- Luis Garma-Oehmichen [[email protected]]
All Figures and tables of the sample
The repository contains the following files and directories:
│ └─── Galaxies
│ └─── 7495-12704
│ │ angular_velocity.jpg
│ │ isophotes.jpg
│ │ omega_distribution.jpg
│ │ omega_pa.jpg
│ │ rotation_curve.jpg
│ │ rotation_rate.jpg
│ │ stellar_velocity.jpg
│ │ TW_integral.jpg
│ │ v_band_flux.jpg
│ │ weighted_PA.jpg
│ │ ...
│ └─── 12700-6102
│ └─── Complete_Sample
│ │ bar_cr.jpg
│ │ bar_med_om_med.jpg
│ │ bar_radius.jpg
│ │ bar_rQ.jpg
│ │ correlation.jpg
│ │ cr.jpg
│ │ cr_mw.jpg
│ │ cr_reltative_error.jpg
│ │ inc_rpar.jpg
│ │ inclination.jpg
│ │ NSA_stellar_mass.jpg
│ │ om.jpg
│ │ om_relative_error.jpg
│ │ om_med_vc_flat.jpg
│ │ om_mw.jpg
│ │ PA_diff.jpg
│ │ rpar.jpg
│ │ rpar_mw.jpg
│ │ rpar_relative_error.jpg
└─── Tables
│ Appendix_table.csv
│ Appendix_table.tex
Figures in the directory Galaxies correspond to the following figures in the paper, but for each galaxy in the sample:
- isophotes: Figure 3
- v_band_flux and stellar_velocity : Figure 4
- weighted_PA: Figure 6
- TW_integral: Figure 7
- omega_pa: Figure 9
- omega_distribution: Figure 10
- rotation_curve and angular_velocity: Figure 11
- rotation_rate: Figure 12
Figures in directory Complete_Sample correspond to the following figures in the paper:
- NSA_stellar_mass, bar_radius and inclination: Figure 2
- PA_diff: Figure 5
- om, cr, rpar: Figure 13
- bar_cr: Figure 14
- bar_med_om_med: Figure 15
- om_med_vc_flat: Figure 16
- correlation: Figure 17
- inc_rpar: Figure 18
- om_mw and rpar_mw: Figure 19
- bar_rQ: Figure 20
Columns in the table Appendix_table.csv:
- Gal: Galaxy ID
- nsa_mstar: NSA stellar mass
- nsa_sersic_n: NSA sersic index
- rad_vel_sigma: Pipe3D velocity-to-velocity dispersion ratio within 1 effective radius
- pa_w: weighted PA
- pa_w_sigma: weighted PA error
- paph: Photometric PA
- paph_e: Photometric PA error
- pakn: Stellar symmetric PA
- pakn_e: Stellar symmetric PA error
- pamod: H alpha kinematic model PA
- pamod_e: H alpha kinematic model PA error
- bar_pa: bar photometric PA
- bar_pa_e: bar photometric PA error
- inc_w: weighted inclination
- inc_w_ep: 1 sigma upper error on weighted inclination
- inc_w_em: 1 sigma lower error on weighted inclination
- vc_flat: disc flat circular velocity
- vc_flat_err: disc flat circular velocity error
- bar_dep: deprojected bar radius
- bar_dep_e: deprojected bar radius error
- bar_med: median bar radius
- bar_upp: 1 sigma upper error on bar radius
- bar_low: 1 sigma lower error on bar radius
- om_med: median omega
- om_upp: 1 sigma upper error on omega
- om_low: 1 sigma lower error on omega
- cr_med: median corotation radius
- cr_upp: 1 sigma upper error on corotation radius
- cr_low: 1 sigma lower error on corotation radius
- R_med: median rotation rate
- R_upp: 1 sigma upper error on rotation rate
- R_low: 1 sigma lower error on rotation rate