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2828 lines (2515 loc) · 102 KB

Shopping Mall

Generated by prisma-markdown


"attachment_files" {
  String id PK
  String name
  String extension "nullable"
  String url
  DateTime created_at
"bbs_articles" {
  String id PK
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"bbs_article_snapshots" {
  String id PK
  String bbs_article_id FK
  String format
  String title
  String body
  DateTime created_at
"bbs_article_snapshot_files" {
  String id PK
  String bbs_article_snapshot_id FK
  String attachment_file_id FK
  Int sequence
"bbs_article_comments" {
  String id PK
  String bbs_article_id FK
  String parent_id FK "nullable"
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"bbs_article_comment_snapshots" {
  String id PK
  String bbs_article_comment_id FK
  String format
  String body
  DateTime created_at
"bbs_article_comment_snapshot_files" {
  String id PK
  String bbs_article_comment_snapshot_id FK
  String attachment_file_id FK
  Int sequence
"bbs_article_snapshots" }|--|| "bbs_articles" : article
"bbs_article_snapshot_files" }o--|| "bbs_article_snapshots" : snapshot
"bbs_article_snapshot_files" }o--|| "attachment_files" : file
"bbs_article_comments" }o--|| "bbs_articles" : article
"bbs_article_comments" }o--o| "bbs_article_comments" : parent
"bbs_article_comment_snapshots" }|--|| "bbs_article_comments" : comment
"bbs_article_comment_snapshot_files" }o--|| "bbs_article_comment_snapshots" : snapshot
"bbs_article_comment_snapshot_files" }o--|| "attachment_files" : file


Attachment File.

Every attachment files that are managed in this shopping mall system.

For reference, it is possible to omit one of file name or extension like .gitignore or README case, but not possible to omit both of them,


  • id: Primary Key.
  • name

    File name, except extension.

    If there's file .gitignore, then its name is an empty string.

  • extension


    Possible to omit like README case.

  • url: URL path of the real file.
  • created_at: Creation time of record.


Article entity.

bbs_articles is a super-type entity of all kinds of articles in the current shopping mall system, literally shaping individual articles of the bulletin board.

And, as you can see, the elements that must inevitably exist in the article, such as the title or the body, do not exist in the bbs_articles, but exist in the subsidiary entity, bbs_article_snapshots, as a 1: N relationship, which is because a new snapshot record is published every time the article is modified.

The reason why a new snapshot record is published every time the article is modified is to preserve the evidence. Due to the nature of e-commerce, there is always a threat of dispute among the participants. And it can happen that disputes arise through articles or comments, and to prevent such things as modifying existing articles to manipulate the situation, the article is designed in this structure.

In other words, to keep evidence, and prevent fraud.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • created_at: Creation time of article.
  • deleted_at

    Deletion time of article.

    To keep evidence, do not delete the article, but just mark it as deleted.


Snapshot of article.

bbs_article_snapshots is a snapshot entity that contains the contents of the article, as mentioned in bbs_articles, the contents of the article are separated from the article record to keep evidence and prevent fraud.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • bbs_article_id: Belong article's
  • format

    Format of body.

    Same meaning with extension like html, md, txt.

  • title: Title of article.
  • body: Content body of article.
  • created_at

    Creation time of record.

    It means creation time or update time or article.


Attachment file of article snapshot.

bbs_article_snapshot_files is an entity that shapes the attached files of the article snapshot.

bbs_article_snapshot_files is a typical pair relationship table to resolve the M: N relationship between bbs_article_snapshots and attachment_files tables. Also, to ensure the order of the attached files, it has an additional sequence attribute, which we will continue to see in this documents.



Comment written on an article.

bbs_article_comments is an entity that shapes the comments written on an article.

And for this comment, as in the previous relationship between bbs_articles and bbs_article_snapshots, the content body of the comment is stored in the sub bbs_article_comment_snapshots table for evidentialism, and a new snapshot record is issued every time the comment is modified.

Also, bbs_article_comments} is expressing the relationship of the hierarchical reply structure through the parent_id` attribute.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • bbs_article_id: Belonged article's
  • parent_id

    Parent comment's

    Used to express the hierarchical reply structure.

  • created_at: Creation time of comment.
  • deleted_at

    Deletion time of comment.

    Do not allow to delete the comment, but just mark it as deleted, to keep evidence.


Snapshot of comment.

bbs_article_comment_snapshots is a snapshot entity that contains the contents of the comment.

As mentioned in bbs_article_comments, designed to keep evidence and prevent fraud.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • bbs_article_comment_id: Belonged article's
  • format

    Format of content body.

    Same meaning with extension like html, md, txt.

  • body: Content body of comment.
  • created_at

    Creation time of record.

    It means creation time or update time or comment.


Attachment file of comment snapshot.

bbs_article_comment_snapshot_files is an entity resolving the M:N relationship between bbs_article_comment_snapshots and attachment_files tables.



"shopping_channels" {
  String id PK
  String code UK
  String name UK
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime updated_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_channel_categories" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_channel_id FK
  String parent_id FK "nullable"
  String name
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime updated_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_sections" {
  String id PK
  String code UK
  String name UK
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime updated_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_sales" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_section_id FK
  String shopping_seller_customer_id FK
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime opened_at "nullable"
  DateTime closed_at "nullable"
  DateTime paused_at "nullable"
  DateTime suspended_at "nullable"
"shopping_sale_snapshots" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_id FK
  DateTime created_at
"shopping_sale_snapshot_channels" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_id FK
  String shopping_channel_id FK
  Int sequence
"shopping_sale_snapshot_channel_categories" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_channel_id FK
  String shopping_channel_category_id FK
  Int sequence
"shopping_channel_categories" }o--|| "shopping_channels" : channel
"shopping_channel_categories" }o--o| "shopping_channel_categories" : parent
"shopping_sales" }o--|| "shopping_sections" : section
"shopping_sale_snapshots" }o--|| "shopping_sales" : sale
"shopping_sale_snapshot_channels" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshots" : snapshot
"shopping_sale_snapshot_channels" }o--|| "shopping_channels" : channel
"shopping_sale_snapshot_channel_categories" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshot_channels" : to_channel
"shopping_sale_snapshot_channel_categories" }o--|| "shopping_channel_categories" : category


Channel information.

shopping_channels is a concept that shapes the distribution channel in the market. Therefore, the difference in the channel in this e-commerce system means that it is another site or application.

By the way, if your shopping mall system requires only one channel, then just use only one. This concept is designed to be expandable in the future.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • code: Identifier code.
  • name: Name of channel.
  • created_at: Creation time of record.
  • updated_at: Update time of record.
  • deleted_at: Deletion time of record.


Category of channel.

shopping_channel_categories is a concept that refers to classification categories within a specific channel, and is exactly the same as the concept commonly referred to as "category" in shopping malls.

And shopping_channel_categories is different with shopping_sections. shopping_sections refers to a "corner" that is independent spatial information in the offline market, which cannot simultaneously classified in a sale. Besides, shopping_channel_categories can be classified into multiple categories in a sale simultaneously.

Product Section (corner) Categories
Beef Butcher corner Frozen food, Meat, Favorite food
Grape Fruit corner Fresh food, Favorite food

In addition, as shopping_channel_categories has 1:N self recursive relationship, it is possible to express below hierarchical structures. Thus, each channel can set their own category classification as they want.

  • Food > Meat > Frozen
  • Electronics > Notebook > 15 inches
  • Miscellaneous > Wallet

Furthermore, shopping_channel_categories is designed to merge between themselves, so there is no burden to edit the category at any time.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_channel_id: Belonged channel's
  • parent_id

    Parent category's

    Only when the category is a subcategory of another one.

  • name: Name of category.
  • created_at: Creation time of record.
  • updated_at: Updadte time of record.
  • deleted_at: Deletion time of record.


