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End-To-End Message Encryption For Discord

Technical Details Overview


This guide assumes the reader has basic knowledge of general cryptography including a top-level understanding of ciphers, message padding, hashing, key exchanging and authentication processes.

While this guide attempts to provide an overview of the processes involved in the plugin, it should not be relied on to reflect the current implementation of the cryptographic processes.

Discord currently runs on an extremely outdated version of NodeJS ( v7.4.0 ) which further limits implementation capabilities. While we have tried to get past this, the plugin is greatly limited by this factor and should be taken into account while evaluating these methods.

A final note, this plugin was developed to be as secure as possible at the expense of speed and increased complexity. While multiple implementations of a given cryptographic suite may be supported, by default, the plugin chooses the maximum security-based options for operation.

Supported Algorithms

DiscordCrypt™ uses a variety of symmetric encryption algorithms exposed via NodeJS's crypto module.

In addition to these, two types of key exchanges are supported as well as the ability to generate random numbers which is also exposed by NodeJS.

Every algorithm used in this plugin is directly provided by NodeJS. The only things manually implemented are:

DiscordCrypt™ also relies on several libraries which may or may not have been tweaked to work within the Discord client. These are indicated below.


The following ciphers are currently supported by DiscordCrypt™.

Cipher Modes

Each cipher can operate in a number of block operation modes.

The currently supported modes are:

Message Padding

For each cipher, messages must be cryptographically padded to meet the cipher's block size.

While NodeJS supports some padding schemes, most are not. As such, these were manually implemented in the code.

The following padding schemes are supported:

These methods have all been manually implemented here.

Key Exchanges

Key exchange (also key establishment) is any method in cryptography by which cryptographic keys are exchanged between two parties, allowing use of a cryptographic algorithm.

If the sender and receiver wish to exchange encrypted messages, each must be equipped to encrypt messages to be sent and decrypt messages received. The nature of the equipping they require depends on the encryption technique they might use. If they use a code, both will require a copy of the same codebook. If they use a cipher, they will need appropriate keys.

If the cipher is a symmetric key cipher, both will need a copy of the same key. If an asymmetric key cipher with the public/private key property, both will need the other's public key.

The following algorithms are currently supported to exchange keys in a secure manner.

The default type and key size was chosen to provide roughly 256-bits of security. This is further detailed below.

The table below was taken from SP800-57, Recommendation for Key Management, Section 5.6.1.

In the table below, 2TDEA is 2-key triple-DES; and 3TDEA is 3-key triple-DES and sometimes
referred to as just triple DES. Triple DES is specified in SP800-67,

Recommendation for the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) Block Cipher.
The yellow and green highlights are explained in the NIST Recommendations section.


Security Bits Symmetric Key FF IF EC
80 2TDEA L=1024 N=160 k=1024 f=160-223
112 3TDEA L=2048 N=224 k=2048 f=224-255
128 AES L=3072 N=256 k=3072 f=256-383
192 AES L=7680 N=384 k=7680 f=384-511
256 AES L=15360 N=511 k=15360 f=512+

**Security Bits**

    Security Bits estimate the computational steps or operations (not machine instructions)
     required to find a solution to the problem in the problem's domain (FF, IF, or EC).

    For example, if someone says, 'My system uses 1024 Diffie Hellman", they are really
     stating their system has a security level of 80 bits (and because its Diffie Hellman,
     the problem domain is finite field). It will take a computer, on average, approximately
     280 operations to find a solution (think Big-Oh notation).

    To break Diffie-Hellman via classical discrete logarithms, a number of methods could be
     employed: Index calculus, modified Pollard's rho, or Baby-step giant-step to name a few.

Symmetric Key

    Symmetric Key is a block cipher algorithm that offers an equivalent strength.

    Though DES and AES are listed, any non-wounded or non-broken block cipher can be used.

    For example, European and international users might want to use Cameilla rather than AES
     since Cameilla is NESSIE and ISO approved. Note that an appropriate mode
     ( block cipher mode of operation ) must also be chosen.

