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383 lines (304 loc) · 19.7 KB

Localize Command


  • annasong20


  • natasha41575
  • KnVerey

Status: implementable


The kustomize localize command creates a “localized” copy, of both the target kustomization and files target references, in which the kustomization files contain, instead of remote references, local paths to their downloaded locations. The command is part of an effort to enable kustomize build to run without network access.


monopole originally proposed the command kustomize localize in this issue.

Users run kustomize build in many environments with limited network access. For example, CI/CD pipelines often only have access to the internal network. Server-side applications like Config Sync are concerned with the security vulnerabilities of git, which kustomize build uses to fetch remote files.

These use cases would benefit from a kustomize solution that downloads all remote files that a kustomize build target references, into a copy of target that references the downloaded files instead. Admins could upload the localized copy to an internal repo so that pipelines and applications can run kustomize build on the copy without a network dependency.

The proposed command nearly achieves the solution by downloading all remote files directly referenced by the target or by a recursively referenced kustomization file. The command also downloads remote exec binaries of referenced KRM functions, which are the only potential source of remote files other than kustomizations. The only remote files that this proposal does not cover and that kustomize build still needs to run are remote images and custom fields in KRM functions. Downloaded images would live only in local caches and thus, are not worth localizing. Kustomize cannot currently identify custom fields, though this may change with one of the proposed solutions in issue #4154.

The proposed command has the added benefit of increasing user confidence in the integrity of their kustomization builds. Locally downloaded files, unlike urls, give users full control of file content. At the same time, the command does this while preserving the original kustomization, allowing users to further iterate on the original and to build and localize the iterations.


This command should localize

  • all remote files that a kustomization file directly references
  • remote exec binaries of referenced KRM functions

This command achieves this goal if, in the absence of remote images and custom fields in KRM functions, kustomize build can run on the localized copy without network access and produce the same output as when run on the original.


  1. This command should not localize remote images or custom fields in KRM functions.
  2. This command should not copy files that the target kustomization does not reference.
  3. This command should not serve as a package manager.


The command takes the following form:

kustomize localize target newDir [--scope scope] [--no-verify]

where the arguments are:

  • target: kustomization root that kustomize will localize; can be local path or remote directory with ref parameter
  • newDir: optional destination directory of the localized copy of target; if not specified, the destination is a directory in the working directory named
    • localized-{target} for local target
    • localized-{target}-{ref} for remote target

and the flags are:

  • --scope scope: optional local directory, files outside which kustomize is not allowed to copy and localize; only applicable if target is local, and if not specified, scope takes on value of target
  • --no-verify: do not verify that the outputs of kustomize build for target and newDir are the same after localization

The command creates a copy of the target kustomization and the local files that target references at newDir. We define the "files that target references" as:

  • kustomization files that target directly or transitively references
  • configuration files that referenced kustomization files reference
  • exec binaries of referenced KRM functions

Here, configuration file means a non-kustomization yaml file. The command cannot run on targets that need the --load-restrictor LoadRestrictionsNone flag for kustomize build. Additionally, note that for the localization to occur on a local target, scope must contain target. The copied files sit under the same relative paths in newDir that their counterparts sit under in scope and in the repo, for local and remote targets, respectively.

The command localizes the copy of target in newDir by downloading all remote files that target references. For each downloaded exec binary that KRM functions reference, the command removes users' executable permissions and prints a warning message to that effect.

The command creates a new localized-files directory, next to the file that referenced the downloaded files, to hold said files. Inside localized-files, the downloads are located on path:

domain / organization / repo / version / path/to/file/in/repo

where version corresponds to a git fetch ref, the same entity that the command looks for in a remote target. refs are query string parameters in directory urls and embedded in the path of raw GitHub file urls. Ideally though, refs are stable tags as opposed to branches.

The command replaces remote references in newDir with local relative paths to the downloaded files. To help ensure that newDir is a clean copy, the command additionally overwrites absolute path references into target to point to the corresponding file in newDir instead.