Section information.

shopping_sections is a concept that refers to the spatial information of the market.

If we compare the section mentioned here to the offline market, it means a spatially separated area within the store, such as the "fruit corner" or "butcher corner". Therefore, in the sale entity, it is not possible to classify multiple sections simultaneously, but only one section can be classified.

By the way, if your shopping mall system requires only one section, then just use only one. This concept is designed to be expandable in the future.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • code: Identifier code.
  • name: Name of section.
  • created_at: Creation time of record.
  • updated_at: Update time of record.
  • deleted_at: Deletion time of record.


"shopping_customers" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_channel_id FK
  String shopping_member_id FK "nullable"
  String shopping_external_user_id FK "nullable"
  String shopping_citizen_id FK "nullable"
  String href
  String referrer "nullable"
  String ip
  DateTime created_at
"shopping_external_users" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_channel_id FK
  String shopping_citizen_id FK "nullable"
  String application
  String uid
  String nickname
  String data "nullable"
  String password
  DateTime created_at
"shopping_citizens" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_channel_id FK "nullable"
  String mobile
  String name
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_members" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_channel_id FK
  String shopping_citizen_id FK "nullable"
  String nickname
  String password
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime updated_at
  DateTime withdrawn_at "nullable"
"shopping_member_emails" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_channel_id FK
  String shopping_member_id FK
  String value
  DateTime created_at
"shopping_sellers" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_member_id FK
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_administrators" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_member_id FK
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_addresses" {
  String id PK
  String mobile
  String name
  String country
  String province
  String city
  String department
  String possession
  String zip_code
  String special_note "nullable"
  DateTime created_at
"shopping_customers" }o--|| "shopping_members" : member
"shopping_customers" }o--|| "shopping_external_users" : external_user
"shopping_customers" }o--|| "shopping_citizens" : citizen
"shopping_external_users" }o--|| "shopping_citizens" : citizen
"shopping_members" }o--|| "shopping_citizens" : citizen
"shopping_member_emails" }o--|| "shopping_members" : member
"shopping_sellers" |o--|| "shopping_members" : member
"shopping_administrators" |o--|| "shopping_members" : member


Customer information, but not a person but a connection basis.

shopping_customers is an entity that literally embodies the information of those who participated in the market as customers. By the way, the shopping_Customers does not mean a person, but a connection basis. Therefore, even if the same person connects to the shopping mall multiple, multiple records are created in shopping_customers.

The first purpose of this is to track the customer's inflow path in detail, and it is for cases where the same person enters as a non-member, puts items in the shopping cart in advance, and only authenticates their real name or registers/logs in at the moment of payment. It is the second. Lastly, it is to accurately track the activities that a person performs at the shopping mall in various ways like below.

Therefore, shopping_customers can have multiple records with the same shopping_citizens, shopping_members, and shopping_external_users. Additionally, if a customer signs up for membership after verifying their real name or signs up for our service after being a user of an external service, all related records are changed at once. Therefore, identification and tracking of customers can be done very systematically.



External user information.

shopping_external_users is an entity dsigned for when this system needs to connect with external services and welcome their users as customers of this service.

For reference, customers who connect from an external service must have this record, and the external service user is identified through the two attributes application and uid. If a customer connected from an external service completes real-name authentication from this service, each time the external service user reconnects to this service and issues a new customer authentication token, real-name authentication begins with completed.

And password is the password issued to the user by the external service system (the so-called permanent user authentication token), and is never the actual user password. However, for customers who entered the same application and uid as the current external system user, this is to determine whether to view this as a correct external system user or a violation.

In addition, additional information received from external services can be recorded in the data field in JSON format.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_channel_id: Belonged channel's
  • shopping_citizen_id: Belonged citizen's
  • application

    Identifier code of the external service.

    It can be same with shopping_channels.code in common.

  • uid: Identifier key of external user from the external system.
  • nickname: Nickname of external user in the external system.
  • data: Additional information about external user from the external system.
  • password

    Password of external user from the external system.

    This is a password issued to the user by an external service, and is by no means the actual user password. However, for customers who entered the same application and code as the current external system user, this is to determine whether to view this as a correct external system user or a violation.

  • created_at

    Creation time of record.

    Another word, first time when the external user connected.


Citizen verification information.

shopping_citizens is an entity that records the user's real name and mobile input information.

For reference, in South Korea, real name authentication is required for e-commerce participants, so the name attribute is important. However, the situation is different overseas, so in reality, mobile attributes are the most important, and identification of individual users is also done based on this mobile.

Of course, real name and mobile phone authentication information are encrypted and stored.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_channel_id

    Belonged channel's

    This is to manage personal information separately for each channel, and also to recognize cases where the same citizen is authenticated through different channels.

  • mobile: Mobile phone number.
  • name: Real name, or equivalent name identifiable.
  • created_at

    Creation time of record.

    In other words, the 1st time of citizen activation.

  • deleted_at: Deletion time of record.


Member Account.

shopping_members is an entity that symbolizes the case when a user signs up as a member of this system.

In addition, shopping_members itself is a supertype entity, forming and managing subtypes for various types of members. However, shopping_customers are an exception, and due to the nature of their records being created on a per-connection basis, they are not divided into separate subtype entities when they sign up for membership.

For reference, shopping_members allows multiple subtypes. Therefore, it is also possible for a citizen to be sometimes a customer, sometimes a seller, sometimes an administrator, and so on.

Of course, this is according to system theory, and it is unclear what the planning will be like.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_channel_id: Belonged channel's
  • shopping_citizen_id: Belonged citizen's
  • nickname: Nickname.
  • password: Password for log-in.
  • created_at

    Creation time of record.

    In other words, the joining time.

  • updated_at: Update time of record.
  • withdrawn_at: Deletion time of record.


Email address of member.

This system allows multiple email addresses to be registered for one member. If you don't have to plan such multiple email addresses, just use only one.



Seller information.

shopping_sellers is an entity that embodies a person who registers sales to operate selling activities, with membership joining.

For reference, unlike customers which can participate even without membership joining, seller must join membership to operate sales. Also, seller must do the real-name authentication, too.



Administrator account.

shopping_administrators is an entity that embodies a person who manages the shopping mall system, with membership joining.

For reference, unlike customers which can participate even without membership joining, administrator must join membership to operate sales. Also, administrator must do the real-name authentication, too.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_member_id: Belonged member's
  • created_at

    Creation time of record.

    Joining time as an administrator, and can be different with membership joining time.

  • deleted_at

    Deletion time of record.

    Withdrawal time from administrator, and can be different with shopping_members.deleted_at.


The address information.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • mobile: Mobile number.
  • name

    Representative name of the address.

    Sometimes be receiver's name, and sometimes be place name.

  • country: Target country.
  • province: Target province.
  • city: Target city.
  • department: Department name.
  • possession: Detailed address containing room number.
  • zip_code: Zip code, or postal code.
  • special_note: Special description if required.
  • created_at: Creation time of record.