Finite Field ( FF )

    FF is finite field cryptography, sometimes referred to as the discrete log problem (DLP),
    and examples include Diffie-Hellman, ElGamal, and DSA ( one of the three signature schemes
    specified in the Digital Signature Standard (DSS) ).

    L is the size of the field, N is the size of the subgroup.

Integer Factorization ( IF )

    IF is integer factorization and is the underlying problem of RSA and Rabin-Williams.

Elliptic Curves ( EC )

    EC is elliptical curve cryptography.

Diffie–Hellman key exchange (DH) [1] is a method of securely exchanging cryptographic keys over a public channel and was one of the first public-key protocols as originally conceptualized by Ralph Merkle and named after Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman.

This exchange algorithm supports a large number of key sizes and operates on a similar principle to RSA, an asymmetric encryption algorithm.

The main advantage of this algorithm is it is generally considered secure ( as long as the key size is sufficiently large ) but its downside is as the key size increases, the time taken to generate a key pair increases proportionately.

One should generally choose the largest key size when exchanging keys for maximum privacy at the expense of speed.

The following key sizes in bits are supported:

  • 768 Bits ( modp1 )
  • 1024 Bits ( modp2 )
  • 1536 Bits ( modp5 )
  • 2048 Bits ( modp14 )
  • 3072 Bits ( modp15 )
  • 4096 Bits ( modp16 )
  • 6144 Bits ( modp17 )
  • 8192 Bits ( modp18 )

Please see here for parameters defined less than 2048 or here for parameters larger than 2048 bits.

Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman

Elliptic-curve Diffie–Hellman (ECDH) is an anonymous key agreement protocol that allows two parties, each having an elliptic-curve public–private key pair, to establish a shared secret over an insecure channel. [1] [2] [3] This shared secret may be directly used as a key, or to derive another key. The key, or the derived key, can then be used to encrypt subsequent communications using a symmetric-key cipher. It is a variant of the Diffie–Hellman protocol using elliptic-curve cryptography.

This operates on the same principle of a Diffie-Hellman exchange except it is done using Elliptic Curves.

The main benefits of this algorithm is that it is much smaller in size in contrast to standard Diffie-Hellman keys and is extremely quick to generate a key pair while offering the same level of security..

The downside, however, is that many consider it insecure as concerns of various backdoors have been brought forth. While these concerns relate to a random-bit generator ( DUAL_EC_DRBG ) which is not directly related to the general use of elliptic curves, there has been enough mistrust placed by prominent agencies to generally refrain from usage of these.

Just as with Diffie-Hellman, one should choose the largest key size for key exchanges as the security of the key size is equivalent to a Diffie-Hellman keys with a much faster generation speed.

The following key sizes in bits are supported:

  • 224 Bits ( secp224k1: SECG curve over a 224 bit prime field. )
  • 256 Bits ( x25519: Unpatented curve over a 256 bit prime field. )
  • 384 Bits ( secp384r1: NIST/SECG curve over a 384 bit prime field. )
  • 409 Bits ( sect409k1: NIST/SECG curve over a 409 bit binary field. )
  • 521 Bits ( secp521r1: NIST/SECG curve over a 521 bit prime field. )
  • 571 Bits ( sect571k1: NIST/SECG curve over a 571 bit binary field. )
  • 751 Bits ( sidhp751: Post-Quantum Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman over a 751 bit prime field. ) ( Default )

Please see here for more information on curve standard parameters.

For information regarding the specifics of X25519, see its introductory paper here.

With the advancements of quantum computers, the need for Post-Quantum Cryptography is actively being explored. Several such methods have already been proposed to be "quantum resistant".

The curve above defined as sidhp751 is a specially chosen supersingular elliptic curve with isogenic properties used in the familiar Diffie-Hellman protocol. In post quantum cryptography, "Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman" is said to be quantum resistant while still benefiting from the standard ECC property of retaining a small fingerprint. This curve offers 128 quantum bits of security.

Hash Algorithms

DiscordCrypt™ internally uses the scrypt hashing method for deriving keys from passwords and SHA3 for other requirements.