As a convenience to the user, in the absence of the --no-verify flag, the command automatically tries to run kustomize build, without any flags, on the original target and the localized target in newDir to compare their outputs. The command indicates success if the outputs match and throws an error with a diff summary otherwise. This check, however, is not useful for certain targets, including those that need flags to build. In these cases, the command prints next steps that users can follow to check the output themselves. For example, for targets that reference KRM functions with a remote exec binary, the command suggests the user:

  1. add executable permissions for the downloaded exec binaries in newDir that the user trusts
  2. run kustomize build with flags --enable-alpha-plugins --enable-exec and self-verify the outputs

Error cases:

  • kustomize build needs --load-restrictor LoadRestrictionsNone to run on target
  • newDir already exists
  • scope specified for remote target
  • scope does not contain target
  • target references a local path that traverses outside of scope
  • remote url does not have a version
  • localized-files directory already exists
  • cycle of kustomization file references exists
  • kustomize build produces different output for target and newDir in the absence of --no-verify

Depending on feedback, we may add an --overwrite flag in the future to allow users to update an existing newDir by running the command again.

Warning cases:

  • KRM function references remote exec binary, in which case the downloaded exec binary is not executable
  • KRM function has container image that the user might not have locally

User Stories

Story 1

My company’s CI/CD pipeline currently fetches an example directory from our internal package management site. I want the CI/CD pipeline to additionally run kustomize build example/overlay. My setup looks like this:

└── example
    ├── overlay
    │   └── kustomization.yaml
    └── base
        └── kustomization.yaml
# example/overlay/kustomization.yaml
  - ../base
# example/base/kustomization.yaml

I get an error from kustomize build in the pipeline because my configurations have remote references, but my CI/CD pipeline does not have external network access.

Fortunately, I remember that I can run kustomize localize on example/overlay on my local machine. I can then upload the localized directory to my company’s internal package management site for the CI/CD pipeline to pull and build instead. I run kustomize localize example/overlay --scope example, where my target is example/overlay, I accept the default location and name of newDir, and I expand my scope to example because example/overlay references example/base. I get the following output:

$ kustomize localize example/overlay --scope example
SUCCESS: example/overlay, localized-overlay produce same kustomize build output
├── example                         # old kustomization directory
│   ├── overlay
│   │   └── kustomization.yaml
│   └── base
│       └── kustomization.yaml
└── localized-overlay               # the new, localized kustomization directory
    ├── base
    │   ├── kustomization.yaml
    │   └── localized-files
    │       └──
    │           └── kubernetes-sigs
    │               └── kustomize
    │                   └── v1.0.6
    │                       └── examples
    │                           ├── helloWorld
    │                           │   └── configMap.yaml
    │                           └── multibases
    │                               ├── base
    │                               │   │── kustomization.yaml
    │                               │   └── pod.yaml
    │                               ├── dev
    │                               │   └── kustomization.yaml
    │                               ├── kustomization.yaml
    │                               ├── production
    │                               │   └── kustomization.yaml
    │                               └── staging
    │                                   └── kustomization.yaml
    └── overlay
        ├── kustomization.yaml
        └── localized-files
                └── kubernetes-sigs
                    └── kustomize
                        └── v1.0.6
                            └── examples
                                └── helloWorld
                                    └── deployment.yaml
# localized-overlay/overlay/kustomization.yaml
  - ../base
  - localized-files/
# localized-overlay/base/kustomization.yaml
  - localized-files/
  - localized-files/

Now, I upload localized-overlay from my local setup to my company’s internal package management site. I change the commands in my CI/CD pipeline to fetch localized-overlay before running kustomize build localized-overlay, and the command executes successfully!

Story 2

Like in Story 1, I need kustomize to localize a root, "", so that my company's CI/CD pipeline can run kustomize build on it given network constraints. However, the difference this time is that I don't have a local copy of the target root. Fortunately for me, kustomize localize provides me the convenience of remote targets, so that I don't have to first run git fetch.

On my local machine, I run kustomize localize, where the url is my target and I once again accept the default newDir. Note that the --scope flag is not applicable here. I get the following output:

$ kustomize localize
SUCCESS:, localized-kustomize-test-v1.0.0 produce same kustomize build output
└── localized-kustomize-test-v1.0.0
    ├── kustomization.yaml
    └── localized-files
            └── kubernetes-sigs
                └── kustomize
                    └── v1.0.6
                        └── examples
                            └── multibases
                                ├── base
                                │   │── kustomization.yaml
                                │   └── pod.yaml
                                ├── dev
                                │   └── kustomization.yaml
                                ├── kustomization.yaml
                                ├── production
                                │   └── kustomization.yaml
                                └── staging
                                    └── kustomization.yaml
# localized-kustomize-test-v1.0.0/kustomization.yaml
  - localized-files/

Once again, I upload localized-kustomize-test-v1.0.0 from my local machine to the internal package management site and program the CI/CD pipeline to fetch localized-kustomize-test-v1.0.0 before running kustomize build localized-kustomize-test-v1.0.0! Note that the pipeline can also run kustomize build on the url for my upload of localized-kustomize-test-v1.0.0 to avoid explicitly calling git fetch beforehand.

