title |
Less Plugins |
Available Less plugins. Find more at GitHub and NPM Registry
Autoprefixer | Add vendor prefixes |
CSScomb | Beautify/format |
clean-css | Compress/minify |
CSSWring | Compress/minify |
css-flip | Generate left-to-right (LTR) or right-to-left (RTL) CSS |
functions | Write custom Less functions in Less itself |
group-css-media-queries | Group CSS media queries |
inline-urls | Convert url() to a call to data-uri() |
lesshint | Lint your Less |
lists | Lists/arrays manipulation (incl. loops) |
pleeease | Postprocess using pleeease |
rtl | Reverse from ltr to rtl |
variables-output | Export top-level variables to a JSON file |
sass2less | Import and convert Sass/SCSS files into your Less code (incl. variables, mixins and more) |
bower-resolve | Import from a Bower package |
glob | Globbing support in Less imports |
npm-import | Import from npm packages |
resolve-blocks | Going up a tree to find specified component |
advanced-color-functions | Functions to find more contrast colors |
cubehelix | A cubehelix function |
lists | Lists/arrays manipulation functions |
urlencode | URL Encode function |
util | A set of utility functions |
Bootstrap | Bootstrap |
Cardinal | Cardinal |
Flexbox Grid | Flexbox Grid |
Flexible Grid System | Flexible Grid System |
Ionic | Ionic |
Lesshat | Lesshat |
Skeleton | Skeleton |