From 0dae3ecb22f5469912dd28e8509fc722341cfa05 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Francesco Romani <>
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2024 13:51:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] nrt: log: introduce and use "generation" for cache

In order to improve the debuggability of the overreserve cache, we
would like to
1. correlate the cache state being used with
2. the actions the resync loop is doing
3. infer in a easier way the current state of the cache

This change aims to improve points 1 and 2, while also trying to make
3 easier in the future.

We introduce the concept of "generation" which is an opaque
monotonically increasing integer similar in spirit to the
`resourceVersion` kube API field.
Every time the internal state of the cache is updated, which happens
only in the resync loop by design, we increment the generation.

GetCachedNRTCopy will also return the generation of the data
being used, so we have now an uniform way to correlate readers
and writer of the cache, and we gain better visibility of the data
being used.

With verbose enough logging, using the generation is now easier
(albeit admittedly still clunky) to reconstruct the chain of changes
which lead to a given cache state, which was much harder previously.
Similarly, there's now a clear way to learn which cache state was
used to make a given scheduling decision, which was much harder before.

The changes involve mostly logging; to avoid proliferation of return
values, however, a trivial refactoring is done in `GetCachedNRTCopy`.
A beneficial side effect is much improved documentation of the
return values.

Signed-off-by: Francesco Romani <>
 pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/cache.go       | 20 ++++++++---
 pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/cache_test.go  |  6 ++--
 .../cache/discardreserved.go                  |  9 ++---
 .../cache/discardreserved_test.go             |  4 +--
 pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/overreserve.go | 36 +++++++++++++++----
 .../cache/overreserve_test.go                 |  4 +--
 pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/passthrough.go |  7 ++--
 pkg/noderesourcetopology/filter.go            |  5 +--
 pkg/noderesourcetopology/logging/logging.go   |  7 +---
 pkg/noderesourcetopology/score.go             |  6 ++--
 10 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/cache.go b/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/cache.go
index dcb176ff9..ad05338c8 100644
--- a/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/cache.go
+++ b/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/cache.go
@@ -24,6 +24,20 @@ import (
 	topologyv1alpha2 ""
+type CachedNRTInfo struct {
+	// Generation is akin to the object resourceVersion and represents
+	// the observed state in the cache. It's an opaque monotonically increasing number which can only compared for equality
+	// and which is only increased in the resync loop. It is used to cross correlate resync attempts with observed state
+	// with cache content. Used only in logging. If the cache implementation has no concept of caching nor generation,
+	// it should always return 0 (zero).
+	Generation uint64
+	// Fresh signals the caller if the NRT data is fresh.
+	// If true, the data is fresh and ready to be consumed.
+	// If false, the data is stale and the caller need to wait for a future refresh.
+	Fresh bool
 type Interface interface {
 	// GetCachedNRTCopy retrieves a NRT copy from cache, and then deducts over-reserved resources if necessary.
 	// It will be used as the source of truth across the Pod's scheduling cycle.
@@ -31,10 +45,8 @@ type Interface interface {
 	// of NRT pertaining to the same node, pessimistically overallocated on ALL the NUMA zones of the node.
 	// The pod argument is used only for logging purposes.
 	// Returns nil if there is no NRT data available for the node named `nodeName`.
-	// Returns a boolean to signal the caller if the NRT data is fresh.
-	// If true, the data is fresh and ready to be consumed.
-	// If false, the data is stale and the caller need to wait for a future refresh.
