Cap

Line Join Property

Property name: lj

Property type: Number


The line join of the stroke

Its values are

  • 1 for Miter Join

  • 2 for Round Join

  • 3 for Bevel Join

Miter Limit Property

Property name: ml

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


The miter limit is a value that applies only if the line join value of the stroke is Miter Join.

Type Property

Property name: t

Property type: Enum[Number]


This property only accepts two values and describes the type of gradient that should be applied.

Its values are

  • 1 for Linear

  • 2 for Radial

Start Point Property

Property name: s

Property type: Non Animated Array | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


A two dimensional array that represents the coordinates of the starting point of the gradient interpolation.

End Point Property

Property name: e

Property type: Non Animated Array | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


A two-dimensional array that represents the coordinates of the end point of the gradient interpolation.

Highlight Length Property

Property name: h

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


Highlight Angle Property

Property name: a

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


Merge Paths Property

type: mm

A merge path acts as a shape boolean operation applied to the set of shapes preceding it. It contains a single property, the merge mode.

Merge Mode Property

Property name: mm

Property type: Enum[Number]


The merge mode defines the type of operation that should be applied to shapes.

Its values are:

  • 1 for Merge

  • 2 for Add

  • 3 for Subtract

  • 4 for Intersect

  • 5 for Exclude Intersections

Offset Paths Property

type: op

The offset path modifier should grow or shrink the set of shapes preceding it. It is defined by three properties: amount, line join and miter limit.

Amount Property

Property name: a

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property

A one-dimensional value that defines how much the shape should grow or shrink

Line Join Property

Property name: lj

Property type: Enum[Number]

The line join of the stroke

Its Values are

  • 1 for Miter Join

  • 2 for Round Join

  • 3 for Bevel Join

Miter Limit Property

Property name: ml

Property type: object

A one-dimensional value that applies only if the line join value of the stroke is Miter Join

Repeater Property

type: rp

The repeater modifier creates copies of the set of shapes preceding it. It is defined by three properties: copies, offset, transform.

Copies Property

Property name: c

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


A one-dimensional value that defines how many copies (including the original shape) of the shapes should be drawn

Offset Property

Property name: o

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


A one-dimensional value that defines how many copies should be skipped before starting the count of shapes to be drawn.

This value should be accounted for in order to calculate the following transform property.

Transform Property

Property name: tr

Property type: Transform


For each copy of a repeater, this transform operation is applied before the drawing operation is applied. This allows to generate copies of the original drawing with a combination of regular transform operations between them.

When the offset property is different from 0, these transform operations should accumulate by the amount that the offset value defines before being applied to the first copy.

Round Corners Property

type: rd

This modifier affects any vertex of a shape whose bezier control points are 0. It has a single property that defines the radius of the effect.

Copies Property

Property name: r

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property

A one-dimensional value that defines the length of the control points of the bezier curve that should be applied to the vertex. The direction of the control point should be tangent to the vertex itself.

Trim Paths Property

type: tm

This modifier changes the shape of the set of elements preceding it. Although in general, trim paths are expected to only affect the stroke of a shape, this modifier should affect both how strokes and fills are applied.

The way the new shape is calculated should measure the full perimeter of the shape individually (or the full set of shapes if Trim Multiple Shapes property is set to Individually) and regenerate the new set of paths as a percentage of the original set.

It is defined by four properties: Start, End, Offset and Trim Multiple Shapes.

Start Property

Property name: s

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


A one-dimensional value that defines the initial point of the shape that should be drawn relative to the initial point of the original shape. It is expressed as a percentage of the initial value.

End Property

Property name: e

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


A one-dimensional value that defines the end point of the shape that should be drawn relative to the end point of the original shape. It is expressed as a percentage of the end value.

Offset Property

Property name: o

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


A one-dimensional value that defines an offset by which the start and end points should be calculated. A whole cycle is expressed as a 360 offset.

