Slides and code for the "Refactoring Python Code" talk at the Beijing Python Meetup.
- Title: Refactoring Python Code
- Duration: 1 hour
- Level: Intermediate
- Presenter: Evgeny Demchenko
Refactoring is an extremely important technical practice for creating clean and maintainable code. It doesn't have to be clean, readable and idiomatic Python code from the beginning of the implementation as long as you don't forget to refactor it at the end.
There are a lot of types of refactoring you can do to make your code better:
- Improve form (names, functions size, nesting)
- Improve style (PEP8/PyLint, pythonic code)
- Reduce duplication (DRY) and complexity (KISS)
- Apply design patterns (such as "Ports and Adapters")
- Apply SOLID principles (such as "Single Responsibility Principle")
- Improve code structure (modularity and composability)
In this talk, we're going to get our hands dirty by walking through some examples of all these types of refactoring applied to an existing application of aggregating movie reviews from multiple sources.
This is an Intermediate level talk but both beginners and advanced developers will find something new or useful here too.
virtualenv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python before/ Spy
Where "Spy" is the name of the movie to search reviews for.
python after/ Spy
Where "Spy" is the name of the movie to search reviews for.
jupyter notebook
jupyter-nbconvert --to slides refactoring.ipynb --post serve