-	GetCachedNRTCopy(ctx context.Context, nodeName string, pod *corev1.Pod) (*topologyv1alpha2.NodeResourceTopology, bool)
+	// Returns a CachedNRTInfo describing the NRT data returned. Meaningful only if `nrt` != nil.
+	GetCachedNRTCopy(ctx context.Context, nodeName string, pod *corev1.Pod) (*topologyv1alpha2.NodeResourceTopology, CachedNRTInfo)
 	// NodeMaybeOverReserved declares a node was filtered out for not enough resources available.
 	// This means this node is eligible for a resync. When a node is marked discarded (dirty), it matters not
diff --git a/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/cache_test.go b/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/cache_test.go
index 90c8a4086..9df645a78 100644
--- a/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/cache_test.go
+++ b/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/cache_test.go
@@ -100,10 +100,10 @@ func checkGetCachedNRTCopy(t *testing.T, makeCache func(client ctrlclient.WithWa
 				nrtCache.NodeHasForeignPods(tc.nodeName, pod)
-			gotNRT, gotOK := nrtCache.GetCachedNRTCopy(ctx, tc.nodeName, pod)
+			gotNRT, gotInfo := nrtCache.GetCachedNRTCopy(ctx, tc.nodeName, pod)
-			if gotOK != tc.expectedOK {
-				t.Fatalf("unexpected object status from cache: got: %v expected: %v", gotOK, tc.expectedOK)
+			if gotInfo.Fresh != tc.expectedOK {
+				t.Fatalf("unexpected object status from cache: got: %v expected: %v", gotInfo.Fresh, tc.expectedOK)
 			if gotNRT != nil && tc.expectedNRT == nil {
 				t.Fatalf("object from cache not nil but expected nil")
diff --git a/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/discardreserved.go b/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/discardreserved.go
index ff877f9ee..b59d8cb2f 100644
--- a/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/discardreserved.go
+++ b/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/discardreserved.go
@@ -58,20 +58,21 @@ func NewDiscardReserved(lh logr.Logger, client ctrlclient.Client) Interface {
-func (pt *DiscardReserved) GetCachedNRTCopy(ctx context.Context, nodeName string, _ *corev1.Pod) (*topologyv1alpha2.NodeResourceTopology, bool) {
+func (pt *DiscardReserved) GetCachedNRTCopy(ctx context.Context, nodeName string, _ *corev1.Pod) (*topologyv1alpha2.NodeResourceTopology, CachedNRTInfo) {
 	defer pt.rMutex.RUnlock()
 	if t, ok := pt.reservationMap[nodeName]; ok {
 		if len(t) > 0 {
-			return nil, false
+			return nil, CachedNRTInfo{}
+	info := CachedNRTInfo{Fresh: true}
 	nrt := &topologyv1alpha2.NodeResourceTopology{}
 	if err := pt.client.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: nodeName}, nrt); err != nil {
-		return nil, true
+		return nil, info
-	return nrt, true
+	return nrt, info
 func (pt *DiscardReserved) NodeMaybeOverReserved(nodeName string, pod *corev1.Pod) {}
diff --git a/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/discardreserved_test.go b/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/discardreserved_test.go
index 63c763dca..46e86772f 100644
--- a/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/discardreserved_test.go
+++ b/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/discardreserved_test.go
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ func TestDiscardReservedNodesGetNRTCopyFails(t *testing.T) {
-	nrtObj, ok := nrtCache.GetCachedNRTCopy(context.Background(), "node1", &corev1.Pod{})
-	if ok {
+	nrtObj, nrtInfo := nrtCache.GetCachedNRTCopy(context.Background(), "node1", &corev1.Pod{})
+	if nrtInfo.Fresh {
 		t.Fatal("expected false\ngot true\n")
 	if nrtObj != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/overreserve.go b/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/overreserve.go
index 505ba955d..9cd5008c1 100644
--- a/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/overreserve.go
+++ b/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/overreserve.go
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ type OverReserve struct {
 	lh               logr.Logger
 	client           ctrlclient.Reader
 	lock             sync.Mutex
+	generation       uint64
