In this chapter, we’ll start to make events more fundamental to the internal structure of our application. We’ll move from the current state in Before: the message bus is an optional add-on, where events are an optional side effect…
…to the situation in The message bus is now the main entrypoint to the service layer, where everything goes via the message bus, and our app has been transformed fundamentally into a message processor.
The code for this chapter is in the chapter_09_all_messagebus branch on GitHub: git clone cd code git checkout chapter_09_all_messagebus # or to code along, checkout the previous chapter: git checkout chapter_08_events_and_message_bus |
Rich Hickey talks about situated software, meaning software that runs for extended periods of time, managing a real-world process. Examples include warehouse-management systems, logistics schedulers, and payroll systems.
This software is tricky to write because unexpected things happen all the time in the real world of physical objects and unreliable humans. For example:
During a stock-take, we discover that three
es have been water damaged by a leaky roof. -
A consignment of
s is missing the required documentation and is held in customs for several weeks. ThreeRELIABLE-FORK
s subsequently fail safety testing and are destroyed. -
A global shortage of sequins means we’re unable to manufacture our next batch of
In these types of situations, we learn about the need to change batch quantities when they’re already in the system. Perhaps someone made a mistake on the number in the manifest, or perhaps some sofas fell off a truck. Following a conversation with the business,[1] we model the situation as in Batch quantity changed means deallocate and reallocate.
[ditaa, apwp_0903] +----------+ /----\ +------------+ +--------------------+ | Batch |--> |RULE| --> | Deallocate | ----> | AllocationRequired | | Quantity | \----/ +------------+-+ +--------------------+-+ | Changed | | Deallocate | ----> | AllocationRequired | +----------+ +------------+-+ +--------------------+-+ | Deallocate | ----> | AllocationRequired | +------------+ +--------------------+
An event we’ll call BatchQuantityChanged
should lead us to change the
quantity on the batch, yes, but also to apply a business rule: if the new
quantity drops to less than the total already allocated, we need to
deallocate those orders from that batch. Then each one will require
a new allocation, which we can capture as an event called AllocationRequired
Perhaps you’re already anticipating that our internal message bus and events can
help implement this requirement. We could define a service called
that knows how to adjust batch quantities and also how
to deallocate any excess order lines, and then each deallocation can emit an
event that can be forwarded to the existing allocate
service, in separate transactions. Once again, our message bus helps us to
enforce the single responsibility principle, and it allows us to make choices about
transactions and data integrity.
But before we jump in, think about where we’re headed. There are two kinds of flows through our system:
API calls that are handled by a service-layer function
Internal events (which might be raised as a side effect of a service-layer function) and their handlers (which in turn call service-layer functions)
Wouldn’t it be easier if everything was an event handler? If we rethink our API calls as capturing events, the service-layer functions can be event handlers too, and we no longer need to make a distinction between internal and external event handlers:
could be the handler for anAllocationRequired
event and could emitAllocated
events as its output. -
could be the handler for aBatchCreated
Our new requirement will fit the same pattern:
An event called
can invoke a handler calledchange_batch_quantity()
. -
And the new
events that it may raise can be passed on toservices.allocate()
too, so there is no conceptual difference between a brand-new allocation coming from the API and a reallocation that’s internally triggered by a deallocation.
All sound like a bit much? Let’s work toward it all gradually. We’ll follow the Preparatory Refactoring workflow, aka "Make the change easy; then make the easy change":
We refactor our service layer into event handlers. We can get used to the idea of events being the way we describe inputs to the system. In particular, the existing
function will become the handler for an event calledAllocationRequired
. -
We build an end-to-end test that puts
events into the system and looks forAllocated
events coming out. -
Our implementation will conceptually be very simple: a new handler for
events, whose implementation will emitAllocationRequired
events, which in turn will be handled by the exact same handler for allocations that the API uses.
Along the way, we’ll make a small tweak to the message bus and UoW, moving the responsibility for putting new events on the message bus into the message bus itself.
