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Resources for community group leads

Home for chairs and tech leads resources and materials for onboarding, offboarding, operations, and more.


Meeting/calendar invites
calendar template

Meeting agenda doc structure
Top of doc:

  • name of group, linked to your README, and a link to charter
  • repo(s), links to project boards
  • date and time of meetings, link to shared calendar
  • how to add topics to agenda
  • leads, best contact info
  • slack channel(s)
  • new contributor information so you don't have to repeat yourself
    examples: last kubecon update video, your contributor guide

Other best practices:

  • include a host guide for when you aren't there to host
  • link to meeting note archives
  • make an area for new folks to introduce themselves
  • include community wide and contributor experience related announcements

Important Governance Documentation

Code of Conduct

  • [email protected] if you need anything from them or to report
  • may have training or guidance - ask!

Kubernetes values
Governance Principles

Communication and feedback loops:

A Place for leads to get info, talk to other leads, best practices, demos, and more:

  • Monthly meeting
    • Time:
      • 2nd Tuesday of the Month 12:30pm PT [830pmUTC]
      • 2nd Thursday of the Month 09:00am PT [5pmUTC]

Slack: #chairs-and-techleads
[other related/useful] #sig-contribex (operations), #steering (governance)

Mailing list: [email protected] [other must join] [email protected]

Github: File issues against kubernetes/community


According to governance, leads need to provide a community update. Most do this through KubeCon update sessions and sign up forms come through as 'Maintainer Track' to the leads@ list. There is also an option for a deep dive session that is longer duration for larger community discussion.

Community Programs



Is someone in your group deserving of recognition? Great! There are a few ways to do this depending on the situation and end goals. Our community is built on the ethos of chop wood, carry water; reward and recognize often!

The quickest way is a "Thanks!" in an issue or PR. Want a wider audience? Try #shoutouts on the Kubernetes slack!


  • cncf swag store
    • ContribEx can help connect you to K8s tshirts, stickers, and other marketing materials.
      • K8s baby onesies are also available but usually take longer.
      • Custom items can be done for certain occasions. Silly gift practical jokes or anything involving googly eyes that make people smile will be given the appropriate level of priority.


There are a few times a year that Kubernetes and the larger CNCF community intentionally recognizes members of the community for certain roles and accomplishments. The leads@ mailing list and slack channel will have announcements for when nominations are open.

CNCF resources