 	nrts             *nrtStore
 	assumedResources map[string]*resourceStore // nodeName -> resourceStore
 	// nodesMaybeOverreserved counts how many times a node is filtered out. This is used as trigger condition to try
@@ -97,30 +98,33 @@ func NewOverReserve(ctx context.Context, lh logr.Logger, cfg *apiconfig.NodeReso
 	return obj, nil
-func (ov *OverReserve) GetCachedNRTCopy(ctx context.Context, nodeName string, pod *corev1.Pod) (*topologyv1alpha2.NodeResourceTopology, bool) {
+func (ov *OverReserve) GetCachedNRTCopy(ctx context.Context, nodeName string, pod *corev1.Pod) (*topologyv1alpha2.NodeResourceTopology, CachedNRTInfo) {
 	defer ov.lock.Unlock()
 	if ov.nodesWithForeignPods.IsSet(nodeName) {
-		return nil, false
+		return nil, CachedNRTInfo{}
+	info := CachedNRTInfo{Fresh: true}
 	nrt := ov.nrts.GetNRTCopyByNodeName(nodeName)
 	if nrt == nil {
-		return nil, true
+		return nil, info
+	info.Generation = ov.generation
 	nodeAssumedResources, ok := ov.assumedResources[nodeName]
 	if !ok {
-		return nrt, true
+		return nrt, info
 	logID := klog.KObj(pod)
-	lh := ov.lh.WithValues(logging.KeyPod, logID, logging.KeyPodUID, logging.PodUID(pod), logging.KeyNode, nodeName)
+	lh := ov.lh.WithValues(logging.KeyPod, logID, logging.KeyPodUID, logging.PodUID(pod), logging.KeyNode, nodeName, logging.KeyGeneration, ov.generation)
 	lh.V(6).Info("NRT", "fromcache", stringify.NodeResourceTopologyResources(nrt))
 	nodeAssumedResources.UpdateNRT(nrt, logging.KeyPod, logID)
 	lh.V(5).Info("NRT", "withassumed", stringify.NodeResourceTopologyResources(nrt))
-	return nrt, true
+	return nrt, info
 func (ov *OverReserve) NodeMaybeOverReserved(nodeName string, pod *corev1.Pod) {
@@ -176,6 +180,7 @@ func (ov *OverReserve) UnreserveNodeResources(nodeName string, pod *corev1.Pod)
 type DesyncedNodes struct {
+	Generation        uint64
 	MaybeOverReserved []string
 	ConfigChanged     []string
@@ -207,6 +212,10 @@ func (rn DesyncedNodes) DirtyCount() int {
 func (ov *OverReserve) GetDesyncedNodes(lh logr.Logger) DesyncedNodes {
 	defer ov.lock.Unlock()
+	// make sure to log the generation to be able to crosscorrelate with later logs
+	lh = lh.WithValues(logging.KeyGeneration, ov.generation)
 	// this is intentionally aggressive. We don't yet make any attempt to find out if the
 	// node was discarded because pessimistically overrserved (which should indeed trigger
 	// a resync) or if it was discarded because the actual resources on the node really were
@@ -229,6 +238,7 @@ func (ov *OverReserve) GetDesyncedNodes(lh logr.Logger) DesyncedNodes {
 		lh.V(4).Info("found dirty nodes", "foreign", foreignCount, "discarded", overreservedCount, "configChange", configChangeCount, "total", nodes.Len())
 	return DesyncedNodes{
+		Generation:        ov.generation,
 		MaybeOverReserved: nodes.Keys(),
 		ConfigChanged:     configChangeNodes.Keys(),
@@ -244,11 +254,14 @@ func (ov *OverReserve) GetDesyncedNodes(lh logr.Logger) DesyncedNodes {
 // too aggressive resync attempts, so to more, likely unnecessary, computation work on the scheduler side.
 func (ov *OverReserve) Resync() {
 	// we are not working with a specific pod, so we need a unique key to track this flow
-	lh_ := ov.lh.WithName(logging.FlowCacheSync).WithValues(logging.KeyLogID, logging.TimeLogID())
+	lh_ := ov.lh.WithName(logging.FlowCacheSync)
 	defer lh_.V(4).Info(logging.FlowEnd)
 	nodes := ov.GetDesyncedNodes(lh_)
+	// we start without because chicken/egg problem. This is the earliest we can use the generation value.
+	lh_ = lh_.WithValues(logging.KeyGeneration, nodes.Generation)
 	// avoid as much as we can unnecessary work and logs.
 	if nodes.Len() == 0 {
 		lh_.V(5).Info("no dirty nodes detected")
@@ -331,6 +344,7 @@ func (ov *OverReserve) Resync() {
 func (ov *OverReserve) FlushNodes(lh logr.Logger, nrts ...*topologyv1alpha2.NodeResourceTopology) {
 	defer ov.lock.Unlock()
 	for _, nrt := range nrts {
 		lh.V(2).Info("flushing", logging.KeyNode, nrt.Name)
@@ -339,6 +353,14 @@ func (ov *OverReserve) FlushNodes(lh logr.Logger, nrts ...*topologyv1alpha2.Node
+	if len(nrts) == 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	// increase only if we mutated the internal state