"shopping_sales" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_section_id FK
  String shopping_seller_customer_id FK
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime opened_at "nullable"
  DateTime closed_at "nullable"
  DateTime paused_at "nullable"
  DateTime suspended_at "nullable"
"shopping_sale_snapshots" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_id FK
  DateTime created_at
"shopping_sale_snapshot_units" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_id FK
  String name
  Boolean primary
  Boolean required
  Int sequence
"shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_options" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_id FK
  String name
  String type
  Boolean variable
  Int sequence
"shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_option_candidates" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_option_id FK
  String name
  Int sequence
"shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stocks" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_id FK
  String name
  Float nominal_price
  Float real_price
  Int quantity
  Int sequence
"shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stock_choices" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stock_id FK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_option_id FK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_option_candidate_id FK
  Int sequence
"shopping_sale_snapshot_channels" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_id FK
  String shopping_channel_id FK
  Int sequence
"shopping_sale_snapshot_channel_categories" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_channel_id FK
  String shopping_channel_category_id FK
  Int sequence
"shopping_channels" {
  String id PK
  String code UK
  String name UK
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime updated_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_channel_categories" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_channel_id FK
  String parent_id FK "nullable"
  String name
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime updated_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_sections" {
  String id PK
  String code UK
  String name UK
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime updated_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_sales" }o--|| "shopping_sections" : section
"shopping_sale_snapshots" }o--|| "shopping_sales" : sale
"shopping_sale_snapshot_units" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshots" : snapshot
"shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_options" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshot_units" : unit
"shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_option_candidates" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_options" : option
"shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stocks" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshot_units" : unit
"shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stock_choices" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stocks" : stock
"shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stock_choices" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_options" : option
"shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stock_choices" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_option_candidates" : candidate
"shopping_sale_snapshot_channels" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshots" : snapshot
"shopping_sale_snapshot_channels" }o--|| "shopping_channels" : channel
"shopping_sale_snapshot_channel_categories" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshot_channels" : to_channel
"shopping_sale_snapshot_channel_categories" }o--|| "shopping_channel_categories" : category
"shopping_channel_categories" }o--|| "shopping_channels" : channel
"shopping_channel_categories" }o--o| "shopping_channel_categories" : parent


Seller sales products.

shopping_sales is an entity that embodies "product sales" (sales) information registered by the seller. And the main information of the sale is recorded in the sub shopping_sale_snapshots, not in the main shopping_sales. When a seller changes a previously registered item, the existing shopping_sales record is not changed, but a new snapshot record is created.

This is to preserve the customer's purchase history flawlessly after the customer purchases a specific item, even if the seller changes the components or price of the item. It is also intended to support sellers in so-called A/B testing, which involves changing components or prices and measuring the performance in each case.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_section_id: Belonged section's
  • shopping_seller_customer_id: Belonged seller's
  • created_at

    Creation time of record.

    Note that, this property is different with opened_at, which means the opening time of sale.

  • opened_at

    Opening time of sale.

    If null value assigned, it means not opened yet.

  • closed_at

    Closing time of sale.

    If null value assigned, the sale is forever.

  • paused_at

    Paused time.

    The time when seller paused the sale in some reason.

    Customers still can see the sale in list and detail page, but a label "The sale is paused for a while by seller" be attached.

  • suspended_at

    Suspended time.

    The time when seller suspended the sale in some reason.

    Customers can't see the sale in list and detail page. It seems almost ssame with soft deletion, but there're some differences.

    At 1st, seller and administrator can see suspended sale in list and detail page. At 2nd, seller can resume the sale at any time.


Sale snapshot information.

shopping_sale_snapshots is an entity representing snapshot record of belonged sale. The snapshot record is created whenever the seller newly creates or updates the sale.

Sale Cart Order
x shopping_carts shopping_orders
shopping_sale_snapshots shopping_cart_commodities shopping_order_goods
shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stocks shopping_cart_commodity_stocks x


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_sale_id: Belonged sale's
  • created_at

    Creation time of record.

    It means the time when the seller created or updated the sale.


Product composition information handled in the sale snapshot.

shopping_sale_snapshot_units is an entity that embodies the "individual product" information handled in the sale snapshot.

For reference, the reason why shopping_sale_snapshot_units is separated from shopping_sale_snapshots by an algebraic relationship of 1: N is because there are some cases where multiple products are sold in one listing. This is the case with so-called "bundled products".

  • Bundle from regular product (Macbook Set)
  • main body
  • keyboard
  • mouse
  • Apple Care (Free A/S Voucher)

And again, shopping_sale_snapshot_units does not in itself refer to the final stock that the customer will purchase. The final stock can be found only after selecting all given options and their candidate values.

For example, even if you buy a Macbook, the final stocks are determined only after selecting all the options (CPU / RAM / SSD), etc.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_sale_snapshot_id: Belonged snapshot's
  • name: Representative name of the unit.
  • primary

    Whether the unit is primary or not.

    Just a labeling value.

  • required

    Whether the unit is required or not.

    When the unit is required, the customer must select the unit. If do not select, customer can't buy it.

    For example, if there's a sale "Macbook Set" and one of the unit is the "Main Body", is it possible to buy the "Macbook Set" without the "Main Body" unit? This property is for that case.

  • sequence: Sequence order in belonged snapshot.


Individual option information on units for sale.

shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_options is a subsidiary entity of shopping_sale_snapshot_units that represents individual products in the sale, and is an entity designed to represent individual option information for the unit.

  • Examples of Options
  • optional options
  • Computer: CPU, RAM, SSD, etc.
  • Clothes: size, color, style, etc.
  • descriptive options
  • Engrave
  • Simple question

If the type of option is a variable value in "select", the final stock that the customer will purchase changes depending on the selection of the candidate value.

Conversely, if it is a type other than "select", or if the type is "select" but variable is false, this is an option that has no meaning beyond simple information transfer. Therefore, no matter what value the customer enters and chooses when purchasing it, the option in this case does not affect the final stock.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_id: Belonged unit's
  • name: Name of the option.
  • type

    Type of the option.

    • select: The way selecting one of the candidate values.
    • boolean
    • number
    • string
  • variable

    Whether the option is variable or not.

    When type of current option is "select", this attribute means whether selecting different candidate value affects the final stock or not.

    For reference, if type value is not "select", this attribute is always false.

  • sequence: Sequence order in belonged unit.


Selectable candidate values within an option.

shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_option_candidates is an entity that represents individual candidate values that can be selected from options of the "select" type.

  • Example
  • RAM: 8GB, 16GB, 32GB
  • GPU: RTX 3060, RTX 4080, TESLA
  • License: Private, Commercial, Educatiion

By the way, if belonged option is not "select" type, this entity never being used.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_option_id: Belonged option's
  • name: Representative name of candidate value.
  • sequence: Sequence order in option.


Final component information on units for sale.

shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stocks is a subsidiary entity of shopping_sale_snapshot_units that represents a product catalog for sale, and is a kind of final stock that is constructed by selecting all options (variable "select" type) and their candidate values in the belonging unit. It is the "good" itself that customers actually purchase.

  • Product Name) MacBook
  • Options
  • CPU: { i3, i5, i7, i9 }
  • RAM: { 8GB, 16GB, 32GB, 64GB, 96GB }
  • SSD: { 256GB, 512GB, 1TB }
  • Number of final stocks: 4 * 5 * 3 = 60

For reference, the total number of shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stocks records in an attribution unit can be obtained using Cartesian Product. In other words, the value obtained by multiplying all the candidate values that each (variable "select" type) option can have by the number of cases is the total number of final stocks in the unit.

Of course, without a single variable "select" type option, the final stocks count in the unit is only 1.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_id: Belonged unit's
  • name: Name of the final stock.
  • nominal_price

    Nominal price.

    This is not real price to pay, but just a nominal price to show. If this value is greater than the real_price, it would be shown like seller is giving a discount.

  • real_price: Real price to pay.
  • quantity

    Initial inventory quantity.

    If this stock has been sold over this quantity count, the stock can't be sold anymore, because of out of stock. In that case, the seller can supplement the inventory quantity by registering some shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stock_supplements records.

  • sequence: Sequence order in belonged unit.


Selection information of final stock.

shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stock_choices is an entity that represents which option of each variable "select" type was selected for each stock and which candidate value was selected within it.

Of course, if the bound unit does not have any options, this entity can also be ignored.



Target channel of sale snapshot to sell.

shopping_sale_snapshot_channels is an entity that expresses through which channel a listing snapshot is sold, and is designed to resolve the M:N relationship between two tables.



