- 0.9.0
- Fixed bunch of deprecations, IDE warnings, etc...
- Java8fication Closes #52
- Sequenced stub actions, as a first class citizen! + Java 8 (#50)
0.8.2 is the last feature-release which works with Java 7
In order to add new features more productively I'd like to switch to Java 8. Few users were asked and indicated that this wouldn't pose a problem for them.
- 0.8.2
- Some documentation/links fixes
- Added the ability to specify keystore and truststore through the standard java system properties. #47
- Added delay() action. Closes #51
- 0.8.1
- Fixed expired SSL certificate.
- 0.8
- Clearing StubServer state
- Using new json-path implementation
- JUnit 4 rule to start stub server
- Allow to match for other types then String in Condition.withPostBodyContainingJsonPath() method
- 0.7
- Now possible to specify port range. Closes #35
- Returning copies of stubs and calls lists. Closes #33
- 0.6
- Supporting post body validation using JSON path.
- Not allowing external modifications of calls and stubs lists.
- 0.5.1
- Get rid of guava dependency.
- Removed deprecated methods. #9
- 0.5
- Fixed synchronization with quick requests
- #24 removed dependency on javax.ws.rs
- Improved charset and content-type handling. Closes #24
- 0.4
- Added support for http basic authentication
- Updated libs
- Added verification for at least number of times
- 0.4-beta-3
- Fixed "/" URI stubbing. Closes #16
- Fixed groovy testCompile version
- Added some information regarding logging
- Added support for matching the whole URL (like http://google.com)
- Updated slf4j to 1.7.5 and removed confusing logback.xml from the repo
- 0.4-beta-2
- Added PATCH support
- 0.4-beta-1
- Added support for unicode characters
- Deprecated methods exposed to the problem from #7. To be removed at 1.0
- Added ok() and noContent() actions
- Used long enough without any problems to call it beta
- 0.4-alpha-2: Fixed some meta information build.gradle
- 0.4-alpha-1: First public release