All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Support to Paycash payment in Mexico
- Faster local builds
- Fixed Bank Transfer JS call
- Fixed refund rule observer
- Fixed round method for integer currencies
- Fixed cors reports
- Fixed incompatibilities with Magento 2.4.3-p1
- Fixed bug with two card payments
- Added device finger print for each payment method.
- Fixed javascript bundling incompatibilities
- Added coupon from Mercado Pago in fraud status
- Added retry payment button in failure page
- Improved Magento translations
- Persisting cart after payment failure
- fixed interest payment button
- Added billing address on Checkout Pro Mercado Pago for work with digital products
- Added redirect button for interest-free installment settings
- Added notification validation to avoid error on localhost
- Added round helper to avoid fraud status on gateways
- Added persistCartSession method to avoid cleaning cart on payment failure
- Added notification validation to avoid error on localhost
- Added validation to avoid create order on payment failure
- Migrated SDK JS from v1 to v2
- Improved translations
- Improved basic checkout failure page
- Fixed product image link to send on preferences
- Fixed custom-checkout.js to finish order
- Fixed retry order link
- Added billing address on checkout pix for digital products
- Added order ID to PIX purchase success page
- Added integrator ID field in admin screen
- Changed min length of card number field to 13 digits
- Added MFTF compliance for reviews on marketplace
- Added MCO on available_transparent_ticket method config to save MCO payment methods (Baloto and Efecty)
- Added Round helper
- Disabled checkouts on plugin install
- Renamed placeOrder method name on basic checkout template
- Fixed rounding of values to avoid problems with fraud status
- Prevented PIX base64 code from being placed on the invoice
- Adjusted the placeholder for translations
- Improvements for Pix
- Created a controller to render pix qrcode image.
- Created a custom info template for pix gateway.
- Improvements for Ticket
- Created a custom info template for ticket custom gateway.
- Added translation for payment status
- Use Magento 2 DateTime class to create and display pix expiration
- Verify response code before set on response class
- Adjusted to use path site instead advanced country
- Adjusted the total value of the installments presented at checkout
- Added source_news to receive only one type of notification
- Correction of the total amount presented at checkout
- Wallet purchase - Using discount and taxes to made final price
- Wallet purchase - Adjusted JS to clean and use new instance
- Pix - Change word PIX (uppercase) to Pix (capitalize)
- SSL Check - Not check when using test credentials
- Javascript - Custom checkout check undefined or null
- Notification - Update paymente status and status description, not clear all data
- Removed unused Mercado Pago API's
- Adjusted JS for mode custom checkout using gateway mode
- Refined load installments on change issuer
- Removed from log access token information
- Support to payment with PIX in Brazil
- Support to getBin for Creditcard Issuers
- New icons for payments (pro and custom checkout (credit card and ticket))
- Adjusted call on plugin of cancel order
- Fixed metadata for all payments
- Support to Mercado Pago Coupon, deprecated API.
- Added support to pay with wallet purchase
- Added validation amount x paid amount
- Removed unused metric module API
- Amount round adjusted
- Responding ok for unused notification
- Fixed same classes with Magento 2 Code Standards
- Added Gateway Mode for MLA and MCO
- Fixed getIpAddress on create PSE preference
- Fixed credit card JS for MLM
- Fixed Basic Checkout success page (added validation to payment_method_id and getAnalyticsData methods)