How to install an add-on with tk8?
We need to store every Add-On in a single repository on Github for public add-ons and on gitlab for internal add-ons.
We make a switch with install tk8 add-ons and provide a shortcut. A shortcut could also be a local add-on so we need to check first if there is one on in the folder. If not, check if there a tk8-addon- on GitHub.
tk8 addon install
tk8 addon install
tk8 addon install
tk8 addon install
tk8 addon install
tk8 addon install
tk8 addon install
tk8 addon install rancher
tk8 addon install prometheus
tk8 addon install grafana
tk8 addon install monitoring-stack
tk8 addon install elk
tk8 addon destroy rancher
tk8 addon destroy prometheus
tk8 addon destroy grafana
tk8 addon destroy monitoring-stack
tk8 addon destroy elk
Create an add-on. The create method of tk8 creates a new add-on in the local folder. This add-on is a simple example and provides all that we need to work with this add-on.
tk8 addon create my-addon