Category classification info of sale snapshot.

shopping_sale_snapshot_channel_categories is an entity that expresses which category the listing snapshot is classified into in each channel.

It is designed to resolve the M:N relationship between shopping_sale_snapshots and shopping_channel_categories, respectively. Of course, if the target category being referred to is a major category, all minor categories belonging to it can also be used.



Supplementation of inventory quantity of stock.

You know what? If a stock has been sold over its initial inventory quantity, the stock can't be sold anymore, because of out of stock. In that case, how the shopping_sellers should do?

When the sotck is sold out, seller can supplement the inventory record by registering this shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stock_supplements record. Right, this shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stock_supplements is an entity that embodies the supplementation of the inventory quantity of the belonged stock.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stock_id: Belonged stock's
  • quantity: Supplemented inventory quantity.
  • created_at

    Creation time of record.

    When the inventory be supplemented.


Content information of sale snapshot.

shopping_sale_snapshot_contents is an entity embodies the body contents of sale snapshot. Also, it contains revert policy of the sale.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_sale_snapshot_id: Belonged snapshot's
  • title: Title of the content.
  • format

    Format of the body content.

    Same meaning with extension like html, md, txt.

  • body: The main body content.
  • revert_policy

    Revert policy.

    This is essential in South Korea, but I don't know well in overseas.

    Just use when you need.


Attachment file of sale snapshot content.


  • id:
  • shopping_sale_snapshot_content_id:
  • attachment_file_id:
  • sequence:


Thumbnail of sale snapshot content.


  • id:
  • shopping_sale_snapshot_content_id:
  • attachment_file_id:
  • sequence:


Search tag of sale snapshot.


  • id:
  • shopping_sale_snapshot_id:
  • value:
  • sequence:


"shopping_carts" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_customer_id FK
  String actor_type
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_cart_commodities" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_cart_id FK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_id FK
  Int volume
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
  Boolean published
"shopping_cart_commodity_stocks" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_cart_commodity_id FK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_id FK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stock_id FK
  Int quantity
  Int sequence
"shopping_cart_commodity_stock_choices" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_cart_commodity_stock_id FK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_option_id FK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_option_candidate_id FK "nullable"
  String value "nullable"
  Int sequence
"shopping_sale_snapshots" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_id FK
  DateTime created_at
"shopping_sale_snapshot_units" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_id FK
  String name
  Boolean primary
  Boolean required
  Int sequence
"shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_options" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_id FK
  String name
  String type
  Boolean variable
  Int sequence
"shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_option_candidates" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_option_id FK
  String name
  Int sequence
"shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stocks" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_id FK
  String name
  Float nominal_price
  Float real_price
  Int quantity
  Int sequence
"shopping_cart_commodities" }o--|| "shopping_carts" : cart
"shopping_cart_commodities" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshots" : snapshot
"shopping_cart_commodity_stocks" }o--|| "shopping_cart_commodities" : commodity
"shopping_cart_commodity_stocks" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshot_units" : unit
"shopping_cart_commodity_stocks" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stocks" : stock
"shopping_cart_commodity_stock_choices" }o--|| "shopping_cart_commodity_stocks" : stock
"shopping_cart_commodity_stock_choices" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_options" : option
"shopping_cart_commodity_stock_choices" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_option_candidates" : candidate
"shopping_sale_snapshot_units" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshots" : snapshot
"shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_options" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshot_units" : unit
"shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_option_candidates" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_options" : option
"shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stocks" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshot_units" : unit


Shopping Cart.

shopping_carts is literally a space where customer temporarily stores products before purchase.

By the way, it is possible for sellers or administrators to compose a shopping cart. Of course, the reason why they can compose a shopping cart is not for purchasing, but for providing a shopping cart template to customers.

Sale Cart Order
x shopping_carts shopping_orders
shopping_sale_snapshots shopping_cart_commodities shopping_order_goods
shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stocks shopping_cart_commodity_stocks x


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_customer_id: Belonged customer's
  • actor_type

    Type of the cart creator.

    • customer
    • seller
    • administrator
  • created_at: Creation time of record.
  • deleted_at: Deletion time of record.


Item in a shopping cart.

shopping_cart_commodities is an entity that represents a snapshot of the items that customer has placed into his shopping cart with a purchase in mind. And if the customer continues this into an actual order in the future, shopping_cart_commodities be changed to shopping_order_goods.

And while adding a sale snapshot to the shopping cart, the customer inevitably selects specific units and final stocks within the listing snapshot. Information about these units and stocks is recorded in the subsidiary entity shopping_cart_commodity_stocks. Also, there is an attribute volume that indicates how many sets of snapshots of the target commodity will be purchased. This "volume" is a value that will be multiplied by shopping_cart_commodity_stocks.quantity, the quantity for each component.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_cart_id: Belonged cart's
  • shopping_sale_snapshot_id: Target snapshot's
  • volume

    Volume count.

    The value multiplied to shopping_cart_commodity_stocks.quantity.

  • created_at: Creation time of record.
  • deleted_at: Deletion time of record.
  • published

    Whether be published or not.

    Is current commodity ordered and be paid?

    Until purchase the commodity, the commodity can be reused to create new cart commodity. This variable can be computed by referencing order related tables, but just denormalized for the performance reason.


Final stock information of commodity added to the shopping cart.

shopping_cart_commodity_stocks is a subsidiary entity of shopping_cart_commodities that embodies the information of the snapshot of the items in the shopping cart, and is a concept that corresponds to the individual units in the target item snapshot and the stock finally selected among those units.

Therefore, if the customer selects multiple units and stocks from the target sale snapshot, the attributed shopping_cart_commodities record also has multiple corresponding shopping_cart_commodity_stocks records.

And shopping_cart_commodity_stocks has a quantity property that indicates how many final stocks would be purchased in total. The final quantity actually purchased can be multiplied by the shopping_cart_commodities.volume value of the parent entity.



Option choice information for the final stock added to the shopping cart.

shopping_cart_commodity_stock_choices is a subsidiary entity of shopping_cart_commodity_stocks. It records which options the customer specifically used while putting a specific unit and specific stock of the sale snapshot in the shopping cart, and which candidate values were selected or written within the shopping cart.

Therefore, shopping_cart_commodity_stock_choices has reference properties and predicate properties for candidate values in addition to references to options. If the type of target option is "select", enter the candidate value selected by the customer. Otherwise, enter the value written by the customer.



"shopping_orders" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_customer_id FK
  String shopping_address_id FK "nullable"
  Float cash
  Float deposit
  Float mileage
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_order_goods" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_order_id FK
  String shopping_cart_commodity_id FK
  String shopping_seller_id FK
  Int volume
  Int sequence
  DateTime confirmed_at "nullable"
"shopping_order_publishes" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_order_id FK
  String shopping_address_id FK
  String password "nullable"
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime paid_at "nullable"
  DateTime cancelled_at "nullable"
"shopping_deliveries" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_seller_customer_id FK
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_delivery_pieces" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_delivery_id FK
  String shopping_order_publish_id FK
  String shopping_order_good_id FK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stock_id FK
  Float quantity
  Int sequence
"shopping_delivery_shippers" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_delivery_id FK
  String mobile
  String name
  String company "nullable"
  DateTime created_at
"shopping_delivery_journeys" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_delivery_id FK
  String type
  String title "nullable"
  String description "nullable"
  Int sequence
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime started_at "nullable"
  DateTime completed_at "nullable"
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_addresses" {
  String id PK
  String mobile
  String name
  String country
  String province
  String city
  String department
  String possession
  String zip_code
  String special_note "nullable"
  DateTime created_at
"shopping_cart_commodities" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_cart_id FK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_id FK
  Int volume
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
  Boolean published
"shopping_cart_commodity_stocks" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_cart_commodity_id FK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_id FK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stock_id FK
  Int quantity
  Int sequence
"shopping_orders" }o--|| "shopping_addresses" : address
"shopping_order_goods" }o--|| "shopping_orders" : order
"shopping_order_goods" }o--|| "shopping_cart_commodities" : commodity
"shopping_order_publishes" |o--|| "shopping_orders" : order
"shopping_order_publishes" }o--|| "shopping_addresses" : address
"shopping_delivery_pieces" }o--|| "shopping_deliveries" : delivery
"shopping_delivery_pieces" }o--|| "shopping_order_publishes" : publish
"shopping_delivery_pieces" }o--|| "shopping_order_goods" : good
"shopping_delivery_shippers" }o--|| "shopping_deliveries" : delivery
"shopping_delivery_journeys" }o--|| "shopping_deliveries" : delivery
"shopping_cart_commodity_stocks" }o--|| "shopping_cart_commodities" : commodity


Order application information.

shopping_orders is an entity that embodies customer's order application information. However, please note that at this time, you are still at the "order application" stage and not the "order confirmation" stage.