Scrypt Hashing Algorithm

The Scrypt algorithm is a key-derivative function that was designed to be "memory hard" in such a way that it is dependant on access to fast memory. This design choice makes it desirable for use in password-based calculations.

Due to Node's crypto module not natively supporting this, it was manually implemented in Asm.js for deriving an AES-256 bit key for encrypting the master database.

The original source for this was taken from here and was transpiled to Asm.js for faster execution.

Scrypt uses a total of 6 parameters. Each of these will be described below.

# Taken from the blog:

> Parameter: 𝑟 - Memory Tuner

BlockMix turns a hash function with 𝑘-bit long inputs and outputs into a hash function
with 2𝑟𝑘-bit long inputs and outputs. That is, it makes the core hash function in
scrypt 2𝑟 wider.

It does that by iterating the hash function 2𝑟 times, so both memory
usage (to store the hash values) and CPU time scale linearly with it. That is,
if 𝑟 doubles the resources double.

That's useful because scrypt applies the hash to "random" memory positions.
CPUs load memory in fixed-size blocks called cache lines. If the hash block size is
smaller than the cache line, all the rest of the loaded line will be wasted memory
bandwidth. Also, it dilutes the memory latency cost. Percival predicted both cache line
sizes and memory latencies would increase over time, so made the hash size tunable to
prevent scrypt from becoming latency-bound.

> Parameter: N - Work Factor

Memory and CPU usage scale linearly with 𝑁. The mixing function, ROMix, stores 𝑁
sequential hash results in RAM, to then load them in a random order and sequentially
xor and hash them.

The reason 𝑁 must be a power of two is that to randomly select one of the 𝑁 memory
slots at each iteration, scrypt converts the hash output to an integer and reduces
it mod 𝑁. If 𝑁 is a power of two, that operation can be optimized into simple (and fast)
binary masking.

> Parameter: 𝑝 - Parallel Factor

𝑝 is used in the outmost function, MFcrypt. It is a parallelization parameter.
𝑝 instances of the mixing function are run independently and their outputs concatenated
as salt for the final PBKDF2.

𝑝 > 1 can be handled in two ways: sequentially, which does not increase memory usage but
requires 𝑝 times the CPU and wall clock time; or parallelly, which requires 𝑝 times the
memory and effective CPU time, but does not increase wall clock time.

So 𝑝 can be used to increase CPU time without affecting memory requirements when handled
sequentially, or without affecting wall clock time when handled parallelly. However, it
offers attackers the same opportunity to optimize for processing or memory.

> Parameter: dkLen - Length of output

This parameter indicates the desired length of the output key derived from the input and
salt. It should be at least 256 bits due to that being the minimum output of the SHA-256
algorithm which is internally used for final compression.

This must satisfy: dkLen ≤ (2^32− 1)

> Parameter: input - The input value

This parameter is self-explanatory. This is the input value which is used to derive the
initial block data and also used in the final PBKDF2 compression operation.

> Parameter: salt - The secret value

This parameter is used as the initial secret for calculation of the initial state of the
block along with the input value.

Estimating Scrypt Memory Usage

scrypt requires 𝑁 times the hash block size memory. Because of BlockMix, the hash block
size is 2𝑟 the underlying hash output size. In scrypt, that hash is the Salsa20 core,
which operates on 64-bytes blocks.

So the minimum memory requirement of scrypt is:

𝑁 × 2𝑟 × 64 = 128 × 𝑁 × 𝑟 bytes

For 𝑁 = 16384 and 𝑟 = 8 that would be 16 MiB. It scales linearly with 𝑁 and 𝑟, and some
implementations or APIs might cause internal copying doubling the requirement.

You may find the actual implementation of it here.

SHA3 Hashing Algorithm

The general implementation for SHA3 was implemented via the JS-SHA3 library which can be found here.

In particular, the following methods have been implemented whose demos are below:

Additionally, the Keccak ( SHA3 ) family also has a MAC function implemented in this library under the name of KMAC ( Keccak-MAC ) providing authentication tags of either 128 bits or 256-bits.

Internally, the KMAC method is used mainly to derive encryption keys for ciphers by combining the password with a 64 bit unique salt.

