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This guide have some instructions and tips on how to create a new Mangayomi extension on JavaScript extension.


Before starting please have installed the recent desktop version of the mangayomi application preferably or if you want with a tablet too.

Writing your extension

  1. Open the app.
  2. Go to extension tab : 1
  3. then click + and you will see : 2
  4. Fill in the fields with your new source that you would like to create, 3 NB: only the ApiUrl field is optional then click on save
  5. you will see your new source in the extension list 4 click to open settings
  6. After click on edit code 5
  7. Finally you can now write the extension 6
  • This page contains three parts:
    • Code editor: where you will write your code
    • Fecth result: where you will test the different implemented methods by having a result in the expected format
    • Console: which will show you the logs

Once extension is ready you can relocate your code into mangayomi-extension project in a src or multisrc package and create a Pull Request.


Field Description
name Name displayed in the "Sources" tab in Mangayomi.
baseUrl Base URL of the source without any trailing slashes.
apiUrl (Optional, defaults is empty) Api URL of the source with trailing slashes.
lang An ISO 639-1 compliant language code (two letters in lower case in most cases, but can also include the country/dialect part by using a simple dash character).
id Identifier of your source, automatically set in Source. It should only be manually overriden if you need to copy an existing autogenerated ID.
isManga (Optional, defaults to true) specify source type (false for anime and true for manga)
dateFormat (Optional, defaults is empty)
iconUrl The extension icon URL
version The extension version code. This must be incremented with any change to the code.
dateFormatLocale (Optional, defaults is empty)
isNsfw (Optional, defaults to false) Flag to indicate that a source contains NSFW content.

Extension call flow

Popular manga

a.k.a. the Browse source entry point in the app (invoked by tapping on the source name).

  • The app calls getPopular which should return a JSON
    'list': array of {'url':string,'name':string,'link':string},
     hasNextPage: Boolean
    • This method supports pagination. When user scrolls the manga list and more results must be fetched, the app calls it again with increasing page values(starting with page=1). This continues while hasNextPage is passed as true and list is not empty.

Latest manga

a.k.a. the Latest source entry point in the app (invoked by tapping on the "Latest" button beside the source name).

  • Similar to popular manga, but should be fetching the latest entries from a source.

Search manga

  • When the user searches inside the app, search will be called and the rest of the flow is similar to what happens with getPopular.
  • getFilterList will be called to get all filters and filter types.

Manga Details

  • When user taps on an manga, getDetail will be called and the results will be cached.
  • getDetail is called to update an manga's details from when it was initialized earlier.
    • title is a string containing title.

    • description is a string containing description.

    • author is a string containing author.

    • genre contain array of all genres.

    • status is an "integer" value. You can refer to this example to see the correspondence:

        0=>"ongoing", 1=>"complete", 2=>"hiatus", 3=>"canceled", 4=>"publishingFinished", 5=>unknow
    • chapters or episodes contain all of all manga chapters or anime episodes.

    • name is a string containing a chapter name.

    • url is a string containing a chapter url.

    • scanlator is a string containing a chapter scanlator.

    • dateUpload is a string containing date expressed in millisecondsSinceEpoch.

      • If you don't pass dateUpload and leave it null, the app will use the default date instead, but it's recommended to always fill it if it's available.

Chapter pages

  • When user opens an chapter, getPageList will be called and it will return an array of string or an array of map like { url:string,headers:map } that are used by the reader.

Episode Videos

  • When user opens an episode, getVideoList will be called and it will return a
    array of {'url':string,'originalUrl':string,'quality':string}

that are used by the player.

Example sources that can help you understand how to create your source

  • Example of HTML parsing using HTML DOM selector.
  • Example of Json API usage.

Some functions already available and usable

http client

Return Response

- Simple request

const client = new Client();

const res = await client.get("");


- With headers 

const client = new Client();

const res = await client.get("",{"Referer": ""});


- With body

const client = new Client();

const res = await"",{"Referer": ""},{'name':'test'});


HTML DOM selector


const htmlString = ` 
<html lang="en">
<div><a href=''>author</a></div>
<div class="head">div head</div>
<div class="container">
              <td id="td1" class="first1">1</td>
              <td id="td2" class="first1">2</td>
              <td id="td3" class="first2">3</td>
              <td id="td4" class="first2 form">4</td>
              <td id="td5" class="second1">one</td>
              <td id="td6" class="second1">two</td>
              <td id="td7" class="second2">three</td>
              <td id="td8" class="second2">four</td>
<div class="end">end</div>

const document = new Document(htmlString);
console.log(document.selectFirst("a").attr("href")); //
console.log(document.selectFirst("td").text); // 1

See dom_selector to see available methods.

String utils

  • this.substringAfter(string: pattern)
  • this.substringAfterLast(string: pattern)
  • this.substringBefore(string: pattern)
  • this.substringBeforeLast(string: pattern)
  • this.substringBetween(string: left, string: right)

Crypto utils

  • unpackJs(string: code);
  • deobfuscateJsPassword(string: inputString)
  • encryptAESCryptoJS(string: plainText, string: passphrase)
  • decryptAESCryptoJS(string: encrypted, string: passphrase)
  • cryptoHandler(string: text, string: iv, string: secretKeyString, Boolean: encrypt)


If you need a help or have some questions, ask a community in our Discord server.