And as soon as a customer applies for an order, all commodities in the target shopping cart are promoted to shopping_order_goods, and those shopping_order_goods records are created under this shopping_orders.

Of course, not all commodities in the target shopping cart become shopping_order_goods, but only those selected by the customer become the shopping_order_goods.

Sale Cart Order
x shopping_carts shopping_orders
shopping_sale_snapshots shopping_cart_commodities shopping_order_goods
shopping_sale_snapshot_unit_stocks shopping_cart_commodity_stocks x



Information about the individual goods that make up your order.

shopping_order_goods is an entity that represents each good ordered by a customer, and the record is created in the process of upgrading the product commodity in the shopping cart to a good due to the customer's order request.

And shopping_order_goods, like shopping_cart_commodities, is a concept that corresponds to the listing sale snapshot.

For reference, shopping_order_goods also contains volume information separately from the belonging shopping_cart_commodities.volume. This is because there are some cases where you put 3 books in your shopping cart and then change them to 4 during the actual order application process. This is to increase the reusability of the shopping cart by changing the volume attribute of the current entity rather than directly changing the shopping_cart_commodities information.

In addition, shopping_order_goods becomes the most basic unit for the post-order process, that is, after service (A/S). For example, after receiving a customer's product, confirming the order is recorded in the confirmed_at attribute. Additionally, shopping_order_goods is the unit in which customers issue issues or request exchanges or refunds for ordered products.



Order completion and payment information.

shopping_order_publishes is an entity that embodies the series of processes in which a customer pays for his or her order, thereby completing the order. And only after the order is completed, can the seller recognize that the customer has purchased his product.

By the way, please note that just because the shopping_order_publishes record exists, it does not mean that the payment has been completed. Of course, with "credit cards" and "Google Pay", payment application and payment occur at the same time. However, there are some cases where payment is made after the payment application, such as "bank transfer" or "virtual account payment". Therefore, to see the completion of payment, be sure to check the paid_at property.

In addition, even after payment has been made, there may be cases where it is suddenly cancelled, so please be aware of this as well.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_order_id: Belonged order's
  • shopping_address_id

    Target address'

    The place to receive the goods. For reference, the address information also has an information of receiver, and it can be different with the customer who has ordered.

  • password

    Password for encryption.

    This shopping mall system uses a randomly issued password to encrypt payment history, and is completely unrelated to the user.

  • created_at

    Creation time of record.

    Note that, this property does not mean the payment completion time.

  • paid_at

    Completion time of payment.

    This property is the only way to know if the payment has been completed. If this property is null, the payment has not been completed yet.

  • cancelled_at: The time when the payment was cancelled or reverted.


Delivery information.

When delivering goods to customer, seller can deliver multiple stocks, goods at once. Also, it is possible to deliver a stock or good in multiple times due to physical restriction like volume or weight problem.

As you can see from above, the relationship between delivery with order (or good) is not 1: 1 or N: 1, but M: N. Entity shopping_deliveries has been designed to represent such relationship, by referencing target stocks or goods through subsidiary entity shopping_delivery_pieces.

Also, delivery does not end with only one step. It has multiple processes like manufacturing, planning, shipping and delivering. Those steps are represented by another subsidiary entity shopping_delivery_journeys.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_seller_customer_id: Belonged seller's
  • created_at: Creation time of record.
  • deleted_at: Deletion time of record.


Which stocks are delivered.

shopping_delivery_pieces is a subsidiary entity of shopping_deliveries, describing how much quantity is delivered for each stock in shopping_orders.

For reference, as an order can be delivered in multiple times due to volume or weight problem, it is possible to have multiple shopping_delivery_pieces records for a single stock.



Shipper information of delivery.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_delivery_id: Belonged delivery's
  • mobile: Mobile number of shipper.
  • name: Name of shipper.
  • company: Company of shipper.
  • created_at:


Journey of delivery.

shopping_delivery_journeys is a subsidiary entity of shopping_deliveries, describing each journey of the delivery. For reference, the word journey means each step of the delivery process, such as preparing, shipping, and delivering goods to the customer.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_delivery_id:
  • type

    Type of journey.

    • preparing
    • manufactoring
    • shipping
    • delivering
  • title: Title of journey.
  • description: Description of journey.
  • sequence: Sequence order in belonged delivery.
  • created_at: Creation time of record.
  • started_at: Start time of journey.
  • completed_at: Completion time of journey.
  • deleted_at: Deletion time of record.


"shopping_coupons" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_customer_id FK
  String actor_type
  String name
  String access
  Boolean exclusive
  String unit
  Float value
  Float threshold "nullable"
  Int limit "nullable"
  Boolean multiplicative
  Int volume "nullable"
  Int volume_per_citizen "nullable"
  Int expired_in "nullable"
  DateTime expired_at "nullable"
  DateTime opened_at "nullable"
  DateTime closed_at "nullable"
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime updated_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_coupon_criterias" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_coupon_id FK
  String type
  String direction
  Int sequence
"shopping_coupon_section_criterias" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_section_id FK
"shopping_coupon_channel_criterias" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_channel_id FK
  String shopping_channel_category_id FK "nullable"
"shopping_coupon_seller_criterias" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_seller_id FK
"shopping_coupon_sale_criterias" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_id FK
"shopping_coupon_funnel_criterias" {
  String id PK
  String kind
  String key "nullable"
  String value
"shopping_coupon_tickets" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_customer_id FK
  String shopping_coupon_id FK
  String shopping_coupon_disposable_id FK "nullable"
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime expired_at "nullable"
"shopping_coupon_ticket_payments" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_coupon_ticket_id FK
  String shopping_order_id FK
  Int sequence
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_coupon_disposables" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_coupon_id FK
  String code UK
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime expired_at "nullable"
"shopping_coupon_criterias" }o--|| "shopping_coupons" : coupon
"shopping_coupon_section_criterias" |o--|| "shopping_coupon_criterias" : base
"shopping_coupon_channel_criterias" |o--|| "shopping_coupon_criterias" : base
"shopping_coupon_seller_criterias" |o--|| "shopping_coupon_criterias" : base
"shopping_coupon_sale_criterias" |o--|| "shopping_coupon_criterias" : base
"shopping_coupon_funnel_criterias" |o--|| "shopping_coupon_criterias" : base
"shopping_coupon_tickets" }o--|| "shopping_coupons" : coupon
"shopping_coupon_tickets" |o--|| "shopping_coupon_disposables" : disposable
"shopping_coupon_ticket_payments" |o--|| "shopping_coupon_tickets" : ticket
"shopping_coupon_disposables" }o--|| "shopping_coupons" : coupon


Discount coupon.

shopping_coupons is an entity that symbolizes discount coupons at a shopping mall.

