This is an app for management of a sales team led by an admin. The
admin wants to display all the commodities (and their quantities) present in the
inventory currently. This app will have two types of login- Admin and Salesperson.
Now as the salespersons will sell a commodity, they will have to make an entry in
the app so that the quantity of the commodity sold by the salesperson can be
removed from the inventory. Each commodity as a profit (in rupees) associated with
it that the firm will have on the sale of the commodity. This is extensively based on Firebase
Clone this Repository.Go to Android studio.Make sure you are connected to internet.Open an existing project in android studio.Build and download required libraries(automatically done by gradle) and run the app.
- Login and Registration feature for admin and the salespersons with simultaneous data storage on the server.
- App displays all the commodities present in the inventory currently. It also has a search capability on all the items that are present in the inventory as well as the sold items.
- Displays basic details of the salespersons e.g. employee name, employee id, profile picture, commodities sold etc.
- Admin is able to view the profile of all candidates and a salesperson should be able to see only his profile.
- There is leaderboard of top 10 salespersons.
- There is a chat for personal communication between all the employees and chat for among all the employees in the sales team (including the admin).
- Admin is able to send notices through the app to all salespersons, which is visible in form of notifications in app.
- Based on the salesperson’s monthly sales, there is a recommendation algorithm that sets a sales target for the next month for the salesperson.
- Graphs are there to show a salesperson’s progress over time.
- Firebase auth,database,storage,UI,cloud messaging,ML kit.
- Alimuzaffar pin entry edit text
- MpAndroidChart Library
- Fresco
Android studio 3.0 or above and a Network connection
- Android Studio - Java platform with magical gradle
- Firebase - Firebase is Google's mobile platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality apps and grow your business.
- Node js - Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
- Feel free to report issues and bugs for improving the user experience
- Fork and contribute
This project is licensed under the GPL License - see the file for details