We start by defining the two events that capture our current API
inputs—AllocationRequired and BatchCreated
class BatchCreated(Event):
ref: str
sku: str
qty: int
eta: Optional[date] = None
class AllocationRequired(Event):
orderid: str
sku: str
qty: int
Then we rename to; we add the existing message handler
for send_out_of_stock_notification
; and most importantly, we change all the
handlers so that they have the same inputs, an event and a UoW:
def add_batch(
event: events.BatchCreated,
uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork,
with uow:
product = uow.products.get(sku=event.sku)
def allocate(
event: events.AllocationRequired,
uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork,
) -> str:
line = OrderLine(event.orderid, event.sku, event.qty)
def send_out_of_stock_notification(
event: events.OutOfStock,
uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork,
"[email protected]",
f"Out of stock for {event.sku}",
The change might be clearer as a diff:
def add_batch(
- ref: str, sku: str, qty: int, eta: Optional[date],
+ event: events.BatchCreated,
uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork,
with uow:
- product = uow.products.get(sku=sku)
+ product = uow.products.get(sku=event.sku)
def allocate(
- orderid: str, sku: str, qty: int,
+ event: events.AllocationRequired,
uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork,
) -> str:
- line = OrderLine(orderid, sku, qty)
+ line = OrderLine(event.orderid, event.sku, event.qty)
+def send_out_of_stock_notification(
+ event: events.OutOfStock,
+ uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork,
+ email.send(
Along the way, we’ve made our service-layer’s API more structured and more consistent. It was a scattering of primitives, and now it uses well-defined objects (see the following sidebar).
Some of you may remember [primitive_obsession], in which we changed our service-layer API from being in terms of domain objects to primitives. And now we’re moving back, but to different objects? What gives?
In OO circles, people talk about primitive obsession as an antipattern: avoid primitives in public APIs, and instead wrap them with custom value classes, they would say. In the Python world, a lot of people would be quite skeptical of that as a rule of thumb. When mindlessly applied, it’s certainly a recipe for unnecessary complexity. So that’s not what we’re doing per se.
The move from domain objects to primitives bought us a nice bit of decoupling: our client code was no longer coupled directly to the domain, so the service layer could present an API that stays the same even if we decide to make changes to our model, and vice versa.
So have we gone backward? Well, our core domain model objects are still free to vary, but instead we’ve coupled the external world to our event classes. They’re part of the domain too, but the hope is that they vary less often, so they’re a sensible artifact to couple on.
And what have we bought ourselves? Now, when invoking a use case in our application, we no longer need to remember a particular combination of primitives, but just a single event class that represents the input to our application. That’s conceptually quite nice. On top of that, as you’ll see in [appendix_validation], those event classes can be a nice place to do some input validation.
Our event handlers now need a UoW. In addition, as our message bus becomes more central to our application, it makes sense to put it explicitly in charge of collecting and processing new events. There was a bit of a circular dependency between the UoW and message bus until now, so this will make it one-way. Instead of having the UoW push events onto the message bus, we will have the message bus pull events from the UoW.
def handle(
event: events.Event,
uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork, #(1)
queue = [event] #(2)
while queue:
event = queue.pop(0) #(3)
for handler in HANDLERS[type(event)]: #(3)
handler(event, uow=uow) #(4)
queue.extend(uow.collect_new_events()) #(5)
The message bus now gets passed the UoW each time it starts up.
When we begin handling our first event, we start a queue.
We pop events from the front of the queue and invoke their handlers (the
dict hasn’t changed; it still maps event types to handler functions). -
The message bus passes the UoW down to each handler.
After each handler finishes, we collect any new events that have been generated and add them to the queue.
In, publish_events()
becomes a less active method,
-from . import messagebus #(1)
class AbstractUnitOfWork(abc.ABC):
@@ -22,13 +21,11 @@ class AbstractUnitOfWork(abc.ABC):
def commit(self):
- self.publish_events() #(2)
- def publish_events(self):
+ def collect_new_events(self):
for product in self.products.seen:
- event =
- messagebus.handle(event)
+ yield #(3)
module now no longer depends onmessagebus
. -
We no longer
automatically on commit. The message bus is keeping track of the event queue instead. -
And the UoW no longer actively puts events on the message bus; it just makes them available.
