Audio methods for pandas dataframes using soundfile.
- Use
objects in pandas dataframes - Call
methods on a column, for
- Easy to use with
- Save dataframes with
objects to Parquet - Process audios in parallel with Dask
- Manipulate audio datasets from Hugging Face
pip install pandas-audio-methods
You can open audios as sf.SoundFile
objects using the .open()
Once the audios are opened, you can call any sf.SoundFile method:
import pandas as pd
from pandas_audio_methods import SFMethods
df = pd.DataFrame({"file_path": ["path/to/audio.wav"]})
df["audio"] = df["file_path"]
# 0 SoundFile('path/to/audio.wav', mode='r', sampl...
# Name: audio, dtype: object, soundfile methods enabled
Use with librosa
import librosa
df["audio"] = [librosa.load(audio, sr=16_000) for audio in df["audio"]]
df["audio"] = df["audio"].sf.write()
# 0 SoundFile(<_io.BytesIO object at 0x11b747ba0>,...
# Name: audio, dtype: object, soundfile methods enabled
Here is how to enable sf
methods for sf.SoundFiles
created manually:
df = pd.DataFrame({"audio": [sf.SoundFile("path/to/audio.wav")]})
df["audio"] = df["audio"].sf.enable()
# 0 SoundFile('path/to/audio.wav', mode='r', sampl...
# Name: audio, dtype: object, soundfile methods enabled
You can save a dataset of sf.SoundFiles
to Parquet:
# Save
df = pd.DataFrame({"file_path": ["path/to/audio.wav"]})
df["audio"] = df["file_path"]
# Later
df = pd.read_parquet("data.parquet")
df["audio"] = df["audio"].sf.enable()
This doesn't just save the paths to the audio files, but the actual audios themselves !
Under the hood it saves dictionaries of {"bytes": <bytes of the audio file>, "path": <path or name of the audio file>}
The audios are saved as bytes using their audio encoding or WAV by default. Anyone can load the Parquet data even without pandas-audio-methods
since it doesn't rely on extension types.
Note: if you created the sf.SoundFiles
manually, don't forget to enable the sf
methods to enable saving to Parquet.
Dask DataFrame parallelizes pandas to handle large datasets. It enables faster local processing with multiprocessing as well as distributed large scale processing. Dask mimics the pandas API:
import dask.dataframe as dd
from distributed import Client
from pandas_audio_methods import SFMethods
if __name__ == "__main__":
client = Client()
df = dd.read_csv("path/to/large/dataset.csv")
df = df.repartition(npartitions=1000) # divide the processing in 1000 jobs
df["audio"] = df["file_path"]
# 0 SoundFile('path/to/audio.wav', mode='r', sampl...
# Name: audio, dtype: object, soundfile methods enabled
Most audio datasets in Parquet format on Hugging Face are compatible with pandas-audio-methods
. For example you can load the microset of the People's Speech dataset:
df = pd.read_parquet("hf://datasets/MLCommons/peoples_speech/microset/train-00000-of-00001.parquet")
df["audio"] = df["audio"].sf.enable()
You can also use the datasets
library, here is an example on the jlvdoorn/atco2-asr dataset for automatic speech recognition:
from datasets import load_dataset
df = load_dataset("jlvdoorn/atco2-asr", split="train").to_pandas()
df["audio"] = df["audio"].sf.enable()
Datasets created with pandas-audio-methods
and saved to Parquet are also compatible with the Dataset Viewer on Hugging Face and the datasets library: