Software Engineer working with smart contracts and distributed ledger technologies, exploring Machine Learning techniques for voice UI and translations. Preferred fields: Medicine, Education, e-Government.
You can find links to conference presentations, research articles and video demos here:
- Smart contracts (Solidity) & other Ethereum web3 tools for JavaScript & Python
- JavaScript, Typescript, Node.js, React.js, React Native, Vue.js, Rust, WebAssembly, SVG, Docker, Open API
- UML, design patterns
- Machine Learning, including Deep Learning, Python, Jupyter, Keras, Keras.js
2018, October - present
Pipeline is a visual, functional language and IDE for creating composable graphs. Graphs can be transformed into Solidity, Javascript and Rust source code or can be interpreted and executed by our Pipeline interpreters for the Ethereum Virtual Machine, WebAssembly, Javascript and Rust.
dType is a Decentralized Type System for a Global OS, built on Ethereum. dType has support for any Solidity type, including functions, along with custom user types. And it is currently being extended for Rust. It enables efficient blockchain data analysis, especially by blockchain explorers, without relying on off-chain centralized services to provide ABI data.
Lens is a fine-grained browser and searcher for modules and functions. The ChainLens project spawned from Pipeline and the need to have a distributed cache of resources, for building graphs from existing smart contract functions and events. The WaLens project is the WebAssembly version of Lens.
I wrote several Ethereum EIPs for dType, which can be found at
- 1900 - Decentralized Type System for EVM
- 2157 - Storage Extension
- 2193 - Alias Extension
- 1921 - Functions Extension
- draft - Language Extension, Data Bridging.
And research articles:
- dType on Ethereum 2.0:
- Master Shard to Account for Ethereum 2.0 Global Scope:
- Libra EE and Shadow Shard, general cross-chain data bridging:
- Data/Load Balancing of Shards:
Additional articles: Video demos:
2017, July - 2019, February
I have built Layer 2 scaling solutions for Ethereum, based on unidirectional and bidirectional payment channels: µRaiden and Raiden Network. Aside from working on protocol specifications and being the Lead Solidity smart contracts developer, I also enjoyed creating robot demos in my spare time, showcasing the capabilities of the projects. I have presented them on stage at Devcon3 ( and the Ethereum Foundation meetups in Berlin (,
As of now (March, 2020), I helped build the only Ethereum Mainnet releases of Brainbot: the token sale smart contracts (October, 2017), an alpha version of µRaiden (November 2017) and an alpha version of Raiden Network (December 2018).
I developed the Raiden Network token sale smart contracts (after multiple iterations of token models, including one with continuous token minting). I created my own Dutch Auction price curve function, which satisfied EVM limitations while being extremely flexible in terms of creating testnet simulations. I planned extensive end-to-end testing protocols, engaging colleagues from multiple teams to contribute to the testing process. I created detailed protocols for the actual token sale launch, establishing roles and responsibilities and supervised several testnet simulations of these protocols. I was in charge of monitoring the auction, building and running the token distribution system. The token sale was a technical success - it ran without any incidents or bugs for two weeks, transfering ~109,532.00 ETH and distributing 50 million RDN tokens to 4253 unique addresses.
2015, November - Present
Ethereum decentralized applications, smart contract development in Solidity. Creating UML and API specifications. Web development services. Fast prototyping. Past projects include: maintenance of a custom Rocket.Chat instance for Moviepilot ( Germany-USA based company), multiple contracts with Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research for extending Syntody (SVG-based mind-mapping project), d3.js visualizations of macroeconomics data, UML specifications for The Clinician - a New Zealand based medical company.
2015, June - 2015, November
I developed two complex projects: custom e-commerce, video-sharing applications built from scratch with Meteor.js, being the only programmer assigned for backend and middle layer implementation: APIs, customized packages, payment service integration, social networking services integration. I also designed UML diagrams for project planning and documentation, adapted for Meteor.
2014, October - 2015, June
Javascript, PHP, HTML, Smarty, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap, Meteor.js.
2016, September - 2017, April: Semi-automatic translation algorithms for SNOMED
Applying Machine Learning for translating and data-analysing terminologies (such as SNOMED, WordNet). This project continues my graduation thesis “Algorithm of translation in the Romanian language for the Terminologia Histologica and APIs for a controlled vocabulary”, in R language
2015, February - June: Oroboro SVG editor
Sole developer of a live-collaboration SVG editor with cloud support, in Meteor.js: visual data entry with live feedback, algorithms for symmetry and other engines.
2014, October - 2014, December: Subject.Raw
I implemented hierarchy browsing, document editing with tools for easily searching concepts, translations and links to educational resources for each concept. 16 terminologies, 400.000 concepts. OpenCPU, R language, Meteor.
2012, September - 2014, October: Project Manager, Web Developer, Sapiens Mapping Project, Bucharest
I created controlled medical vocabularies, translated FIPAT ( terminologies in Romanian (10.000 terms), programmed two iOS and Android Apps in Titanium - Terminologia Histologica, Terminologia Embryologica with browsing and searching capabilities for the terms. Demo: I gave project presentations in English, created documentation and video demos.
- 2013, June - 2017: Online Courses. Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree Program, Udacity (6 months); Computer Science, Machine Learning, Biology, Genomics, Data Analysis from edX and Coursera.
- 2008, October - 2014, September: General Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy C. Davila, Bucharest.
- 2012 - 2014: 580 hours of volunteering for SMURD (Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication), as a medical student, a project lead by the Medical Students Society in Bucharest.
- 2012 - 2013: University theater team
- 2010, October - 2012, January: Mountaineering Instructor, EcoXtrem Mountain Club, Bucharest - organized, planned mountain trips, supervised and trained club members, gave presentations to club members on emergency medical aid