Meta Data Encoding

Each user message contains 4 characters of encoded metadata.

These decode to a 32-bit integer encoded in Little-Endian order whose byte positions indicates the data type.

Byte Position Description
0 Details symmetric ciphers used to encrypt the message.
1 Indicates the block operation mode of the symmetric cipher.
2 Contains the padding scheme used to align the message to the cipher's block size.
3 Contains a random byte. ( Reserved For Future Use )
Cipher Indexing

Cipher indexes are based on the combination of ciphers used for encrypting a message.

Since each message undergoes two encryption or decryption processes, an index is assigned to indicate which combination of ciphers are used. This index is attached to the metadata in each encrypted message payload in the form of an 8-bit word.

Below indicates the current index assignment for each combination of ciphers.

 * @desc Indexes of each dual-symmetric encryption mode.
 * @type {int[]}
_encryptModes = [
    /* Blowfish(Blowfish, AES, Camellia, IDEA, TripleDES) */
    0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
    /* AES(Blowfish, AES, Camellia, IDEA, TripleDES) */
    5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
    /* Camellia(Blowfish, AES, Camellia, IDEA, TripleDES) */
    10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
    /* IDEA(Blowfish, AES, Camellia, IDEA, TripleDES) */
    15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
    /* TripleDES(Blowfish, AES, Camellia, IDEA, TripleDES) */
    20, 21, 22, 23, 24

Message Format

A message can consist in two forms.

  • User Encrypted Message
  • Public Key Message

Each message can be determined by the first 4 characters which is a unique magic string indicating its type.

Type Magic
User Message ⢷⢸⢹⢺
Public Key Message ⢻⢼⢽⢾

User Message Format

A user message is expressed in the following format:

N.B Character size refers to the UTF-16 character position of a byte encoded message.

Character Size Field Description
4 Magic Indicates an encrypted message.
4 Metadata Details the message format. See here.
< Variable > Message Contains the encrypted ciphertext.

User Message Authentication

All user messages contain a KMAC tag prepended to it.

This KMAC uses SHA3 along with the primary message key to form a hash of the outer ciphertext of the message.

This is prepended such that the variable length message now follows the following format:

Byte Position Byte Size Description
0 32 Contains the 256-bit HMAC tag of the ciphertext.
32 Variable Contains the ciphertext ( Including a unique 64-bit salt ).

This tag is used for authentication to ensure ciphertexts have not been tampered with during transit.

In addition to this, during verification, they are compared in a time-safe manner to prevent possible forms of timing attacks even though they're not required in this use case.

Public Key Format

In contrast to a user message, a public key message is expressed as follows:

Character Size Field Description
4 Magic Indicates an encrypted message.
1 Algorithm Type Indicates the algorithm and bit size of the key.
1 Salt Length Indicates the length of the user salt.
< Variable > User Salt A randomly generated series of bytes.
< Variable > Public Key Contains the raw public key.

Byte Encoding

While all messages are Base64 or hex encoded, Discord does not use a monospace font. This allows messages to look uneven when sent.

To combat this, a simple method of substitution is used to replace all characters in their hex-based representation with a 256-character monospace-type width using the Braille character set.

Discord itself treats both UTF-8 and UTF-16 characters as the same length ( character-limit-wise ) meaning both a UTF-8 and UTF-16 messages are limited to 2000 characters each.

This is handled by the methods __substituteMessage, __metaDataEncode and __metaDataDecode.

These methods do a 1-1 substitution as follows:

Character Set String
Base 64 000102030405060708 ... F8F9FAFBFCFDFEFF
Braille ⠀⠁⠂⠃⠄⠅⠆⠇ ... ⣸⣹⣺⣻⣼⣽⣾⣿

The raw code for this is defined in the __getBraille() function seen below.