Risks and Mitigations

One could argue that while uploading the localized newDir to a repository, a user could accidentally leak Secrets that were originally remote in a more private repo. This event is not very likely, as the servers that the user intends to consume the localized kustomizations often only have access to internal, private networks and repos. Nonetheless, users should have enough context in the case of Secrets to make the right decision. Users should have a basic understanding of the files that their target kustomizations reference and of the files that they plan to upload to repos. Secret configurations are also not too difficult to identify.

Exec binaries that KRM functions reference are a different story. kustomize localize downloads remote exec binaries that, if malicious, are capable of almost anything during subsequent kustomize build calls. The command mitigates this risk by removing executable permissions on these downloaded exec binaries and warning the user, as mentioned in Proposal. kustomize build can only run the exec binary after the user deems the binary safe and changes its permissions.

Still another risk may be that if a user's kustomization tree is large, kustomize localize has the potential to copy files from unexpected local locations. The command mitigates this risk with the scope flag. If the user specifies scope, they understand that kustomize localize only copies files in scope. Otherwise, kustomize localize treats target as scope. In either case, kustomize localize aborts with a descriptive error message if target references local files outside of scope that the command would copy. Note that for remote target and recursively referenced remote kustomization roots, the repo in which the remote root resides is the implicit scope. The qualification that the command can only localize targets that follow load restrictions helps mitigate this risk as well.




Large kustomization trees slow the performance of kustomize localize. These trees can have large local subtrees, have large remote subtrees, be deeply nested, or be wide, with each overlay referencing multiple bases. Regardless of the cause, large kustomization trees inevitably take longer to copy and download. Parts of the kustomize code are not thread-safe, which precludes parallel execution.

The creation of the localized-files directory local to the referencing kustomization file additionally prevents the different layers of kustomization files from sharing the same copy of the remote files. Following the same logic, different potential target directories cannot share copies either.


Users whose layered local kustomizations form a complex directory tree structure may have a hard time finding an appropriate scope. However, the error messages that kustomize localize outputs for reference paths that extend beyond scope should help.


  • Instead of downloading into newDir, kustomize localize could download all remote files into a directory specified by some global environment variable (like in Golang), which would preclude deeply nested directories and allow different kustomization files to share configurations. On top of that, if kustomize build had the added functionality to check for previous downloads of remote references at said global location, kustomize localize would not need to overwrite the remote references in target to the local downloads. As a result, kustomize localize would need to neither write to target nor copy target into newDir. The user would not need to specify a scope either.

    Despite its advantages, the alternative design violates the self-contained nature of each kustomize layer. Users would be unable to upload a fully localized kustomization directory in version control. Furthermore, this alternative complicates the existing kustomize workflow by requiring the setup of global environment variables.

  • The command could, instead of making a copy, modify target directly. However, users would not have an easy way to undo the command, which is undesirable.

  • Instead of requiring the user to specify a second argument scope, the command could by definition limit its copying to the local target. However, in the case of Story 1, the command would force the user to set target to example in order to include example/base in the localization of example/overlay. The user would then have to create a kustomization file at example that points to example/overlay under the resources field. The creation of the kustomization file solely for this purpose is messy and more work for the user.

Rollout Plan

This command will have at least alpha and GA releases. Depending on user feedback, we may add a beta.


This release will not support

  • KRM functions
  • absolute paths
  • any verification in the form of the --no-verify flag or automatically running kustomize build at the end of localization

The entire command will be new in the alpha release, and so will not require an alpha flag. The command will not be available in kubectl kustomize either, as kubectl only has kustomize build builtin. Instead, upon execution, the command will print a warning message, which declares its alpha status and includes instructions on how users can provide feedback.


This release should have all features documented in this proposal. Though, we may make changes based on user feedback.