- Task: Create a project Repository in Git hub by chisolum
- Feature: Create file project.md and add Project description explaining how the usage of Git, Docker, automated testing, and continuous integration can improve the productivity and competitiveness of a company by Chisolum
2.1. Feature: Add definition and examples of Status to gitFlow.md by Chisolum
2.2. Feature: Add definition and examples of Master Branch to gitFlow.md by Chisolum - Task Create a file for step by step tutorial by Chisolum
3.1. Feature: Created file setup.md and create how to set up git tutorial by Chisolum
3.2. Feature: Created branch.md and Explain the concept of branching by Chisolum
3.3. Feature: created conflict.md and add how to create a merge conflict tutorial by Chisolum
3.4. Feature: Created resolve.md and add resolving merge conflict tutorial by Chisolum
3.5. Feature: created fork.md and Explain Forking vs Cloning also added fork and clone tutorials by Chisolum
3.6. Feature: created pullrequest.md and added pull request tutorial by Chisolum
3.7. Feature: Created collab.md and added Adding a collaborator to a Github Repo tutorial by Chisolum - Task Upload image
4.1. Task: uploaded addcollab.JPG by Chisolum
4.2. Task: uploaded addpull.png by Chisolum
4.3. Task: uploaded clone.png by Chisolum
4.4. Task: uploaded clone.JPG by Chisolum
4.5. Task: uploaded collab.JPG by Chisolum 4.6. Task: uploaded conflict.JPG by Chisolum 4.7. Task: uploaded createSSH.JPG by Chisolum
4.8. Task: uploaded createpull.png by Chisolum
4.9. Task: uploaded fork.jpg by Chisolum
4.10. Task: uploaded merge.JPG by Chisolum
4.11. Task: uploaded openpull.png by Chisolum
4.12. Task: uploaded pullbranch.JPG by Chisolum
4.13. Task: uploaded settings.JPG by Chisolum
4.14. Task: uploaded status.JPG by Chisolum - Fix: updated README.md added tutorial, usage of vi, gitFlow, changelog and sources sections by chisolum
- Feature: CD Command by Emerald
- Feature: Up/Down Arrows by Emerald
- Feature: MKDIR Command by Emerald
- Feature: Cp by Emerald
- Feature: Pwd by Emerald
- Feature: Mv by Emerald
- Feature: Rm by Emerald
- Feature: Home Directory by Emerald
- Feature: Tab Key by Emerald
- Fix: Formatting by Emerald
- Task: Created gitflow page by Akinlolu
- Feature: Added Definition for Repository by Akinlolu
- Feature: Added Definition for Clone by Akinlolu
- Feature: Added Definition for Fork by Akinlolu
- Feature: Added Definition for Branch by Akinlolu
- Feature: Added Definition for Commit by Akinlolu
- Feature: Added Definition for Merge by Akinlolu
- Feature: Added Definition for Checkout by Akinlolu
- Feature: Added Definition for Push by Akinlolu
- Feature: Added Definition for Pull by Akinlol
- Feature: Added description for gitFlow Workflow by Akinloluu