return Array.from(
    "⠀⠁⠂⠃⠄⠅⠆⠇⠈⠉⠊⠋⠌⠍⠎⠏⠐⠑⠒⠓⠔⠕⠖⠗⠘⠙⠚⠛⠜⠝⠞⠟⠠⠡⠢⠣⠤⠥⠦⠧⠨⠩⠪⠫⠬⠭⠮⠯⠰⠱⠲⠳⠴⠵⠶⠷⠸⠹⠺⠻⠼⠽⠾⠿⡀⡁⡂⡃⡄⡅⡆⡇⡈⡉⡊⡋⡌⡍⡎⡏⡐⡑⡒⡓⡔⡕⡖" +
    "⡗⡘⡙⡚⡛⡜⡝⡞⡟⡠⡡⡢⡣⡤⡥⡦⡧⡨⡩⡪⡫⡬⡭⡮⡯⡰⡱⡲⡳⡴⡵⡶⡷⡸⡹⡺⡻⡼⡽⡾⡿⢀⢁⢂⢃⢄⢅⢆⢇⢈⢉⢊⢋⢌⢍⢎⢏⢐⢑⢒⢓⢔⢕⢖⢗⢘⢙⢚⢛⢜⢝⢞⢟⢠⢡⢢⢣⢤⢥⢦⢧⢨⢩⢪⢫⢬⢭" +

General Encryption And Decryption Process

Encryption and decryption follows OpenSSL's method of deriving keys.

A random 64-bit salt is generated and is used in conjunction with a KMAC to generate a unique Initialization Vector and a derived encryption key.

This is used to prevent the same message being encrypted multiple times over the course of a conversation from having the same ciphertext being produced.

Messages encrypted in this format take the form:

Byte Position Byte Size Description
0 8 Contains a one time salt used to generate a unique key.
8 Variable Contains the ciphertext.

When a message is being decrypted, the metadata for the message is read to determine how to proceed.

This indicates:

  • The symmetric ciphers used.
  • The block operation mode of the ciphers.
  • The padding scheme used for the message.

All inputs passed to a < cipher >_decrypt method is assumed to contain a 64-bit seed used to derive the key and IV.

The plugin employs what is known as multiple encryption to encrypt all messages before they are sent.

For this, two ciphers are used. The primary cipher is used to encrypt the plaintext message into ciphertext.

Following this, the secondary cipher is used along with a completely different key to encrypt the ciphertext yet again yielding the final ciphertext.

Finally, a HMAC authentication tag using KMAC is computed on the final ciphertext with the concatenated primary and secondary keys and is prepended to it, thus creating the final result.

This result is then encoded to base 64 and undergoes byte encoding to produce a monospace-compatible message.

Putting It Together

A general user message is as follows:

| ------------------------- ENCRYPTED MESSAGE PAYLOAD ------------------------- |
|                                                                               |
|  | --------- | | -------- | | -------- | | ------------------------------- |  |
|  |           | |          | |          | |                                 |  |
|  |           | |          | |          | |                                 |  |
|  |   MAGIC   | | METADATA | |   KMAC   | |         CIPHERTEXT BLOB         |  |
|  |           | |          | |          | |                                 |  |
|  |  4 Bytes  | | 8 Bytes  | | 32 Bytes | |          < VARIABLE >           |  |
|  |           | |          | |          | |                                 |  |
|  |           | |          | |          | |                                 |  |
|  | --------- | | -------- | | -------- | | ------------------------------- |  |
|                                                                               |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

    • Contains the 4 magic characters indicating an encrypted message payload.

    • Encoded metadata indicates the ciphers used, padding scheme and block operation.
  • KMAC

    • Contains a KECCAK-256 MAC of the CIPHERTEXT BLOB object.

    • Contains an encrypted message blob detailed below.
| ------------------------------ CIPHERTEXT BLOB ----------------------------- |
|                                                                              |
|   | ---------------------- OUTER CIPHERTEXT DATA ----------------------- |   |
|   |                                                                      |   |
|   |  | ---------- | | ----------------------------------------------- |  |   |
|   |  |            | |                                                 |  |   |
|   |  |            | |                                                 |  |   |
|   |  |            | |                                                 |  |   |
|   |  |   NONCE    | |              INNER CIPHERTEXT BLOB              |  |   |
|   |  |            | |                                                 |  |   |
|   |  |  8 Bytes   | |                  < VARIABLE >                   |  |   |
|   |  |            | |                                                 |  |   |
|   |  |            | |                                                 |  |   |
|   |  |            | |                                                 |  |   |
|   |  | ---------- | | ----------------------------------------------- |  |   |
|   |                                                                      |   |
|   | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |   |
|                                                                              |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

    • Contains a nonce concatenated with an encrypted blob.

