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Releases: knope-dev/knope

0.10.0 (2023-09-09)

09 Sep 16:55
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Breaking Changes

Reworked Go versioning

In order to support running Release in a separate workflow from PrepareRelease and to fix a bug relating to Go module tags (when in a subdirectory), Knope will now store the full package version in a comment in the go.mod file and use that version as the source of truth for the package version. This has a couple of implications:

  1. If you already have a comment on the module line in go.mod which matches the correct format, Knope may not be able to determine the version correctly.
  2. If you have a comment on that line which does not match the format, it will be erased the next time Knope bumps the version.

In either case, the solution is to erase or move that comment. Here is the syntax that Knope is looking for:

module {ModulePath} // v{Version}

If that comment does not exist, Knope will revert to looking for the latest relevant Git tag instead to determine the version, but will still write the comment to the go.mod file when bumping the version.


--verbose flag

PR #545 closed issue #534 by @BatmanAoD.

There is now a global --verbose flag that will spit out lots of extra info to stdout to assist with debugging. Right now, only the process for determining and bumping new package versions is instrumented, open issues if you need more info!

Allow Release step to be in separate workflow than PrepareRelease

Previously, you needed to have a PrepareRelease step earlier in the same workflow if you wanted to use the Release step. Now, if you run a Release step without a PrepareRelease step, Knope will check Git tags and versioned files to figure out if there's something new to release. This is especially useful if you want to build release assets using the new version (determined by PrepareRelease) before actually releasing them (using Release).

Upload assets to GitHub Releases

You can now add assets to a package like this:

versioned_files = ["Cargo.toml"]
changelog = ""

path = "artifact/knope-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tgz"
name = "knope-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tgz"  # Optional, defaults to file name (so this `name` is doing nothing)

path = "artifact/knope-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.tgz"

When running the Release step with a valid [github] config, instead of immediately creating the release, Knope will:

  1. Create a draft release
  2. Upload all listed assets (erroring if any don't exist)
  3. Publish the release


Use the correct tags for go.mod files in subdirectories

PR #544 fixed issue #502 by @BatmanAoD.

Previously, the version for a go.mod file was determined by the package tag, named v{Version} for single packages or {PackageName}/v{Version} for named packages. This worked when the go.mod file was in the root of the repository or a directory named {PackageName} (respectively), but not when it was in a different directory. Now, the version tag, both for determining the current version and creating a new release, will correctly be determined by the name of the directory the go.mod file is in (relative to the working directory). The existing package tagging strategy remains unchanged.

For example, consider this knope.toml file:

versioned_files = ["some_dir/go.mod"]

Previous to this release, creating the version 1.2.3 would only create a tag v1.2.3. Now, it will additionally create the tag some_dir/v1.2.3.

0.9.0 (2023-08-10)

10 Aug 04:29
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Breaking Changes

Removed the deprecated [[packages]] syntax

If you're using the old syntax, run knope --upgrade before switching to this version.

--generate can no longer be used if a knope.toml file already exists

Workflows can no longer be selected interactively

Previously, it was valid to invoke knope with no arguments, and the user would be prompted interactively to select a workflow. Now, a workflow must be provided as a positional argument, for example, knope release.

The --prerelease-label option can only be provided after a workflow

Previously, the --prerelease-label CLI option was always available globally and would simply be ignored if it was not useful for the selected workflow. Now, it can only be provided after the name of a workflow which can use the option (right now, only a workflow which contains a PrepareRelease step). For example, with the default workflow, knope release --prerelease-label="rc" is valid, but none of these are valid:

  • knope --prerelease-label="rc" release
  • knope document-change --prerelease-label="rc"

--upgrade can no longer be used if there is no knope.toml file

--validate can no longer be used if there is no knope.toml file


Added the --override-version option to manually set the next version

Allows you to manually determine the next version for a [BumpVersion] or [PrepareRelease] instead of using a semantic versioning rule. This option can only be provided after a workflow which contains a relevant step. This has two formats, depending on whether there is one package or multiple packages:

  1. --override-version 1.0.0 will set the version to 1.0.0 if there is only one package configured (error if multiple packages are configured).
  2. --override-version first-package=1.0.0 --override-version second-package=2.0.0 will set the version of first-package to 1.0.0 and second-package to 2.0.0 if there are multiple packages configured (error if only one package is configured).

This closes #497.

knope --help now lists all available workflows

0.8.0 (2023-06-19)

19 Jun 01:17
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Breaking Changes

Changelog entries now use 4th level headers instead of bullets

In order to support more detailed changelogs via changesets (like the extra text you're seeing right now!) instead of each change entry being a single bullet under the appropriate category (e.g., ### Breaking Changes above), it will be a fourth-level header (####). So, where this changelog entry would have currently looked like this:

## Breaking Changes

- Changelog entries now use 4th level headers instead of bullets

It now looks like what you're seeing:

## Breaking Changes

### Changelog entries now use 4th level headers instead of bullets

... recursion omitted

If a change note starts with #### already (like in changesets), it will be left alone.


Move GitHub Release headers up a level (#467, #472)

Added dates to version titles

There are now release dates in both changelogs and version names on GitHub. This probably won't break your releases, but you will have a different format for release notes which could be jarring. The date is in the format YYYY-MM-DD and will always be based on UTC time (so if you do a release late at night on the east coast of the United States, the date will be the next day).

Previously, the changelog entry title would look like this:

# 1.0.0

And now it will look like this:

# 1.0.0 (2023-06-10)

Report files to be added to git in --dry-run

The PrepareRelease adds modified files to Git. Now, when running with the --dry-run option, it will report which files would be added to Git (for easier debugging).

Note: The default knope release workflow includes this [PrepareRelease] step.

Remove duplicate version from GitHub release name

Release notes in GitHub releases used to copy the entire section of the changelog, including the version number. Because the name of the release also includes the version, you'd see the version twice, like:

# 1.0.0

# 1.0.0

... notes here

Now, that second ## 1.0.0 is omitted from the body of the release.

Added support for changesets

Leveraging the new changesets crate, Knope now supports changesets! In short, you can run knope document-change (if using default workflows) or add the new [CreateChangeFile] step to a workflow to generate a new Markdown file in the .changeset directory. You can then fill in any additional details below the generated header in the generated Markdown file. The next time the PrepareRelease step runs (e.g., in the default knope release workflow), all change files will be consumed to help generate a new version and changelog (along with any conventional commits).

For additional details, see:


01 Jun 00:03
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  • Allow more changelog sections via extra_changelog_sections config or the default Changelog-Note commit footer. (#450)


24 May 23:51
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  • Remove any potential panics (#429)



18 Mar 00:31
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  • Avoid GLIBC issues by skipping gnu builds (#407)


01 Mar 22:32
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  • Fix building from source / cargo install by upgrading to gix. (#383)


16 Jan 20:22
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Breaking Changes

  • Handling of pre-release versions has been reworked to handle many more edge cases, which results in more correct (but different) behavior.


  • Check all relevant pre-release versions, not just the latest [#334, #346]. Thanks @Shadow53!


17 Nov 04:43
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  • determining latest versions from tags (#323)


25 Sep 18:59
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  • Allow running default workflows (those that would be created by--generate) with no knope.toml file. (#286)