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Link Trade

Lusamine edited this page Oct 15, 2020 · 6 revisions

Link Trade Bot

  • The bot will trade from your first box & first slot. Be sure that is the box that opens when you view your box data.
  • New Pokémon will be injected to this slot, so be sure you aren't storing anything here you don't mind losing.

Operation through Discord/Twitch/YouTube

  • If the DistributeWhileIdle field is set to False (only checked when pressing Start) then no Pokemon from the distribution folder will be given out at the specified link codes. At this point the only way to trigger a trade through the bot would be through Discord/Twitch/YouTube integration.
  • To trade, use the trade command with your bot prefix along with either an attached pk8 file or a Showdown set (set is generated using Auto-Legality Mod). The bot will add you to the queue and give you a randomized code to trade to.
  • Start searching at that code and once a trainer is found, the bot will trade the requested Pokemon to the trainer.

Auto-Legality Mod (ALM)

For further information on how to generate sets compatible with ALM to use with the Link Trade bot, refer to the following pages on the PKHeX-Plugins Wiki:

  • Getting Started with Auto-Legality Mod for basic information on creating a set.
  • ALM Showdown Sets for additional customizations.
    • SysBot.NET currently supports Ball:, Shiny:, and Language: freely.
    • For custom Trainer Data, Operation > Legality > AllowTrainerDataOverride must be toggled. This allows use of OT:, TID:, SID:, and OTGender:.
    • Batch editor commands may be used if enabled under Operation > Legality > AllowBatchCommands. We won't cover the Batch Editor in further detail and recommend you read the Batch Editor Guide to learn how to use it.
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