    • Contains a random 64-bit nonce used for KDF decryption of the INNER CIPHERTEXT DATA.

    • Contains an encrypted CIPHERTEXT DATA object from using the secondary key and nonce.
| --------------------------- INNER CIPHERTEXT BLOB -------------------------- |
|                                                                              |
|   | ---------------------- INNER CIPHERTEXT DATA ----------------------- |   |
|   |                                                                      |   |
|   |  | ---------- | | ----------------------------------------------- |  |   |
|   |  |            | |                                                 |  |   |
|   |  |            | |                                                 |  |   |
|   |  |            | |                                                 |  |   |
|   |  |   NONCE    | |                    MESSAGE                      |  |   |
|   |  |            | |                                                 |  |   |
|   |  |  8 Bytes   | |                  < VARIABLE >                   |  |   |
|   |  |            | |                                                 |  |   |
|   |  |            | |                                                 |  |   |
|   |  |            | |                                                 |  |   |
|   |  | ---------- | | ----------------------------------------------- |  |   |
|   |                                                                      |   |
|   | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |   |
|                                                                              |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

    • Contains a nonce concatenated with an encrypted blob.

    • Contains a random 64-bit nonce used for KDF decryption of the MESSAGE.

    • Contains the encrypted message using the primary key and nonce.

This message is sent to Discord's servers in an embedded message with additional aesthetic icons to produce the image seen below. It may optionally be sent in the form of a code block in the case that embeds are not used.

An encrypted message

Master Database Encryption

The master database uses an AES-256 bit key for encryption and decryption in GCM mode derived from the password the user inputs. The database is first converted to a string via JSON.stringify and then padded using the PKCS #7 scheme.

Its derivation is done by using the Scrypt hashing algorithm with the following parameters.

Parameter Value
N 16384
r 16
p 1
dkLen 32

N.B. Scrypt methods cannot be run in parallel in this implementation so they are run single-threaded.

This derives a 256-bit key which is used in conjunction with the __aes256_encrypt_gcm/__aes256_decrypt_gcm functions.

Please note that this AES-256 bit key also undergoes the OpenSSL process of derived key stretching.

That is:

  • script_password = scrypt( input: password, salt: sha3_256( password ), N: 16384, r: 16, p: 1, dkLen: 32 )
  • random_salt = crypto.randomBytes( size: 8 )
  • derived_length = aes_block_size + aes_256_key_size
  • derived_string = SHA3_KMAC( input: scrypt_password, salt: random_salt, length: derived_length )
  • derived_iv = derived_string.slice( 0, aes_block_size )
  • derived_key = derived_string.slice( aes_block_size )

Following this, the GCM encryption process is as follows:

/* Convert the database to a string format. */
let database_config_string = JSON.stringify( database_config_object );

/* Pad the message to the AES block size. */
database_config_string = __padMessage( database_config_string, 'PKCS-7', aes_block_size );

/* Create the cipher with derived IV and key. */
let _encrypt = crypto.createCipheriv( 'aes-256-gcm', derived_key, derived_iv );

/* Disable automatic PKCS #7 padding. We do this in-house. */
_encrypt.setAutoPadding( false );

/* Get the cipher text. */
let _ct = _encrypt.update( database_config_string, undefined, 'hex' );
_ct +='hex');

/* Finally, the authentication tag and the random salt used is prepended to the message. */
_ct = _encrypt.getAuthTag().toString('hex') + random_salt.toString('hex') + _ct;

/* Return the encrypted data as Base64 text. */
return _ct.toString('base64');

During decryption, the authentication tag is stripped off as well as the random salt.

The scrypt derived password is then used with the one-time salt to derive a key and iv using the same SHA3_KMAC process.

