An LVM CSI plugin is available to help simplify storage management. You can create a pv with csi configuration, and the pvc, pod defines as usual.
Lvm is host based, and not a high availability solution for your application. Use lvm should accept effect for host down.
- Service Accounts with required RBAC permissions
Alpha can be compiled in a form of a container.
To build a container:
$ cd build && sh
Same as;
# kubectl create -f ./deploy/lvm/lvm-attacher.yaml
# kubectl create -f ./deploy/lvm/lvm-plugin.yaml
Note: The plugin log style can be configured by environment variable: LOG_TYPE.
"host": logs will be printed into files which save to host(/var/log/alicloud/;
"stdout": logs will be printed to stdout, can be printed by docker logs or kubectl logs.
"both": default option, log will be printed both to stdout and host file.
# kubectl create -f ./deploy/lvm/storageclass.yaml
vgName: define the volume group name of the storageclass;
lvmSize: define the lvm size, this should be removed next release;
# kubectl create -f ./deploy/lvm/deploy.yaml
# kubectl get pvc | grep lvm
lvm-pvc Bound pvc-0762fd86-5156-11e9-983f-00163e0b8d64 2Gi RWO csi-lvm 13h
# kubectl get pv | grep lvm
pvc-0762fd86-5156-11e9-983f-00163e0b8d64 2Gi RWO Delete Bound default/lvm-pvc csi-lvm 13h
check directory in pod
# kubectl get pod | grep deployment-lvm
deployment-lvm-64657b57b6-wdnwj 1/1 Running 0 12h
# kubectl exec -ti deployment-lvm-64657b57b6-wdnwj sh
# df -h | grep data
/dev/mapper/volumegroup1-pvc--0762fd86--5156--11e9--983f--00163e0b8d64 2.9G 9.0M 2.8G 1% /data
Check Directory in host:
# kubectl describe pod deployment-lvm-64657b57b6-wdnwj | grep Node:
Node: izbp1cs36nqp29umu67zslz/
# ifconfig | grep
inet netmask broadcast
# lvdisplay | grep pvc
LV Path /dev/volumegroup1/pvc-0762fd86-5156-11e9-983f-00163e0b8d64
LV Name pvc-0762fd86-5156-11e9-983f-00163e0b8d64
# mount | grep volumegroup
/dev/mapper/volumegroup1-pvc--0762fd86--5156--11e9--983f--00163e0b8d64 on /var/lib/kubelet/pods/f48f3715-515d-11e9-983f-00163e0b8d64/volumes/ type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)