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File metadata and controls

183 lines (158 loc) · 6.03 KB

Based on lit-element. An alternative that replaces observable properties with an observable and shareable view model. It also separates out render scheduling to be pluggable.

Package available from

There are two demo projects in the GitHub repository, they work best from VS Code (for instructions, see their README files).

An example for a simple check list that would be used like <my-checklist .model=${myModel} show-checkboxes></my-checklist> where myModel needs to be an instance of MyChecklistModel (see the controls-demo for details):

import { Queue, priorities } from '@nx-js/queue-util/dist/es.es6.js';
import { html, nothing } from 'lit';
import { repeat } from 'lit/directives/repeat.js';
import { LitMvvmElement, css } from '@kdsoft/lit-mvvm';

class MyCheckList extends LitMvvmElement {
  constructor() {
    // One can also set the global window._kd_soft.scheduler and leave this.scheduler unassigned,
    // a shared scheduler allows us to have more control over render scheduling compared to
    // each control having an independent scheduler.
    this.scheduler = new Queue(priorities.HIGH);
    this.getItemTemplate = item => html`${item}`;

  get showCheckboxes() { return this.hasAttribute('show-checkboxes'); }
  set showCheckboxes(val) {
    if (val) this.setAttribute('show-checkboxes', '');
    else this.removeAttribute('show-checkboxes');

  // Observed attributes will trigger an attributeChangedCallback, which in turn 
  // will cause a re-render to be scheduled!
  static get observedAttributes() {
    return [...super.observedAttributes, 'show-checkboxes'];

  _checkboxClicked(e) {
    // want to keep dropped list open for multiple selections
    if (this.model.multiSelect) {
      const itemDiv = e.currentTarget.closest('.list-item');
      this.model.selectIndex(itemDiv.dataset.itemIndex, e.currentTarget.checked);

  _itemClicked(e) {
    const itemDiv = e.currentTarget.closest('.list-item');
    if (this.model.multiSelect) {
    } else { // on single select we don't toggle a clicked item
      this.model.selectIndex(itemDiv.dataset.itemIndex, true);

  _checkBoxTemplate(model, item) {
    const chkid = `item-chk-${model.getItemId(item)}`;
    return html`
      <input type="checkbox" id=${chkid}
        ?disabled=${item.disabled} />

  _itemTemplate(item, indx, showCheckboxes) {
    const disabledString = item.disabled ? 'disabled' : '';
    const tabindex = indx === 0 ? '0' : '-1';
    return html`
      <li data-item-index="${indx}"
        class="list-item ${disabledString}"
          ${showCheckboxes ? this._checkBoxTemplate(this.model, item, indx) : nothing}

  // model may still be undefined
  connectedCallback() {

  disconnectedCallback() {

  shouldRender() {
    return !!this.model;

  // only called when model is defined, due to the shouldRender() override
  beforeFirstRender() {

  firstRendered() {

  rendered() {

  static get styles() {
    return [
        :host {
          display: inline-block;
        #container {
          position: relative;
          width: 100%;
          display: flex;
        #item-list {
          display: inline-block;
          list-style: none;
          -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; /* Lets it scroll lazy */
          padding: 0 5px;
          box-sizing: border-box;
          max-height: var(--max-scroll-height, 300px);
          min-width: 100%;
        .list-item {
          position: relative;
          padding: 2px 0;
        .list-item:hover {
          background-color: lightblue;
        .list-item > div {
          display: flex;
          width: 100%;

  render() {
    return html`
      <div id="container">
        <ul id="item-list">
            entry => this.model.getItemId(entry.item),
            entry => this._itemTemplate(entry.item, entry.index, this.showCheckboxes)

window.customElements.define('my-checklist', MyCheckList);

Styling component externally

There are several ways of styling a component from the outside

  1. Use elements.

    • The slotted components are already styled when assigned to the slot.
    • That styling is based on where these components are placed in the light DOM.
  2. Use ::part() selectors.

    • A Shadow Dom node can be identified with a "part" attribute and referenced from the outside using a ::part() selector.
    • There are limitations: children of the part cannot be selected/styled that way, only the part itself.
    • Nested parts need to be exported explicitly using the "exportedparts" attribute.
  3. Inject a stylesheet into the component

    • A stylesheet can be added like this, in the beforeFirstRender() override: this.renderRoot.adoptedStyleSheets = [...this.renderRoot.adoptedStyleSheets, newStyleSheet];
  4. Note: vs callbacks

    • In a hierarchical structure like a tree view it is hard to syntactically add slotted components especially when the tree view is dynamically constructed based on a recursive hierarchical model.
      • One can use inheritance and specify a "renderNode(nodeModel)" method to override in a derived class. See demo-tree-view-menu.js in the demo/controls directory.
      • Or one can use a callback function - passed as a property - to inject a template instead of populating a slot. In this case it is advised to also inject the associated style sheets, if applicable (see above).