Our tests now operate by creating events and putting them on the message bus, rather than invoking service-layer functions directly:
class TestAddBatch:
def test_for_new_product(self):
uow = FakeUnitOfWork()
- services.add_batch("b1", "CRUNCHY-ARMCHAIR", 100, None, uow)
+ messagebus.handle(
+ events.BatchCreated("b1", "CRUNCHY-ARMCHAIR", 100, None), uow
+ )
assert uow.products.get("CRUNCHY-ARMCHAIR") is not None
assert uow.committed
class TestAllocate:
def test_returns_allocation(self):
uow = FakeUnitOfWork()
- services.add_batch("batch1", "COMPLICATED-LAMP", 100, None, uow)
- result = services.allocate("o1", "COMPLICATED-LAMP", 10, uow)
+ messagebus.handle(
+ events.BatchCreated("batch1", "COMPLICATED-LAMP", 100, None), uow
+ )
+ result = messagebus.handle(
+ events.AllocationRequired("o1", "COMPLICATED-LAMP", 10), uow
+ )
assert result == "batch1"
Our API and our service layer currently want to know the allocated batch reference
when they invoke our allocate()
handler. This means we need to put in
a temporary hack on our message bus to let it return events:
def handle(
event: events.Event,
uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork,
+ results = []
queue = [event]
while queue:
event = queue.pop(0)
for handler in HANDLERS[type(event)]:
- handler(event, uow=uow)
+ results.append(handler(event, uow=uow))
+ return results
It’s because we’re mixing the read and write responsibilities in our system. We’ll come back to fix this wart in [chapter_12_cqrs].
@app.route("/allocate", methods=["POST"])
def allocate_endpoint():
- batchref = services.allocate(
- request.json["orderid"], #(1)
- request.json["sku"],
- request.json["qty"],
- unit_of_work.SqlAlchemyUnitOfWork(),
+ event = events.AllocationRequired( #(2)
+ request.json["orderid"], request.json["sku"], request.json["qty"]
+ results = messagebus.handle(event, unit_of_work.SqlAlchemyUnitOfWork()) #(3)
+ batchref = results.pop(0)
except InvalidSku as e:
Instead of calling the service layer with a bunch of primitives extracted from the request JSON…
We instantiate an event.
Then we pass it to the message bus.
And we should be back to a fully functional application, but one that’s now fully event-driven:
What used to be service-layer functions are now event handlers.
That makes them the same as the functions we invoke for handling internal events raised by our domain model.
We use events as our data structure for capturing inputs to the system, as well as for handing off of internal work packages.
The entire app is now best described as a message processor, or an event processor if you prefer. We’ll talk about the distinction in the next chapter.
We’re done with our refactoring phase. Let’s see if we really have "made the
change easy." Let’s implement our new requirement, shown in Sequence diagram for reallocation flow: we’ll receive as our
inputs some new BatchQuantityChanged
events and pass them to a handler, which in
turn might emit some AllocationRequired
events, and those in turn will go
back to our existing handler for reallocation.
[plantuml, apwp_0904, config=plantuml.cfg] @startuml scale 4 API -> MessageBus : BatchQuantityChanged event group BatchQuantityChanged Handler + Unit of Work 1 MessageBus -> Domain_Model : change batch quantity Domain_Model -> MessageBus : emit AllocationRequired event(s) end group AllocationRequired Handler + Unit of Work 2 (or more) MessageBus -> Domain_Model : allocate end @enduml
When you split things out like this across two units of work, you now have two database transactions, so you are opening yourself up to integrity issues: something could happen that means the first transaction completes but the second one does not. You’ll need to think about whether this is acceptable, and whether you need to notice when it happens and do something about it. See [footguns] for more discussion. |
Following the lessons learned in [chapter_04_service_layer], we can operate in "high gear" and write our unit tests at the highest possible level of abstraction, in terms of events. Here’s what they might look like:
class TestChangeBatchQuantity:
def test_changes_available_quantity(self):
uow = FakeUnitOfWork()
events.BatchCreated("batch1", "ADORABLE-SETTEE", 100, None), uow
[batch] = uow.products.get(sku="ADORABLE-SETTEE").batches
assert batch.available_quantity == 100 #(1)
messagebus.handle(events.BatchQuantityChanged("batch1", 50), uow)
assert batch.available_quantity == 50 #(1)
def test_reallocates_if_necessary(self):
uow = FakeUnitOfWork()
event_history = [
events.BatchCreated("batch1", "INDIFFERENT-TABLE", 50, None),
events.BatchCreated("batch2", "INDIFFERENT-TABLE", 50,,
events.AllocationRequired("order1", "INDIFFERENT-TABLE", 20),
events.AllocationRequired("order2", "INDIFFERENT-TABLE", 20),
for e in event_history:
messagebus.handle(e, uow)
[batch1, batch2] = uow.products.get(sku="INDIFFERENT-TABLE").batches
assert batch1.available_quantity == 10
assert batch2.available_quantity == 50
messagebus.handle(events.BatchQuantityChanged("batch1", 25), uow)
# order1 or order2 will be deallocated, so we'll have 25 - 20
assert batch1.available_quantity == 5 #(2)
# and 20 will be reallocated to the next batch
assert batch2.available_quantity == 30 #(2)
The simple case would be trivially easy to implement; we just modify a quantity.
