- bug: streams emit empty reads in node 0.11
- Merge pull request #6 from lemonlabs/ft/mockagent
- Extend MockAgent so it can simulate msg rejection on Apple side (err 8)
- Merge pull request #4 from nrcmedia/master
- Not adding an alert key to the aps if the alert is not set
- Merge pull request #3 from nrcmedia/master
- Destroy the gateway connection on error, so reconnection works also when the connection is dropped instead of closed.
- Merge pull request #2 from nrcmedia/content-available-support
- Added support for content-available flag
- deps: [lotus] force version gte 1.0.1
- agent: [base] queue/cache start in pause state
- docs: add link to tutorial article
- pkg: update description
- docs: update
- feedback: [base] change default interval
- agent: [all] reconnect now cancelled by .close()
- docs: add resources section
- docs: color scheme
- docs: checkpoint - agent docs ready for proofread
- agent: [base] documentation
- agent: [mock/live] fix reference to stored gateway error
- Merge branch 'refactor/node10'
- feedback: [base/mock] convert to new lotus api
- examples: [agent] fix small typos
- agent: [all] upgrade to use lotus 1.0.x
- codecs: [all] change exports for lotus compatibility
- pkg: [lotus] update to 1.0.x
- docs: add site folder
- lib: documentation
- grep: change to qualiancy project
- Merge branch 'refactor/examples'
- agent: [mock] fix scoping bug
- examples: add mock examples for agent/feedback
- examples: update live examples
- test: [feedback] test for change of concurrency
- feedback: [base] add set handle for concurrency change
- deps: [facet] update and migrate to 0.4.x
- message: documentation
- device: add comments
- readme: update feature set
- examples: refactor with new error names
- errors: normalize naming convention
- agent: [base] incoming errors emitted as message:error
- agent: [base] send emits message error, not notification error
- agent: [base] required methods throw instead of respond
- agent: store lastId and gatewayError in meta storage
- agent: [live] connect returns this
- tests: turn all tests back on
- Merge branch 'feature/feedback'
- feedback: [mock] add tests
- feedback: finish base/live/mock implementation
- codec: [feedback.response] add write definition
- examples: [feedback] add basic feedback example
- feedback: add base, mock, live feedback agents
- codec: [feedback] add feedback response codec
- pkg: add breeze-async dep
- errors: add feedback auth error
- util: add feedback options parser to utils
- feedback: [base] add default settings and methods
- feedback: add constructors
- agent: [iterator] check for connection after encoder data
- example: [error.mitigation] remove trim for device
- device: improve string regexp to remove all non-alphanumeric
- message: [alert] if only key, set as body
- message: [device] allow device constructor as set
- agent: [close] refactor to wait for queue to finish current
- pgk: update breeze-queue to 0.4.x
- message: [expires] do unix calculation on set, no serialize
- Merge branch 'feature/cache'
- agent: [mock] fix reference errors
- examples: [error.mitigation] refactor to handle different situations
- agent: [all] implement cache mechanism
- test: [cache] increase fuzziness of timing
- message: [device] if no args, return device
- code: [gateway response] change status to code.
- errors: add GatewayNotificationError for apn response errors
- test: [cache] increase test delays for more leighway
- codecs: [gateway.response] add gateway response codec
- cache: store settings on self
- pgk: [breeze-queue] update to 0.3.x
- test: resume running all tests
- test: [cache] add tests for cache constructor
- cache: add the cache constructor
- examples: [basic] load key from certs folder
- agent: [live] remove extraneous console logs"
- message: fix bug preventing 0 expires to proceed
- Merge branch 'refactor/defaultEnhanced'
- makefile: turn live tests off by default
- test: refactor tests for default enhanced codec
- message/agent: [codec] make enhanced the default codec
- test: better naming structure
- test: [message] increase setters test coverage
- message: clean up setters
- docs: note that ios project can be used with tests
- makefile: allow for custom timeouts
- Merge branch 'feature/expires'
- test: [message] add exiration tests
- message: add support for expiration, enabling enhanced codec
- dpes: add tea-ms
- Merge branch 'feature/device'
- test: [message] refactor to use Device constructor
- message: refactor to use Device constructor
- test: [device] add device tests
- device: add device constructor
- deps: update lotus to 0.4.x
- npmignore: ignore examples folder
- examples: [basic] add basic example
- deps: update lotus to 0.3.x, fixes writer dsl push bug
- test: [agent] add common agent tests that run for both mock and live
- test: [travis] only test node 0.8.x
- test: [live-agent] change tests to only run if key/cert is available
- Merge branch 'feature/msgid'
- test: [agent] nextId and agent integration
- agent: [nextId] add nextId method and message.id getter
- Merge branch 'feature/mockagent'
- test: [mockagent] normalize reconnect process against live
- test: [mock-agent] add tests for mock agent
- agent: [mock] add mock agent
- agent: [util] normalize prep of gateway options
- agent: rename live agent from agent.js to live.js
- agent: add base class and live agent extends base class
- deps: update with tea-inherits
- agent: [old] remove single class agent
- docs: update readme and package contribs
- message: [send] pseudo-alias to msg._agent.send(this, cb)
- Merge branch 'feature/reconnect'
- test: [agent] should be able to reconnect
- agent: [connect] support for reconnnect
- Merge branch 'feature/events'
- agent: events, custom errors, and improved codec lookup
- errors: add custom errors and expose via exports.errors
- Add public method for closing the connection
- Close -> destroy
- Fix the way we build a codec name
- lib: comment updates
- codecs: [index] create lookup methods
- agent: code cleanup
- agent: [send] pass through codec to socket
- message: [serialize] matches codec's expectations
- codecs: renaming from protocol
- agent: [connect] estabish and test connection to apple gateway
- gitignore: add test/certs and ignore contents
- test: normalize bootstrap
- lib: rename provider to agent
- util: add file util
- message: clean up code
- add facet
- adding tea
- further cleanup of codec
- using lotus protocol building
- expose provider factory
- allow for overwrite of default provider codec
- added comments to provider
- added provider
- add idris time manager
- release notice in readme
- message constructor, simple codec, utilities, tests
- Initial commit