A decentralized Object Storage Service manager on the Internet Computer, part of ic-oss.
- Bucket permission policies management and access_token issuance
- Bucket deployment management
- Bucket recharge management
Try it online: https://a4gq6-oaaaa-aaaab-qaa4q-cai.raw.icp0.io/?id=x5573-nqaaa-aaaap-ahopq-cai
# Deploy the cluster
# dfx canister create --specified-id x5573-nqaaa-aaaap-ahopq-cai ic_oss_cluster
dfx deploy ic_oss_cluster --argument "(opt variant {Init =
record {
name = \"LDC Labs\";
ecdsa_key_name = \"dfx_test_key\";
schnorr_key_name = \"dfx_test_key\";
token_expiration = 3600;
bucket_topup_threshold = 1_000_000_000_000;
bucket_topup_amount = 5_000_000_000_000;
# Get cluster info
dfx canister call ic_oss_cluster get_cluster_info '()'
# Add managers
MYID=$(dfx identity get-principal)
dfx canister call ic_oss_cluster admin_add_managers "(vec {principal \"$MYID\"})"
# Add a wasm file to the cluster:
ic-oss-cli -i debug/uploader.pem cluster-add-wasm -c x5573-nqaaa-aaaap-ahopq-cai --path debug/ic_oss_bucket.wasm.gz --description "ic_oss_bucket v0.9.8"
# create a bucket with default settings
dfx canister call ic_oss_cluster admin_create_bucket '(null, null)'
# (variant { Ok = principal "ctiya-peaaa-aaaaa-qaaja-cai" })
# Get bucket status
dfx canister call ic_oss_cluster get_canister_status '(opt principal "YOUR_BUCKET_ID")'
# Sign access token
dfx canister call ic_oss_cluster admin_ed25519_access_token '(record {
subject = principal "USER_ID";
audience = principal "YOUR_BUCKET_ID";
scope = "Folder.*:1 Bucket.Read.*";
# Attach policies
dfx canister call ic_oss_cluster admin_attach_policies '(record {
subject = principal "USER_ID";
audience = principal "YOUR_BUCKET_ID";
scope = "Folder.* Bucket.List.*";
The canister exposes a comprehensive Candid API. Key endpoints include:
# Permissions Operations
admin_attach_policies : (Token) -> (Result_1)
get_subject_policies : (principal) -> (Result_10) query
admin_ed25519_access_token : (Token) -> (Result)
admin_weak_access_token : (Token, nat64, nat64) -> (Result) query
access_token : (principal) -> (Result)
# Buckets Operations
admin_add_wasm : (AddWasmInput, opt blob) -> (Result_1)
admin_create_bucket : (opt CanisterSettings, opt blob) -> (Result_3)
admin_deploy_bucket : (DeployWasmInput, opt blob) -> (Result_1)
admin_upgrade_all_buckets : (opt blob) -> (Result_1)
admin_topup_all_buckets : () -> (Result_4)
bucket_deployment_logs : (opt nat, opt nat) -> (Result_5) query
# Admin Operations
admin_add_managers : (vec principal) -> (Result_1)
admin_add_committers : (vec principal) -> (Result_1)
Full Candid API definition: ic_oss_bucket.did
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Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.