Finally, the authentication tag is assigned to GCM and verified which either throws an error if message authentication fails or returns the plaintext message.

N.B. Only a single authentication tag is produced for the final ciphertext in multi-encryption even though two salts of 64-bits in length are used for key derivation.

Key Exchange Process

DiscordCrypt™ uses the Diffie-Hellman exchange algorithm to derive a unique shared secret.

Once both parties post a public key, a shared secret of the algorithm's bit length is derived.

This secret, along with the two user salts attached to each message undergoes key stretching to derive a primary and secondary password via the Scrypt hashing algorithm.

The way these keys are produced follows:

  • Derive a shared secret using the Diffie-Hellman algorithm.
  • Extract both salts attached to each public key message.
  • Choose a primary salt by checking which salt is larger than the other.
  • Define KMAC parameters used for key derivation as:
    • discordCrypt-primary-secret & discordCrypt-secondary-secret
  • Calculate the primary key as:
    • PrimaryKey = Base64Encode( KMAC( PrimarySalt, DerivedSecret, 2048, KMAC_PRIMARY_PARAM ) )
  • Calculate the secondary key as:
    • SecondaryKey = Base64Encode( KMAC( SecondarySalt, DerivedSecret, 2048, KMAC_SECONDARY_PARAM ) )

These steps generate two keys containing roughly 2000 bits of entropy, which is calculated using Shannon's algorithm.

Each of these derived keys are converted to Base64 and used in conjunction with symmetric ciphers for message encryption.

Known Vulnerabilities

While DiscordCrypt™ attempts to be as secure as possible, we place reliance on several things that cannot be changed.

A brief overview of the possible attack mechanisms we ARE aware of but unfortunately, cannot fix follows.

  • Bugs In NodeJS's crypto Module

This is perhaps the biggest caveat we're aware of.

Since NodeJS's modules are used to provide most of the core functionality of this plugin, we place heavy reliance on its ability to be secure. As such, any potential security flaws affecting this module will directly affect the security of the plugin.

This caveat also includes Discord manually compromising the crypto module between releases.

  • Remote/Local Code Injection

BetterDiscord unfortunately has no restrictions in what plugins are able to do. Plugins may be able to remotely log your keystrokes within Javascript and this offers a serious security risk.

Aside from the BetterDiscord side, remote javascript delivered by Discord themselves may also engage in keystroke logging which can theoretically record your master database password or be able to read messages in clear text after they are decrypted and phone home with this information.

While we are fully aware of these issues, we're generally unable to do much about it. As such, we can only issue security advisories and advice.


  • Don't use plugins that have an "auto-update" mechanism allowing possible drive-by attacks to reveal your database or decrypted message unless the developers are trusted and have taken proper operational security.
  • If possible, disable Discord's client from performing binary updates. This can prevent them from modifying or injecting code that can compromise the security of your communications.
  • Change old conversation passwords frequently to avoid compromised passwords from revealing much information.
  • Use the built-in passphrase generator with a security level of at least 192 bits when manually creating passwords.
  • Be very cautious when installing BetterDiscord forks as they might contain malicious code.
  • Only download BetterDiscord plugins from the official Plugin Repository within the official BetterDiscord server.
  • Always audit the code for any plugin you install for malicious activity.
  • Man In The Middle Attacks

It is possible to perform a MiTM attack on the encryption methods used in this plugin but ONLY if Discord itself has been compromised.

This is due to the fact that the plugin cannot tell that a message was truly sent by you and instead relies on Discord's own implementation of encrypted communication.

As such, during a key exchange, if someone manages to intercept your messages and replace your public key with theirs, they can completely decrypt all further messages between you and your colleagues.

Performing such an attack, while difficult due to the fact that all messages are sent via TLS to Discord's servers is possible if one controls or forces Discord to compromise these servers. It however cannot be done by a third party without breaking into or compromising Discord's SSL certificate.

A rather excellent resource explaining this process can be seen in the video below.

N.B. These attacks can only be performed during a key exchange as this is the only time reliance is placed on Discord's own security implementations.