- Update to phpseclib v3 (#1410)
- PHP 8 Support (#1373)
- Remove Vue components (#1352)
- Use newFactory to properly reference factory (#1349)
- Support Laravel 8 & drop PHP 7.2 support (#1336)
- Guzzle 7 support (#1311)
- Nonstandard ID in the token's relationship with the user (#1267)
- Implement secret modal (#1258)
- Warn about one-time-hashed-secret (#1259)
- Add force option to hash command (#1251)
- Implement personal access client config (#1260)
- Fix displaying secret in Vue component (#1244)
- Moved provider check to bearer token only (#1246)
- Fix create client call (aff9d09)
- Allow client credentials secret to be hashed (#1145, ccbcfeb, 1c40ae0)
- Implement
command (#1238) - Initial support for multiple providers (#1220)
- Client credentials middleware should allow any valid client (#1132)
- Switch from
to match Laravel core (#1134) - Use Hasher interface instead of HashManager (#1157)
- Bump league server dependency (#1237)
- Automatic configuration of client UUIDs (#1231)
- Fix 500 Internal Server Error response (#1222)
- Fix resolveInheritedScopes (#1207)
already checked if app is running with config cached (#1205)
- Implement auth token for access requests (#1188)
- Revoke refresh tokens when auth tokens get revoked (#1186)
- Remove foreign keys (20e9b66)
- Add a Passport Client factory to Passport publishing (#1171)
- Update ClientCommand to support public clients (#1151)
- Purge Command for revoked and/or expired tokens and auth codes (#1159, 6c1ea42)
- Replace deprecated package and namespaces (#1158)
- Allow access to HTTP response status code on OAuthServerException (#1148)
- Modify UserRepository to check for 'findAndValidateForPassport' method (#1144)
- Add abstract CheckCredentials middleware and allows to create (#1127)
- Fix
testing method (#1119)
- Rework HandlesOAuthErrors trait to middleware (#937)
- Use a renderable exception for OAuth errors (#1066)
- Use diactoros 2.0 and psr-http-factory (aadf603)
- Replaced helpers with Blade directives (#939)
- Use caret for constraints (d906804)
- Dropped support for Laravel 5.8 (654cc09)
- Dropped support for PHP 7.1 (3c830ac)
- Upgrade to league/oauth2-server 8.0 (97e3026)
- Fix exception will thrown if token belongs to first party clients (#1040)
- Fix auth codes table customization (#1044)
- Add key type to refresh token model (e400c2b)
- Cast returned client identifier value to string (#1091)
- Add
method for tests (#1083)
- Let Passport support inherited parent scopes (#1068)
- Accept requests with the encrypted X-XSRF-TOKEN HTTP header (#1069)
- Use
column type foruser_id
columns (#1057)
- Remove old 5.9 constraints (58eb99c)
- Update version constraints for Laravel 6.0 (609b5e8)
- Change server property type in
- Allow first party clients to skip the authorization prompt (#1022)
- Fix AccessToken docblock (#996)
- Allow installs of zend-diactoros 2 (c0c3fca)
- Change
- Changed the way to get action path from
(#950) - Allow
scope to be used with Client Credentials (#949)
- Replace
- Make name an optional question (#926)
- Do not auto increment
ID (#929) - Allow multiple redirects when creating clients (#928)
- Add responses for destroy methods (#942)
- Rename property (#920)
- Add middleware CheckClientCredentialsForAnyScope (#855)
- Support a default scope when no scope was requested by the client (#879)
- Allow setting expiration of personal access tokens (#919)
- Change auth code table to the model's table (#865)
- Made whereRevoked consistent (#868)
- Use unsignedInteger column type for
columns (47f0021)
- Prevent passing empty string variable to retrieveById method (#861)
- Add names to routes for re-usability (#846)
- Add user relationship to client model (#851, 3213be8)
- Add the ability to retrieve current client (#854)
- Fix migrations tag publish (#832)
model is now used for persisting new authcodes (#808)resources/assets
directory was flattened (#813)
- Add option to enable cookie serialization (9012496)
- Don't serialize by default (29e9d53)