- Fixes #94
- Added ability to get viewPortItems as a field instead of event
- Added easier ability of using window scrollbar
- Added ability to put other elements inside of scroll (Need to wrap list itself in @ContentChild('container'))
- Added ability to use any parent with scrollbar instead of this element (@input() parentScroll)
- import rxjs operators and object needed instead of RxJS library itself
- improve performance by using Observables for scroll event
- add attribute selector
- fixes #39 - infinite event loop with empty items array
- Bug fix: the data to "jump" once scrolled to the bottom, because maxStart is assumed to be evenly divisible by the number of items in each row. #32
- Bug fix: ensure that onScrollListener is actually defined before removing #25
- Feature: Add event "start", to be fired when at the beginning of the list
- Feature: Add event "end", to be fired when at the end of the list
- Bug Fix: BUG infinite request on (change) - use "end" instead of "change" #20
- Feature: Fire change event after startup #21
- Bug Fix: Update to lower amount of Elements, scroll issue, empty space on bottom #22
- Feature: enable AoT #16
- Updating documentation
- Merging pull request: Completely define ngOnChanges function signature #2
. These are auto calculated now. - Added support for list items with variable width and height. Use
- Performance turning: removed padding using
. Now usestransform
- Bug fix: virtual-scroll.js:73 Uncaught ReferenceError: __decorate is not defined #1
- Initial version