Download, read, and manuipulate NASA OMNIWeb data
The tools in this packaged used to be part of lkilcommons/geospacepy-lite. As of version 0.2 of geospacepy-lite, nasaomnireader is now it's own package.
The package automatically downloads data from the NASA OMNIWeb website. It can use data in two formats:
By default, text files are downloaded and used.
WARNING: metadata for text files is supplied from hardcoded, dumped CDF file metadata
The NASA CDF format files will be downloaded if the code finds the following packages on your computer:
Spacepy, for it's pyCDF python interface to the NASA CDF Library
- Clone the repository
python install
Example code using omnireader:
from nasaomnireader import omnireader
#Create a time window
sTimeIMF = datetime.datetime(2010,1,1)
eTimeIMF = datetime.datetime(2010,1,3)
#omni_interval is a dictionary-like object
#that you can use to get the omni data for
#any variable as a numpy array
#for any span of time
omniInt = omnireader.omni_interval(sTimeIMF,eTimeIMF,'5min')
t = omniInt['Epoch'] #datetime timestamps
By,Bz = omniInt['BY_GSM'],omniInt['BZ_GSM']
- This repository was created and is managed by Liam M. Kilcommons at CU Boulder