Trim Multiple Shapes Property

Property name: m

Property type: Enum[Number]


This property accepts only two values:

  • 1 for Simultaneous

  • 2 for Individual

Simultaneous means that all shapes should be trimmed applying the calculations separately. Individual means that a single trim effect should be applied to all of them by calculating the full length of all shapes together.

Text Layer Type

A text layer defines a container for text data. It has a single specific property (text) and others shared with other layer types (transform, masks, effects, layer styles).

Type Property

Property name: ty

Property type: Enum (Number)

Property value: 5


Property name: t

Property type: object


A text object is composed of four different objects: document data, animators, text path, more options.

Document Data

Property name: d

Property type: Text Document | Text Document Animated Property


This property contains a single animatable property, k, that is a set of all the paragraph data of the text.

Text Path Data

Property name: p

Property type: object


When enabled, a text layer will use a mask defined on the layer to describe an irregular baseline that the text should follow when being rendered. If the text has multiple lines, each line will use the same path described by the mask offsetted by the line height of the text.

If a line of text exceeds the path described by the mask, both ends of the mask should be extended infinitely, parallel to the the first and last vertex of the path.


Property name: m

Property type: Number


The index of the mask defined in the *masksProperties *attribute of the layer that will be used as baseline of the text.

First Margin

Property name: f

Property type: Non-Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property

A margin to offset the drawing of the text from the first vertex of the shape

Last Margin

Property name: l

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


A margin to offset the drawing of the text from the last vertex of the shape

Force Alignment

Property name: a

Property type: Boolean


If active, each line of text should be rendered contained within the shape defined by the mask by adjusting the tracking.

Perpendicular to Path

Property name: p

Property type: Boolean


If active, text should be rendered perpendicular to the direction of the baseline.


Property name: r

Property type: Boolean


If active, text should be rendered starting from the last vertex of the mask.

Other Options

Property name: m

Property type: object


This object contains other properties affecting the rendering of the text.

Anchor Point Grouping

Property name: g

Property type: Enum(Number)


This property defines how each character anchor point should be grouped relative to the defined value to apply animators and drawing along a path.

Its values are:

  • 1 aligned to character

  • 2 aligned to word

  • 3 aligned to line

  • 4 aligned to all textbox

Grouping Alignment

Property name: a

Property type: Non Animated Array | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


Controls the alignment of the anchor point relative to the anchor point group. The tuple defines a pair of coordinates based on a percentage of the group anchor point.


Property name: a

Property type: list


Animators are a collection of transformations that can be applied to a text layer. They consist of a range selector and a set of optional properties.

Range Selector

Property name: s

Property type: object


The range selector property has a set of properties that define how transformations are applied to the text. This range allows for animations on more granular parts of the text, like characters, words, lines and the text box.


Property name: t

Property type: Enum[Number]


It specifies the type of selector, it can be expression based or parametric.

  • 0 for parametric

  • 1 for expression

Range Units

Property name: r

Property type: Enum[Number]


It specifies the units that are used to calculate ranges.

  • 1 for percentage based

  • 2 for index based

Range Start

Property name: s

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


It specifies the start of the range that transformations will be applied to. If range units are percentage based, the values range from 0 to 100, if they are index based, valid values are any positive number.

Range End

Property name: e

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


It specifies the end of the range that transformations will be applied to. If range units are percentage based, the values range from 0 to 100. If they are index based, valid values are any positive number.

Range Offset

Property name: o

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


It specifies an offset of the range that transformations will be applied to. If range units are percentage based, the values range from -100 to 100. If they are index based, valid values are any positive number.

Range Base Mode

Property name: b

Property type: Enum[Number]


Specifies how ranges should affect text. It has four values: Characters, Characters excluding Spaces, Words and Lines. Depending on this option, all the other properties will operate on the block specified by it.

  • 1 for Characters

  • 2 for Characters excluding Spaces

  • 3 for Words

  • 4 for Lines

Range Shape

Property name: sh

Property type: Enum[Number]


The shape indicates how the range will operate over the selected blocks within the range. The default value is square. You can think of this property as a factor that should be multiplied to all transformations before applying the final value.