+	ov.generation += 1
+	lh.V(2).Info("generation", "new", ov.generation)
 // to be used only in tests
diff --git a/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/overreserve_test.go b/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/overreserve_test.go
index 0d02ad95d..33214b444 100644
--- a/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/overreserve_test.go
+++ b/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/overreserve_test.go
@@ -720,8 +720,8 @@ func TestNodeWithForeignPods(t *testing.T) {
 		t.Errorf("unexpected dirty nodes: %v", nodes.MaybeOverReserved)
-	_, ok := nrtCache.GetCachedNRTCopy(context.Background(), target, &corev1.Pod{})
-	if ok {
+	_, info := nrtCache.GetCachedNRTCopy(context.Background(), target, &corev1.Pod{})
+	if info.Fresh {
 		t.Errorf("succesfully got node with foreign pods!")
diff --git a/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/passthrough.go b/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/passthrough.go
index ac2107613..29f1e2a46 100644
--- a/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/passthrough.go
+++ b/pkg/noderesourcetopology/cache/passthrough.go
@@ -40,14 +40,15 @@ func NewPassthrough(lh logr.Logger, client ctrlclient.Client) Interface {
-func (pt Passthrough) GetCachedNRTCopy(ctx context.Context, nodeName string, _ *corev1.Pod) (*topologyv1alpha2.NodeResourceTopology, bool) {
+func (pt Passthrough) GetCachedNRTCopy(ctx context.Context, nodeName string, _ *corev1.Pod) (*topologyv1alpha2.NodeResourceTopology, CachedNRTInfo) {
 	pt.lh.V(5).Info("lister for NRT plugin")
+	info := CachedNRTInfo{Fresh: true}
 	nrt := &topologyv1alpha2.NodeResourceTopology{}
 	if err := pt.client.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: nodeName}, nrt); err != nil {
 		pt.lh.V(5).Error(err, "cannot get nrts from lister")
-		return nil, true
+		return nil, info
-	return nrt, true
+	return nrt, info
 func (pt Passthrough) NodeMaybeOverReserved(nodeName string, pod *corev1.Pod)  {}
diff --git a/pkg/noderesourcetopology/filter.go b/pkg/noderesourcetopology/filter.go
index 58ba44899..f627d0639 100644
--- a/pkg/noderesourcetopology/filter.go
+++ b/pkg/noderesourcetopology/filter.go
@@ -196,8 +196,9 @@ func (tm *TopologyMatch) Filter(ctx context.Context, cycleState *framework.Cycle
 	defer lh.V(4).Info(logging.FlowEnd)
-	nodeTopology, ok := tm.nrtCache.GetCachedNRTCopy(ctx, nodeName, pod)
-	if !ok {
+	nodeTopology, info := tm.nrtCache.GetCachedNRTCopy(ctx, nodeName, pod)
+	lh = lh.WithValues(logging.KeyGeneration, info.Generation)
+	if !info.Fresh {
 		lh.V(2).Info("invalid topology data")
 		return framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable, "invalid node topology data")
diff --git a/pkg/noderesourcetopology/logging/logging.go b/pkg/noderesourcetopology/logging/logging.go
index 14d3ee2b1..78bfa3998 100644
--- a/pkg/noderesourcetopology/logging/logging.go
+++ b/pkg/noderesourcetopology/logging/logging.go
@@ -17,9 +17,7 @@ limitations under the License.
 package logging
 import (
-	"fmt"
-	"time"
 	corev1 ""
@@ -33,6 +31,7 @@ const (
 	KeyFlow          string = "flow"
 	KeyContainer     string = "container"
 	KeyContainerKind string = "kind"
+	KeyGeneration    string = "generation"
 const (
@@ -63,7 +62,3 @@ func PodUID(pod *corev1.Pod) string {
 	return string(pod.GetUID())
-func TimeLogID() string {
-	return fmt.Sprintf("uts/%v", time.Now().UnixMilli())
diff --git a/pkg/noderesourcetopology/score.go b/pkg/noderesourcetopology/score.go
index 88a92c414..e82c9a76f 100644
--- a/pkg/noderesourcetopology/score.go
+++ b/pkg/noderesourcetopology/score.go
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ func (tm *TopologyMatch) Score(ctx context.Context, state *framework.CycleState,
 		return framework.MaxNodeScore, nil
-	nodeTopology, ok := tm.nrtCache.GetCachedNRTCopy(ctx, nodeName, pod)
-	if !ok {
+	nodeTopology, info := tm.nrtCache.GetCachedNRTCopy(ctx, nodeName, pod)
+	lh = lh.WithValues(logging.KeyGeneration, info.Generation)
+	if !info.Fresh {
 		lh.V(4).Info("noderesourcetopology is not valid for node")
 		return 0, nil