But if we try to change the quantity to less than has been allocated, we’ll need to deallocate at least one order, and we expect to reallocate it to a new batch.
Our new handler is very simple:
def change_batch_quantity(
event: events.BatchQuantityChanged,
uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork,
with uow:
product = uow.products.get_by_batchref(batchref=event.ref)
product.change_batch_quantity(ref=event.ref, qty=event.qty)
We realize we’ll need a new query type on our repository:
class AbstractRepository(abc.ABC):
def get(self, sku) -> model.Product:
def get_by_batchref(self, batchref) -> model.Product:
product = self._get_by_batchref(batchref)
if product:
return product
def _add(self, product: model.Product):
raise NotImplementedError
def _get(self, sku) -> model.Product:
raise NotImplementedError
def _get_by_batchref(self, batchref) -> model.Product:
raise NotImplementedError
class SqlAlchemyRepository(AbstractRepository):
def _get(self, sku):
return self.session.query(model.Product).filter_by(sku=sku).first()
def _get_by_batchref(self, batchref):
return (
.filter(orm.batches.c.reference == batchref)
And on our FakeRepository
class FakeRepository(repository.AbstractRepository):
def _get(self, sku):
return next((p for p in self._products if p.sku == sku), None)
def _get_by_batchref(self, batchref):
return next(
(p for p in self._products for b in p.batches if b.reference == batchref),
We’re adding a query to our repository to make this use case easier to
implement. So long as our query is returning a single aggregate, we’re not
bending any rules. If you find yourself writing complex queries on your
repositories, you might want to consider a different design. Methods like
get_most_popular_products or find_products_by_order_id in particular
would definitely trigger our spidey sense. [chapter_11_external_events]
and the epilogue have some tips
on managing complex queries.
We add the new method to the model, which does the quantity change and deallocation(s) inline and publishes a new event. We also modify the existing allocate function to publish an event:
class Product:
def change_batch_quantity(self, ref: str, qty: int):
batch = next(b for b in self.batches if b.reference == ref)
batch._purchased_quantity = qty
while batch.available_quantity < 0:
line = batch.deallocate_one()
events.AllocationRequired(line.orderid, line.sku, line.qty)
class Batch:
def deallocate_one(self) -> OrderLine:
return self._allocations.pop()
We wire up our new handler:
events.BatchCreated: [handlers.add_batch],
events.BatchQuantityChanged: [handlers.change_batch_quantity],
events.AllocationRequired: [handlers.allocate],
events.OutOfStock: [handlers.send_out_of_stock_notification],
} # type: Dict[Type[events.Event], List[Callable]]
And our new requirement is fully implemented.
Our main test for the reallocation workflow is edge-to-edge
(see the example code in Test-Driving a New Handler). It uses
the real message bus, and it tests the whole flow, where the BatchQuantityChanged
event handler triggers deallocation, and emits new AllocationRequired
events, which in
turn are handled by their own handlers. One test covers a chain of multiple
events and handlers.
Depending on the complexity of your chain of events, you may decide that you want to test some handlers in isolation from one another. You can do this using a "fake" message bus.
