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Lusamine edited this page Oct 8, 2020 · 30 revisions

Idle Distribution Trades

  • When trade bots (LinkTrade, Seedcheck, Clone, Dump, FlexTrade) do not have any trades to make, they will be left idle.
  • If you wish to keep the bots busy, set the DistributeWhileIdle field to be set to True. This will continuously try to trade Pokémon from the Distribution folder while idle.
  • This feature would typically be used for trade bot streams to distribute a specific Pokémon/random Pokémon from a pool to the viewers.

Ledy Functions

In prior generations, trade bots were able to perform automated trades across the GTS.

  • Users would upload a Ledyba with a specific nickname.
  • When the bot sees their Ledyba with a specific nickname, it fulfills the trade with something matching their specific request.

With SysBot, we can perform similar functions to allow your randomly matched trade partners some control in what is traded to them.

  • Name your files in the distribution folder with unique names. Make sure they aren't bad words (wordfilter).
  • In the SysBot settings, double check the Species the trade partner must offer in to unlock this function (default Wooloo).
    • To disable this restriction and allow any species (only check nicknames), set the Species to None.
  • For each cycle, the bot will pick a Pokémon from the pool and attempt to trade it on the provided link codes.
  • If the trade partner shows a Pokémon with a nickname matching one of your magic filenames, the bot will swap and trade that Pokémon instead!


  • DistributeWhileIdle: Toggles idle distribution on or off.
  • Shuffled: The bot will trade all Pokémon in the Distribution folder and then shuffles the order when it starts over.
  • LedySpecies: If set, the bot will require a matching species for a Ledy swap via nickname.
  • TradeCode / RandomCode: If RandomCode is enabled, the bot will randomize Link Codes with MinTradeCode and MaxTradeCode under the Trade category. Otherwise, it uses the code specified in TradeCode.
  • SynchronizeBots: If multiple distribution bots are active, this allows them to start trades at the same time. It is recommended to have all bots block each other to avoid matching.
  • SynchronizeDelayBarrier: Amount of time in seconds to wait once all bots are prepared to start a trade.
  • SynchronizeTimeout: Amount of time in seconds to wait before all bots are released, even if not all bots are ready.
  • Operation > Folder > DistributeFolder: Set the path to the Distribution folder where your files are stored.
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