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Trade Bot Features and General Settings

Lusamine edited this page Sep 29, 2021 · 31 revisions

Trade Bots

The bot performs trades separated by queue. The Seed Check queue is separate from the Trade queue, and bots only process the queue they are assigned to. If the bot is assigned as FlexTrade, it will process all queues assigned by their weight.

The bot will private message users when it is their turn to be processed.

  1. Surprise Trade: The bot Surprise Trades PKM files from the Distribution folder.
  2. Link Trade: The bot link trades Pokémon from either a Showdown set or a file.
  3. Seed Check: The bot link trades to peek at an offered Pokémon and then calculates the raid seed for Max Raid Den RNG abuse.
  4. Clone: The bot link trades to copy an offered Pokémon and then trades the clone back when the trade partner changes their offered Pokémon.
  5. Dump: The bot link trades to dump all offered Pokémon and their legality checks into the DMs of the the user who requested the trade.
  6. Flex: Flexible bot will process anything in the Seed Check -> Clone -> Dump -> Link Trade queues. The priority for the queues can be adjusted with Queue Settings.
    • Handles all queues rather than being assigned to only one queue.
  7. Distribution: Not a selectable bot. If DistributeWhileIdle is enabled, a trade bot will trade Pokémon from the Distribution folder based on the settings under Distribution.

You can schedule trades via Discord/Twitch. YouTube has very restricted message quotas and can only be used for Distribution.

For trading bots, it is recommended to use the Flex bot as it will handle all types of trade. For information on how to configure Flex trading, refer to the associated wiki topic.

Softban Recovery

If a trade is disconnected at just the wrong time, a softban can be placed on both traders. This is usually a 30 minute wait before either user can trade again. SysBot.NET is able to detect and remove softbans automatically.

  • If you are connecting with sys-botbase, you must install ldn_mitm to allow the bot to control your Switch once the game is offline. This is unnecessary for USB-Botbase.
  • If you are having trouble getting back into the game (e.g. getting stuck in DLC menu or title screen), make sure you adjust your Extra Time Settings. Reset game settings can be verified using Raid Bot.

Trade Bot Settings

  • TradeWaitTime: Adjusts the number of seconds the bot waits for a trainer to meet it. Default is 45 seconds.
  • MinTradeCode / MaxTradeCode: The range of Link Codes the bot uses. Set them to the same value if you want to use the same Link Code every time.

Trade Abuse Settings

These settings can be used to mitigate trade abuses such as bypassing trade cooldown and using multiple accounts to queue. It is also possible to disallow users from using the bot by Nintendo ID. The bot will use Echo channels to alert when trade abuse is detected and any action is taken.

Trade Cooldown

This is a limit on how often a user may trade with the bot.

  • TradeCooldown: Bot will alert if a user is detected in-game multiple times in less than this setting's value in minutes.
  • EchoNintendoOnlineIDCooldown: Sets whether to include the Nintendo ID in echoes when trade cooldown is ignored.

Multiple Accounts

These are limits on users on multiple Discord/Twitch accounts queuing for the same Nintendo online account.

  • TradeAbuseExpiration: Bot will alert if a user is detected using multiple Discord/Twitch accounts in less than this setting's value in minutes.
  • EchoNintendoOnlineIDMulti: Sets whether to include the Nintendo ID in echoes when multiple accounts are detected.
  • TradeAbuseAction: Sets the action when a user is detected using multiple accounts to queue. Ignore does nothing, Quit leaves the trade, and Block initializes the in-game block routine.
  • BanIDWhenBlockingUser: Sets whether to add a user's Nintendo ID to the BannedIDs list when they are blocked in-game for multiple accounts. This will cause them to be blocked in-game again if they switch games.

ID Banlist

These are bans on Nintendo online account IDs.

  • BannedIDs / BlockDetectedBannedUser: A list of IDs that are banned from using the bot. If a user is encountered matching one of these IDs and BlockDetectedBannedUser is enabled, the bot will block them in-game during trade. Otherwise, it will leave the trade.
    • Users can be added to this list with $bantrade <Nintendo ID> "Comment".
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