In our case, we actually intervene by modifying the publish_events()
on FakeUnitOfWork
and decoupling it from the real message bus, instead making
it record what events it sees:
class FakeUnitOfWorkWithFakeMessageBus(FakeUnitOfWork):
def __init__(self):
self.events_published = [] # type: List[events.Event]
def publish_events(self):
for product in self.products.seen:
Now when we invoke messagebus.handle()
using the FakeUnitOfWorkWithFakeMessageBus
it runs only the handler for that event. So we can write a more isolated unit
test: instead of checking all the side effects, we just check that
leads to AllocationRequired
if the quantity drops
below the total already allocated:
def test_reallocates_if_necessary_isolated():
uow = FakeUnitOfWorkWithFakeMessageBus()
# test setup as before
event_history = [
events.BatchCreated("batch1", "INDIFFERENT-TABLE", 50, None),
events.BatchCreated("batch2", "INDIFFERENT-TABLE", 50,,
events.AllocationRequired("order1", "INDIFFERENT-TABLE", 20),
events.AllocationRequired("order2", "INDIFFERENT-TABLE", 20),
for e in event_history:
messagebus.handle(e, uow)
[batch1, batch2] = uow.products.get(sku="INDIFFERENT-TABLE").batches
assert batch1.available_quantity == 10
assert batch2.available_quantity == 50
messagebus.handle(events.BatchQuantityChanged("batch1", 25), uow)
# assert on new events emitted rather than downstream side-effects
[reallocation_event] = uow.events_published
assert isinstance(reallocation_event, events.AllocationRequired)
assert reallocation_event.orderid in {"order1", "order2"}
assert reallocation_event.sku == "INDIFFERENT-TABLE"
Whether you want to do this or not depends on the complexity of your chain of events. We say, start out with edge-to-edge testing, and resort to this only if necessary.
A great way to force yourself to really understand some code is to refactor it.
In the discussion of testing handlers in isolation, we used something called
, which is unnecessarily complicated and
violates the SRP.
If we change the message bus to being a class,[3]
then building a FakeMessageBus
is more straightforward:
class AbstractMessageBus:
HANDLERS: Dict[Type[events.Event], List[Callable]]
def handle(self, event: events.Event):
for handler in self.HANDLERS[type(event)]:
class MessageBus(AbstractMessageBus):
events.OutOfStock: [send_out_of_stock_notification],
class FakeMessageBus(messagebus.AbstractMessageBus):
def __init__(self):
self.events_published = [] # type: List[events.Event]
self.HANDLERS = {
events.OutOfStock: [lambda e: self.events_published.append(e)]
So jump into the code on
GitHub and see if you can get a class-based version
working, and then write a version of test_reallocates_if_necessary_isolated()
from earlier.
We use a class-based message bus in [chapter_13_dependency_injection], if you need more inspiration.
Let’s look back at what we’ve achieved, and think about why we did it.
Events are simple dataclasses that define the data structures for inputs and internal messages within our system. This is quite powerful from a DDD standpoint, since events often translate really well into business language (look up event storming if you haven’t already).
Handlers are the way we react to events. They can call down to our model or call out to external services. We can define multiple handlers for a single event if we want to. Handlers can also raise other events. This allows us to be very granular about what a handler does and really stick to the SRP.
Our ongoing objective with these architectural patterns is to try to have the complexity of our application grow more slowly than its size. When we go all in on the message bus, as always we pay a price in terms of architectural complexity (see Whole app is a message bus: the trade-offs), but we buy ourselves a pattern that can handle almost arbitrarily complex requirements without needing any further conceptual or architectural change to the way we do things.
Here we’ve added quite a complicated use case (change quantity, deallocate, start new transaction, reallocate, publish external notification), but architecturally, there’s been no cost in terms of complexity. We’ve added new events, new handlers, and a new external adapter (for email), all of which are existing categories of things in our architecture that we understand and know how to reason about, and that are easy to explain to newcomers. Our moving parts each have one job, they’re connected to each other in well-defined ways, and there are no unexpected side effects.
Pros | Cons |
Now, you may be wondering, where are those BatchQuantityChanged
going to come from? The answer is revealed in a couple chapters' time. But
first, let’s talk about events versus commands.