# Turing Machine There are two different ways that a Turing Machine can be described in the context of the Netomaton framework: 1. as a Network Automaton with a single node that carries the state and position of the head, and a separate tape that is read from and written to during processing; 2. as a Network Automaton with a number of nodes representing the tape (with the same local connectivity as an Elementary Cellular Automaton), whose states change as the tape is written to, and separate variables for the state and position of the head. With approach **1**, an input _function_ must be specified which provides the value from the tape that the head is currently reading. If a desired state is reached (or a maximum number of steps have been taken), the input function can return `None` to signal that the evolution is complete, and the machine is halting. At each step, the activity rule takes the input value, which is the value from the tape that the head is currently reading, and determines the next state for the node, the new tape value at the current head position, and the position of the head for the next timestep (the head can move left, right, or not move at all). With approach **2**, a pre-determined number of steps must be specified. At each timestep, each node is processed: if the node's index does not match the index of the head, then the node's current activity is simply returned; if the node's index matches the index of the head, then the Turing Machine's rule table is consulted, the new head state and position are determined, and the new node state is returned. In the example below, a Turing machine is given with two possible states for the head, and two possible states for each node that comprise the tape. It is a reproduction of the Turing machine given on page 79 (figure (b)) of Wolfram's [A New Kind of Science](https://www.wolframscience.com/nks/p79--turing-machines/). ```python import netomaton as ntm from netomaton import TuringMachine, TapeCentricTuringMachine HEAD = {"up": 1, "down": 2} CELL = {"on": 1, "off": 0} rule_table = { HEAD['up']: { CELL['on']: [HEAD['up'], CELL['off'], TuringMachine.RIGHT], CELL['off']: [HEAD['down'], CELL['on'], TuringMachine.RIGHT] }, HEAD['down']: { CELL['on']: [HEAD['up'], CELL['on'], TuringMachine.LEFT], CELL['off']: [HEAD['down'], CELL['on'], TuringMachine.LEFT] } } tm = TapeCentricTuringMachine(n=21, rule_table=rule_table, initial_head_state=HEAD['up'], initial_head_position=3) initial_conditions = [0] * 21 trajectory = ntm.evolve(initial_conditions=initial_conditions, network=tm.network, activity_rule=tm.activity_rule, timesteps=61) activities = ntm.get_activities_over_time_as_list(trajectory) ntm.plot_grid(activities, node_annotations=tm.head_activities(trajectory), show_grid=True) ``` <img src="../../resources/turing2.png" width="23%"/> The `TapeCentricTuringMachine` is based on approach **2**, described above. The complete source code for this example is [here](turing_machine_demo2.py). In the example above, the initial state (i.e. the tape) is very simple, and there are only four rules. But with just a little more complexity, it isn't long before a universal Turing machine is found. In the following example, a Turing machine with 2 states for the head, and 5 states for each cell in the tape is demonstrated. This is the simple universal Turing machine described in Wolfram's [New Kind of Science](https://www.wolframscience.com/nks/p707--universality-in-turing-machines-and-other-systems/), which emulates ECA Rule 110 (also known to be universal). ```python import netomaton as ntm from netomaton import TuringMachine, TapeCentricTuringMachine HEAD = {"up": 1, "down": 2} CELL = {"a": 0, "b": 1, "c": 2, "d": 3, "e": 4} rule_table = { HEAD['up']: { CELL['a']: [HEAD['up'], CELL['b'], TuringMachine.LEFT], CELL['b']: [HEAD['up'], CELL['a'], TuringMachine.RIGHT], CELL['c']: [HEAD['up'], CELL['a'], TuringMachine.RIGHT], CELL['d']: [HEAD['down'], CELL['e'], TuringMachine.RIGHT], CELL['e']: [HEAD['down'], CELL['d'], TuringMachine.LEFT] }, HEAD['down']: { CELL['a']: [HEAD['up'], CELL['d'], TuringMachine.LEFT], CELL['b']: [HEAD['up'], CELL['a'], TuringMachine.RIGHT], CELL['c']: [HEAD['up'], CELL['e'], TuringMachine.RIGHT], CELL['d']: [HEAD['down'], CELL['e'], TuringMachine.RIGHT], CELL['e']: [HEAD['down'], CELL['c'], TuringMachine.LEFT] } } tape = "bbbbbbaeaaaaaaa" tm = TapeCentricTuringMachine(n=len(tape), rule_table=rule_table, initial_head_state=HEAD['up'], initial_head_position=8) initial_conditions = [CELL[t] for t in tape] trajectory = ntm.evolve(initial_conditions=initial_conditions, network=tm.network, activity_rule=tm.activity_rule, timesteps=58) activities = ntm.get_activities_over_time_as_list(trajectory) ntm.plot_grid(activities, node_annotations=tm.head_activities(trajectory), show_grid=True) ``` <img src="../../resources/turing2c.png" width="83%"/> The plot on the right is the compressed output of running the machine for 5000 steps, and it clearly demonstrates that Rule 110 is emulated. (The code for this plot can be seen [here](turing_machine_demo2c.py), along with the full source code for this example.) The `HeadCentricTuringMachine` is based on approach **1**, described above. It is used in the example below, to demonstrate a Turing machine with 7 states for the head, and 7 states for each cell in the tape, for the language _L = {a<sup>n</sup>b<sup>n</sup>c<sup>n</sup> | n > 0}_. If the evolution of the automaton settles on the head state 'q6', then the string is accepted. ```python import netomaton as ntm from netomaton import TuringMachine, HeadCentricTuringMachine HEAD = {"q0": 0, "q1": 1, "q2": 2, "q3": 3, "q4": 4, "q5": 5, "q6": 6} CELL = {" ": 0, "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "x": 4, "y": 5, "z": 6} rule_table = { HEAD['q0']: { CELL['a']: [HEAD['q1'], CELL['x'], TuringMachine.RIGHT], CELL[' ']: [HEAD['q6'], CELL[' '], TuringMachine.STAY], ... } } tape = " aabbcc " tm = HeadCentricTuringMachine(tape=[CELL[t] for t in tape], rule_table=rule_table, initial_head_state=HEAD['q0'], initial_head_position=2, terminating_state=HEAD['q6'], max_timesteps=50) trajectory = ntm.evolve(initial_conditions=tm.initial_conditions, network=tm.network, activity_rule=tm.activity_rule, input=tm.input_function) tape_history, head_activities = tm.activities_for_plotting(trajectory) ntm.plot_grid(tape_history, node_annotations=head_activities, show_grid=True) ``` <img src="../../resources/turing1b.png" width="22%"/> Note that the `evolve` function is given the `input` parameter, which in this case is a function, which returns the value the head is currently reading, and `None` when (and if) the machine reaches the terminating state of 'q6'. The full source code for this example is [here](turing_machine_demo1b.py). Both the `TapeCentricTuringMachine` and `HeadCentricTuringMachine` will produce the same results. However, the `HeadCentricTuringMachine` may conceptually be more appropriate when thinking about how a Turing machine can be described as a Network Automaton. The tape is, after all, a passive element that serves both as input and memory, while the head is where the system's definitive state is stored. If one were to imagine adding more nodes to this Network Automaton, with approach **1**, one is simply adding more nodes to the tape, but with approach **2**, one is adding more heads, each with their own tape, which seems to be a much more meaningful change.