Note that, shopping_coupons only contains specification information about discount coupons. Please keep in mind that this is a different concept from shopping_coupon_tickets, which refers to the issuance of a discount coupon, or shopping_coupon_ticket_payments, which refers to its payment.

Additionally, discount coupons are applied on an order-by-order basis, but each has its own unique restrictions. For example, a coupon with shopping_coupon_seller_criterias may or may not be used only for snapshots of listings registered by the seller. Also, there are restrictions such as minimum amount restrictions for using discount coupons and maximum discount amount limits.

In addition, you can set whether to issue discount coupons publicly or give them only to people who know the specific issuing code. In addition, there are restrictions such as issued discount coupons having an expiration date or being issued only to customers who came in through a specific funnel.

For more information, please refer to the properties below and the subsidiary entities described later.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_customer_id: Belonged administrator or seller's
  • actor_type

    Type of the coupon creator.

    • administrator
    • seller
  • name: Reprensentative name of coupon.
  • access

    Access level of coupon.

    • public: possible to find from public API
    • private: unable to find from public API
    • arbitrarily assigned by the seller or administrator
    • issued from one-time link
  • exclusive

    Exclusivity or not.

    An exclusive discount coupon refers to a discount coupon that has an exclusive relationship with other discount coupons and can only be used alone. That is, when an exclusive discount coupon is used, no other discount coupon can be used for the same order or good.

    Please note that this exclusive attribute is a very different concept from multiplicative, which means whether the same coupon can be multiplied and applied to multiple coupons of the same order, so please do not confuse them.

  • unit

    Discount unit.

    • amount: Absolute value
    • percent: 0 ~ 100 %
  • value

    Discount value.

    If unit is percent, range of value is limited from 0 to 100.

  • threshold

    Minimum purchase amount for discount.

    When setting this value, discount coupons cannot be applied to order totals that are less than this value.

  • limit

    Maximum amount available for discount.

    When this value is set, no further discount will be given no matter how much you order.

  • multiplicative

    Whether be multiplied to volume or not.

    multiplicative is a property which means whether the same coupon can be multiplied to the volume of order or not. It would be meaningful only when the unit of discount is "amount". Otherwise, it's always false.

    Therefore, if the multiplicative value is true, the discount amount will be multiplied by the volume of order. For example, if the discount amount is 1,000 won and the volume of order is 3, the total discount amount will be 3,000 won.

    For reference, if there's a good that its price is lower than the amount value, the good wouldn't be discounted.

    ex) 5,000 won coupon and 10 volume of order

    • false: Only 5,000 won would be discounted
    • true: 50,000 won would be discounted
  • volume

    Limited quantity issued.

    If there is a limit to the quantity issued, it becomes impossible to issue tickets exceeding this value.

    In other words, the concept of N coupons being issued on a first-come, first-served basis is created.

  • volume_per_citizen

    Limited quantity issued per person.

    As a limit to the total amount of issuance per person, it is common to assign 1 to limit duplicate issuance to the same citizen, or to use the NULL value to set no limit.

    Of course, by assigning a value of N, the total amount issued to the same citizen can be limited.

  • expired_in

    Expiration day(s) value.

    The concept of expiring N days after a discount coupon ticket is issued.

    Therefore, customers must use the ticket within N days, if possible, from the time it is issued.

  • expired_at

    Expiration date.

    A concept that expires after YYYY-MM-DD after a discount coupon ticket is issued.

    Double restrictions are possible with expired_in, of which the one with the shorter expiration date is used.

  • opened_at: Opening time of the coupon.
  • closed_at

    Closing time of the coupon.

    Tickets cannot be issued after this time.

    However, previously issued tickets can still be used until their expiration date.

  • created_at: Creation time of record.
  • updated_at

    Update time of record.

    Only possible to update until opened_at.

  • deleted_at

    Deletion time of record.

    Pre-issued tickets can still be used until their expiration date.


Supertype for the applicable conditions of the discount coupon.

shopping_coupon_criterias is a supertype entity that embodies the conditions for applying a discount coupon. All subtype entities that wish to impose constraints on the reference unit of a discount coupon were created by inheriting this. For example, the shopping_coupon_section_criterias entity, designed to limit application to a specific section, inherits this entity shopping_coupon_criterias.

In addition, constraints on reference units can be specified through the direction property to proceed as an inclusion condition or, conversely, as an exclusion condition. If the direction value is "include", the coupon is applicable only to the reference object. Conversely, if the direction value is "exclude", it is a coupon that cannot be applied to the reference object.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_coupon_id: Belonged coupon's
  • type

    Type of criteria.

    It means which subtype being used.

  • direction

    Direction of criteria.

    • include
    • exclude
  • sequence: Sequence order in belonged coupon.


Conditions for sections of discount coupons.

shopping_coupon_section_criterias is a subtype entity of shopping_coupon_criterias and is used when setting conditions for a specific section.

If the shopping_coupon_criterias.direction value is "include", the coupon can only be used for that section. Conversely, if it is "exclude", the coupon cannot be used. And if there are multiple shopping_coupon_section_criterias records within one coupon, conditions are applied on a bundle basis. Coupons may or may not be applicable to eligible sections.



Conditions for channels of discount coupons.

shopping_coupon_channel_criterias is a subtype entity of shopping_coupon_criterias and is used when setting conditions on a specific channel or category of that channel.

If the shopping_coupon_criterias.direction value is "include", the coupon can only be used for that channel (or category). Conversely, if it is "exclude", it is a coupon that cannot be used. And if there are multiple shopping_coupon_channel_criterias records within one coupon, conditions are applied on a bundle basis. Coupons may or may not be applicable for target channels and categories.



Conditions for sellers of discount coupons.

shopping_coupon_seller_criterias is a subtype entity of shopping_coupon_criterias and is used when setting conditions for a specific seller.

If the shopping_coupon_criterias.direction value is "include", the coupon can only be used for that seller. Conversely, if it is "exclude", the coupon cannot be used.

And if there are multiple shopping_coupon_seller_criterias records within one coupon, conditions are applied on a bundle basis. Coupons may or may not be applicable to eligible sellers.



Conditions for a specific item in a discount coupon.

shopping_coupon_sale_criterias is a subtype entity of shopping_coupon_criterias and is used when setting conditions for a specific sale.

If the shopping_coupon_criterias.direction value is "include", the coupon can only be used for that item. Conversely, if it is "exclude", it is a coupon that cannot be used.

And if there are multiple shopping_coupon_sale_criterias records within one coupon, conditions are applied on a bundle basis. Coupons that may or may not be applicable to target properties.



Limit the funnel of discount coupons.

shopping_coupon_funnel_criterias is a subtype entity of shopping_coupon_criterias, and is used when you want to issue or exclude discount coupons only to customers who came from a specific path.

And funnel restrictions are possible in 3 ways: The first is shopping_customers.referrer, and by parsing shopping_customers.href, which records the customer's access address, restrictions can be made in units of specific URLs or variables.


  • id: PK + FK.
  • kind

    What kind of funnel is it?

    • path
    • referrer
    • variable
  • key: Key name of funnel, when kind is "variable".
  • value: Value of funnel.


Discount coupon ticket issuance details.

shopping_coupon_tickets is an entity that symbolizes discount coupon tickets issued by customers.

And if the target discount coupon specification itself has an expiration date, the expiration date is recorded in expired_at and is automatically discarded after that expiration date. Of course, it doesn't matter if you use the discount coupon for your order within the deadline.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_customer_id: Belonged customer's
  • shopping_coupon_id: Belonged coupon's
  • shopping_coupon_disposable_id

    Belonged disposable's

    Only when current ticket be issued from one-time code.

  • created_at: Creation time of record.
  • expired_at: Expiration time of ticket.


