StudentCLI is a command-line interface for managing student assignments.
To build StudentCLI, you'll need to have CMake and a C++ compiler installed on your system.
Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory containing the source code.
Create a new directory to hold the build files:
mkdir build
cd build
- Run CMake to generate the build system files:
cmake …
- Build the project using the generated build system:
After these steps, you should have an executable named stg in the gradebook directory within the current source directory.
- Navigate the grader directory and run stg
cd grader
- This will activate the grading inferace where you can prompt the built in commands for grading:
(base) lorenzomendoza@Lorenzos-Air grader_dir % ./stg
> --view-grades -t -a Homework4
Calvin: 48 / 60 points.
Robert: 60 / 60 points.
> --grader Homework4
Usage: ../scripts/ ASSIGNMENT [STUDENT]...
> --grader Homework4 -A
Grading Calvin's Homework4...
allProfit test 1 passed.
allProfit test 2 passed.
allProfit test 3 passed.
allProfit test 4 passed.
allProfit test 5 passed.
massDecline test 1 passed.
massDecline test 2 passed.
massDecline test 3 passed.
- --grader or -g
- -- view_grades or -d