The Amazon ECS Container Agent is software developed for the Amazon EC2 Container Service.
It runs on Container Instances and starts containers on behalf of Amazon ECS.
The Amazon ECS Container Agent should be run in a docker container and may be downloaded from our Docker Hub Repository. Documentation on running it properly may be found on the Repository page.
tl;dr: On an Amazon ECS Container Instance
touch /etc/ecs/ecs.config
mkdir -p /var/log/ecs
docker run --name ecs-agent -d -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /var/log/ecs:/log -p --env-file /etc/ecs/ecs.config -e ECS_LOGFILE=/log/ecs-agent.log amazon/amazon-ecs-agent
See also the Advanced Usage section below.
Please note, running the Amazon ECS Container Agent outside of Amazon EC2 is not supported
The Amazon ECS Container Agent may be built by simply typing make
with the Docker
daemon running.
This will produce an image tagged amazon/ecs-container-agent:development
you may run as described above.
The Amazon ECS Container Agent may also be run outside of a docker container as a go binary. This is not recommended for production, but it can be useful for development or easier integration with your local Go tools.
The following commands will run it outside of Docker:
make gobuild
The following targets are available. Each may be run with make <target>
Make Target | Description |
release |
(Default) release builds the agent within a docker container and and packages it into a scratch-based image |
gobuild |
gobuild runs a normal go build of the agent and stores the binary in ./out/amazon-ecs-agent |
static |
static runs go build to produce a static binary in ./out/amazon-ecs-agent |
test |
test runs all tests using go test |
test-in-docker |
test-in-docker runs all tests inside a docker container |
clean |
clean removes build artifacts. Note: this does not remove docker images |
The Amazon ECS Container Agent supports a number of configuration options, most of which should be set through environment variables.
The following environment variables are available. All of them are optional. They are listed in a general order of likelihood that a user may want to configure them as something other than the defaults.
Environment Key | Example Value(s) | Description | Default Value |
clusterName | The cluster this agent should check into. | default |
[22, 80, 5000, 8080] |
An array of ports that should be marked as unavailable for scheduling on this Container Instance. | [22, 2375, 2376, 51678] |
<us-west-2>|<us-east-1>|… | The region to be used in API requests as well as to infer the correct backend host. | Taken from EC2 Instance Metadata |
AKIDEXAMPLE | The Access Key used by the agent for all calls. | Taken from EC2 Instance Metadata |
EXAMPLEKEY | The Secret Key used by the agent for all calls. | Taken from EC2 Instance Metadata |
unix:///var/run/docker.sock | Used to create a connection to the Docker daemon; behaves similarly to this environment variable as used by the Docker client | unix:///var/run/docker.sock |
<crit> | <error> | <warn> | <info> | <debug> | What level to log at on stdout. | warn |
/ecs-agent.log | The path to output full debugging info to. If blank, no logs will be written to file. If set, logs at debug level (regardless of ECS_LOGLEVEL) will be written to that file. | blank |
<true | false> | Whether to checkpoint state to the DATAFILE specified below | true if ECS_DATADIR is non-empty; false otherwise |
/data/ | The container path where state is checkpointed for use across agent restarts. | /data/ |
ECS_BACKEND_HOST | | The host to make backend api calls against. | |
443 | The associated port to make backend api calls with. | 443 |
The Session Token used for temporary credentials. | Taken from EC2 Instance Metadata |
The agent also supports the following flags:
— The agent will not requre valid SSL certificates for the services it communicates with.-loglevel
— Options:[<crit>|<error>|<warn>|<info>|<debug>]
. The agent will output on stdout at the given level. This is overridden by theECS_LOGLEVEL
environment variable, if present.
Contributions and feedback are welcome! Proposals and Pull Requests will be considered and responded to.
The Amazon ECS Container Agent is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.