Discount coupon ticket payment details.

shopping_coupon_ticket_payments is an entity that embodies the payment information for the order of
shopping_coupon_tickets, and is used when a consumer uses the discount coupon ticket he or she was issued to order and has the payment amount deducted.

And since shopping_orders itself is not an entity used in situations where an order is completed, but rather an entity designed to express an order request, the creation of this shopping_coupon_ticket_payments record does not actually mean that the attached ticket disappears. Until the customer completes the payment and confirms the order, the ticket can be understood as a kind of deposit.

Additionally, this record can be deleted by the customer reversing the payment of the ticket, but it can also be deleted when the attribution order itself is cancelled.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_coupon_ticket_id: Belonged ticket's
  • shopping_order_id: Target order's
  • sequence: Sequence order(?) in belonged order.
  • created_at: Creation time of record.
  • deleted_at

    Deletion time of record.

    In other words, it means that the target order be erased or payment be cancelled.


Discount coupon issuance code management.

If a discount coupon is not public and anyone can receive the ticket, but can only be received by entering a specific password (one-time code), use this shopping_coupon_disposables entity.

I repeat again, the code code is "one-time use". In other words, if any of the customers enters the code, the code is discarded when the ticket issuance to the customer is completed. Therefore, if you want to issue tickets multiple times using a discount coupon as a secret code, the issuing code must also be supported by the corresponding quantity.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_coupon_id: Belonged coupon's
  • code

    Identifier code.

    Another word, one-time password for issuance.

  • created_at: Creation time of record.
  • expired_at: Expired time of record.


"shopping_deposits" {
  String id PK
  String code UK
  String source
  Int direction
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_deposit_histories" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_deposit_id FK
  String shopping_citizen_id FK
  String source_id
  Float value
  Float balance
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime cancelled_at "nullable"
"shopping_deposit_charges" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_customer_id FK
  Float value
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_deposit_charge_publishes" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_deposit_charge_id FK
  String password "nullable"
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime paid_at "nullable"
  DateTime cancelled_at "nullable"
"shopping_mileages" {
  String id PK
  String code UK
  String source
  Int direction
  Float value "nullable"
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_mileage_donations" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_admin_customer_id FK
  String shopping_citizen_id FK
  Float value
  String reason
  DateTime created_at
"shopping_mileage_histories" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_mileage_id FK
  String shopping_citizen_id FK
  String source_id
  Float value
  Float balance
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime cancelled_at "nullable"
"shopping_customers" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_channel_id FK
  String shopping_member_id FK "nullable"
  String shopping_external_user_id FK "nullable"
  String shopping_citizen_id FK "nullable"
  String href
  String referrer "nullable"
  String ip
  DateTime created_at
"shopping_citizens" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_channel_id FK "nullable"
  String mobile
  String name
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_deposit_histories" }o--|| "shopping_deposits" : deposit
"shopping_deposit_histories" }o--|| "shopping_citizens" : citizen
"shopping_deposit_charges" }o--|| "shopping_customers" : customer
"shopping_deposit_charge_publishes" |o--|| "shopping_deposit_charges" : charge
"shopping_mileage_donations" }o--|| "shopping_customers" : adminCustomer
"shopping_mileage_donations" }o--|| "shopping_citizens" : citizen
"shopping_mileage_histories" }o--|| "shopping_mileages" : mileage
"shopping_mileage_histories" }o--|| "shopping_citizens" : citizen
"shopping_customers" }o--|| "shopping_citizens" : citizen


Meta information of the deposit.

shopping_deposits is an entity that embodies the specifications for incomes and outcomes of deposit at a shopping mall. In other words, shopping_deposits is not shopping_deposit_histories, which refers to the deposit/outcome details of deposits, but is simply metadata that specifies specifications for income/outcome scenarios.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • code: Identifier code.
  • source: The source table occuring the deposit event.
  • direction

    Direction of deposit.

    • 1: Income
    • -1: outcome
  • created_at: Creation time of record.
  • deleted_at: / Deletion time of record.


Deposit income/outcome details of customers (citizens).

shopping_deposit_histories is an entity that embodies the customer's income/outcome history.

You can think of it as a kind of accounting ledger table. Therefore, note that, value must have positive number only, even if it is a outcome. The minus value must be expressed by multiplying the shopping_deposits.direction value of the corresponding.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_deposit_id: Belonged metadata's
  • shopping_citizen_id: Belonged citizen's
  • source_id: The source record occured deposit/outcome.
  • value

    Income/outcome amount of deposit.

    It must be a positive number, and you can check shopping_deposits.direction for incomes and outcomes. If you want to express the figures for incomes and outcomes as positive/negative numbers, you can also multiply this field value by the attributed shopping_deposits.direction value.

  • balance

    Balance value.

    Total balance value after the transaction.

  • created_at: Creation time of record.
  • cancelled_at: Cancelled time of record.


Deposit deposit.

shopping_deposit_charges is an entity that symbolizes the act of a customer applying for a deposit to a shopping mall.

However, shopping_deposit_charges expresses the customer's intention to make a deposit, but it has not yet been confirmed. Only when the customer completes the payment will the deposit increase be confirmed.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_customer_id: Belonged metadata's
  • value: Charging amount.
  • created_at: Creation time of record.
  • deleted_at

    Deletion time of record.

    Only when be stopped before publishing.


Payment progress information for deposits.

shopping_deposit_charge_publishes is an entity that embodies the process of a customer applying for a deposit and making a payment.

Please note that the existence of the shopping_deposit_charge_publishes record does not mean that payment has been completed. Payment is complete only when payment (paid_at) is complete. This is what the "process of payment" mentioned above means.

However, even after payment has been made, there may be cases where it is suddenly cancelled, so you must be careful about this as well.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_deposit_charge_id: Belonged charge appliance's
  • password

    Password for encryption.

    This shopping mall system uses a randomly issued password to encrypt payment history, and is completely unrelated to the user.

  • created_at

    Creation time of record.

    Note that, this property does not mean the payment completion time.

  • paid_at

    Completion time of payment.

    This property is the only way to know if the payment has been completed. If this property is null, the payment has not been completed yet.

  • cancelled_at: The time when the payment was cancelled or reverted.


Meta information of mileage.

shopping_mileages is an entity that embodies specifications for mileage deposits and outcomes at a shopping mall. In other words, shopping_mileages is not shopping_mileage_histories, which means mileage deposit and outcome history, but is simply metadata that specifies specifications for scenarios in which mileage is deposited and withdrawn.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • code: Identifier code.
  • source: The source table occuring the mileage event.
  • direction

    Direction of mileage.

    • 1: Income
    • -1: outcome
  • value

    Default value of mileage.

    Possible to omit, and how to use this default value is up to the backend program. It is okay to use it as a default value when creating a new record, or percentage value to be applied.

  • created_at: Creation time of record.
  • deleted_at: Deletion time of record.



  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_admin_customer_id: Belonged seller's
  • shopping_citizen_id: Belonged citizen's
  • value: Amount of donation.
  • reason: Reason of donation.
  • created_at: Creation time of record.


Mileagea income/outcome details of customers (citizens).

shopping_mileage_histories is an entity that embodies the customer's deposit/outcome history.

You can think of it as a kind of accounting ledger table. Therefore, note that, value must have positive number only, even if it is a outcome. The minus value must be expressed by multiplying the shopping_mileages.direction value of the corresponding.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_mileage_id: Belonged metadata's
  • shopping_citizen_id: Belonged citizen's
  • source_id: The source record occured income/outcome.
  • value

    Income/outcome amount of mileage.

    It must be a positive number, and you can check shopping_mileages.direction for incomes and outcomes. If you want to express the figures for incomes and outcomes as positive/negative numbers, you can also multiply this field value by the attributed shopping_mileages.direction value.

  • balance

    Balance value.

    Total balance value after the transaction.

