All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Oauth client, switch from manual token from Tibber
Tibber pricing node - get forecast and current
Tibber statistics node
Support for Tibber grapql subscriptions and websockets
Dedicated support for finding cheapest predicted price tomorrow and today, return when
- Improved error handling
- Improved error messaging
- Query node support for variable input along with query or mutation.
- Further support/test of mutation
- Removed bespoke fetch based graphql interface, replaced with apollo. For cache and subscription support
- new Tibberlib implementation, now as class
- somewhat improved error handling again
- tibber query node
- error handling improved
- better test coverage
- Config node for node-red
- tibberLib.js for tibber integrations
- Tibber data node, node-red, for home, consumption and pricing