  • 1 for Square. All blocks within the range will have their transformations applied equally. Factor is always 1.

  • 2 for Ramp Up. Transformations will be applied linearly increasing within the range. Factor grows from 0 to 1.

  • 3 for Ramp Down. Transformations will be applied linearly decreasing within the range. Factor grows from 1 to 0.

  • 4 for Triangle. Transformations will be applied linearly up to the middle of the range. First half increasingly, second half decreasing. Factor grows linearly from 0 to 1 and then from 1 to 0.

  • 4 for Round. Similar to Triangle but instead of progressing linearly, it progresses describing half a circle.

  • 5 for Smooth. Similar to Triangle but it describes two segments with easing values to progress from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0.


Property name: a

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


A multiplier expressed in percentage applied to the result of the factor of transformation

Max Ease

Property name: xe

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


An easing value that affects the speed of change as selection values change from fully included (high) to fully excluded (low)

Min Ease

Property name: ne

Property type: Non Animated Number | Multi Dimensional Animated Property


An easing value that affects the speed of change as selection values change from fully included (high) to fully excluded (low)


Property name: rn

Property type: Enum[Number]


If active, transformations should be applied randomly to each selected block. Random seed is not enforced.

Transform Properties

This is the list of all supported properties that can modify a text within the ranges described above:

  • Anchor Point (a)

  • Position (p)

  • Scale (s)

  • Rotation (r)

  • Rotation X (rx)

  • Rotation Y (ry)

  • Opacity (o)

  • Fill Color (fc)

  • Fill Hue (fh)

  • Fill Saturation (fs)

  • Fill Brightness (fb)

  • Fill Opacity (fo)

  • Stroke Color (sc)

  • Stroke Hue (sh)

  • Stroke Saturation (ss)

  • Stroke Brightness (sb)

  • Stroke Width (sw)

  • Stroke Opacity (so)

  • Tracking (t)

  • Text Skew (sk)

  • Text Skew Axis (sa)

  • Text Blur (bl)

  • Text Line Spacing (ls)

All properties are animatable and optional.

Image Layer Type

Image layers are a container for an image.

Type Property

Property name: ty

Property type: Enum[Number]

Property value: 2

Reference Property

Property name: refId

Property type: Number


A reference to the asset id that should be painted within the container. The asset information is located in the assets property and can be retrieved in different ways.

Null Layer Type

Null layers don’t have a visual representation. But they share the same transform properties as any other drawable layer.

Null layers are often used to parent other layers to them so they can be used as a detached hierarchy of transformations. Parenting can be recursive and null layers can be parented to other null layers as well.

Another usage of null layers is for holding expressions properties that don’t belong to a specific layer but can be shared among multiple ones.

They don’t have any specific properties but they share others with other layer types (transform, masks, effects, layer styles).

Type Property

Property name: ty

Property type: Enum[Number]

Property value: 3

Precomp Layer Type

A Precomps is a container for a set of layers that are grouped and are adjusted by the properties that govern the precomp. It has four properties specific to the layer type (width, height, time remap, refId) and others shared with other layer types (transform, masks, effects, layer styles).

Type Property

Property name: ty

Property type: Enum[Number]

Property value: 0


Property name: w

Property type: Number


Width defines the width of the surface that has to be rendered from the precomp. Whatever is outside that area won’t be visible even if it is within the visible area of the precomp container. It basically works as the width of a clipping mask of the inner layers.


Property name: h

Property type: Number


Height defines the height of the surface that has to be rendered from the precomp. Whatever is outside that area will not be visible even if it is within the visible area of the precomp container. It basically works as the height of a clipping mask of the inner layers.

Time Remap

Property name: tm

Property type: Multi Dimensional Animated Property


Time remap allows control of the timeline of a precomp independently from the main timeline. It is expressed in seconds and since it is animatable, it can support any amount of keyframes, easing and expressions.

Asset Reference

Property name: refId

Property type: Number


The refId property points to an object on the assets list that completes the composition information.