  • created_at: Creation time of record.
  • cancelled_at: Cancelled time of record.


"shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiries" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_id FK
  String shopping_customer_id FK
  String type
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime read_by_seller_at "nullable"
"shopping_sale_snapshot_questions" {
  String id PK
  Boolean secret
"shopping_sale_snapshot_reviews" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_order_good_id FK
"shopping_sale_snapshot_review_snapshots" {
  String id PK
  Float score
"shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiry_answers" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiry_id FK
  String shopping_seller_customer_id FK
"shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiry_comments" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_customer_id FK
  String actor_type
"bbs_articles" {
  String id PK
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"bbs_article_snapshots" {
  String id PK
  String bbs_article_id FK
  String format
  String title
  String body
  DateTime created_at
"bbs_article_comments" {
  String id PK
  String bbs_article_id FK
  String parent_id FK "nullable"
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_sale_snapshots" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_id FK
  DateTime created_at
"shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiries" |o--|| "bbs_articles" : base
"shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiries" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshots" : snapshot
"shopping_sale_snapshot_questions" |o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiries" : base
"shopping_sale_snapshot_reviews" |o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiries" : base
"shopping_sale_snapshot_review_snapshots" |o--|| "bbs_article_snapshots" : base
"shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiry_answers" |o--|| "bbs_articles" : base
"shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiry_answers" |o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiries" : inquiry
"shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiry_comments" |o--|| "bbs_article_comments" : base
"bbs_article_snapshots" }|--|| "bbs_articles" : article
"bbs_article_comments" }o--|| "bbs_articles" : article
"bbs_article_comments" }o--o| "bbs_article_comments" : parent


Inquiry about a sale snapshot.

shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiries is a subtype entity of bbs_articles, and represents inquiries written by customers about a sale registered by the seller (however, to trace the exact snapshot, it is referencing not sale but snapshot).

In addition, since the customer is waiting for the seller's response after writing the inquiry, whether the seller has viewed the inquiry written by the customer is provided for reference as read_by_seller_at property. Of course, since the inquiry itself is a subtype of a article, it is also possible for sellers to communicate with each other through comments before an official response.

However, comments themselves can be made by every customers, even if they are not the person who wrote the article. Of course, it cannot be written unless the seller is a party.


  • id: PK + FK.
  • shopping_sale_snapshot_id: Belonged snapshot's
  • shopping_customer_id: Writer customer's
  • type

    Type of the inquiry article.

    • question
    • review
  • created_at

    Creation time of record.

    Duplicated property for fast sorting.

  • read_by_seller_at: The first time when the seller read the inquiry.


Question about sale snapshot.

shopping_sale_snapshot_questions is a subtype entity of shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiries, and is used when a customer wants to ask something about a sale (snapshot at the time) registered by the seller.

And, like most shopping malls, shopping_sale_snapshot_questions also provides a secret attribute, allowing you to create a "secret message" that can only be viewed by the seller and the customer who wrote the question.


  • id: PK + FK.
  • secret

    Whether secret or not.

    If secret article, only the writer customer and related seller can see the detailed content.


Reviews for sale snapshots.

shopping_sale_snapshot_reviews is a subtype entity of shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiries, and is used when a customer purchases a sale (snapshot at the time) registered by the seller as a product and leaves a review and rating for it.

For reference, shopping_sale_snapshot_reviews and shopping_order_goods have a logarithmic relationship of N: 1, but this does not mean that customers can continue to write reviews for the same product indefinitely. Wouldn't there be restrictions, such as if you write a review once, you can write an additional review a month later?



A snapshot of the content of the review for the sale snapshot.

shopping_sale_snapshot_review_snapshots is a subtype entity of bbs_article_snapshots and is designed to add a score property to the content of review article.

In other words, after writing a review article, customers can edit it and change the evaluation score at any time.


  • id: PK + FK.
  • score: Estimation score value.


Answers to inquiries about sale snapshots.

shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiry_answers is an entity that embodies the official answer written by the seller to the inquiry written by the customer.

Of course, in addition to writing an official response like this, it is also possible for the seller to communicate with the inquiry written customer and multiple customers through comments in the attribution inquiry.

For refererence, it is not possible to write comments on this answer. Encourage people to write comments on the inquiry article. This is to prevent comments from being scattered in both inquiry and response articles.



A comment written on an inquiry article.

shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiry_comments is a subtype entity of bbs_article_comments, and is used when you want to communicate with multiple people about an inquiry written by a customer.

For reference, only related parties can write comments for sellers, but there is no limit to customers. In other words, anyone customer can freely write a comment, even if they are not the person who wrote the inquiry.


  • id: PK + FK
  • shopping_customer_id: Writer's
  • actor_type

    Type of the writer.

    • customer
    • seller


"shopping_sale_favorites" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_customer_id FK
  String shopping_sale_id FK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_id FK
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiry_favorites" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_customer_id FK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiry_id FK
  String bbs_article_snapshot_id FK
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_address_favorites" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_customer_id FK
  String shopping_address_id FK
  String title
  Boolean primary
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime deleted_at "nullable"
"shopping_customers" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_channel_id FK
  String shopping_member_id FK "nullable"
  String shopping_external_user_id FK "nullable"
  String shopping_citizen_id FK "nullable"
  String href
  String referrer "nullable"
  String ip
  DateTime created_at
"shopping_addresses" {
  String id PK
  String mobile
  String name
  String country
  String province
  String city
  String department
  String possession
  String zip_code
  String special_note "nullable"
  DateTime created_at
"shopping_sales" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_section_id FK
  String shopping_seller_customer_id FK
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime opened_at "nullable"
  DateTime closed_at "nullable"
  DateTime paused_at "nullable"
  DateTime suspended_at "nullable"
"shopping_sale_snapshots" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_id FK
  DateTime created_at
"shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiries" {
  String id PK
  String shopping_sale_snapshot_id FK
  String shopping_customer_id FK
  String type
  DateTime created_at
  DateTime read_by_seller_at "nullable"
"shopping_sale_favorites" }o--|| "shopping_customers" : customer
"shopping_sale_favorites" }o--|| "shopping_sales" : sale
"shopping_sale_favorites" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshots" : snapshot
"shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiry_favorites" }o--|| "shopping_customers" : customer
"shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiry_favorites" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiries" : inquiry
"shopping_address_favorites" }o--|| "shopping_customers" : customer
"shopping_address_favorites" }o--|| "shopping_addresses" : address
"shopping_sales" }o--|| "shopping_customers" : sellerCustomer
"shopping_sale_snapshots" }o--|| "shopping_sales" : sale
"shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiries" }o--|| "shopping_sale_snapshots" : snapshot
"shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiries" }o--|| "shopping_customers" : customer


Favorite sales.

shopping_sale_favorites is an entity that symbolizes the sale that the customer has favorited. Also, shopping_sale_favorites archives the snapshot of the sale at the time when the customer favorites it.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_customer_id: Belonged customer's
  • shopping_sale_id: Target sale's
  • shopping_sale_snapshot_id

    Target snapshot's

    The snapshot of the sale at the time when the customer favorites it.

  • created_at: Creation time of record.
  • deleted_at: Deletion time of record.


Favorite inquiries.

shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiry_favorites is an entity that symbolizes the inquiry that the customer has favorited. Also, shopping_sale_snapshot_inquiry_favorites archives the snapshot of the inquiry at the time when the customer favorites it.



Favorite addresses.

shopping_address_favorites is an entity that symbolizes the address that the customer has favorited.


  • id: Primary Key.
  • shopping_customer_id: Belonged customer's
  • shopping_address_id: Target address's
  • title: Title of the favorite address.
  • primary: Whether the favorite address is primary or not.
  • created_at: Creation time of record.
  • deleted_at: Deletion time of record.