This document synthesizes the error handling design document.
Each specification for Sources and Channels define some more fine-grained delivery mechanism around their data plane. For details consult the respective specifications.
Sending events can fail for a variety of reasons (downstream system is down, application logic rejects the invalid event, a runtime exception occurs, etc...) but right now there is no way to control or define the expected behavior in these situations.
- Be able to handle events that failed to be delivered
- to channel subscribers.
- to source sink.
- to broker/triggers.
- Be able to identify events that could not be delivered (Observability)
- Be able to leverage existing error handling mechanisms provided by the underlying platform (eg. RabbitMQ dead letter exchange, Amazon SQS dead letter queue, Azure Service Bus dead letter queue, etc...).
- Be able to redirect of error'ed events from a channel.
- Security: No security model has been defined yet at the Knative eventing level. Native brokers might define their own security model and Knative eventing should not prevent using it.
Channels are responsible for forwarding received events to subscribers. When they fail to do so, they are responsible for sending the failing events to an dead letter sink, potentially one per subscriber.
Similarly Event Sources are responsible for sending events to a sink and when they fail to do so, they are responsible for sending the failing events to an dead letter sink.
The dead letter sink can be a channel but it does not have to.
Knative Channel implementations may leverage existing platform native error handling support they might provide, like Dead Letter Channel, to forward failed events from their Dead Letter Channel to the configured error sink(s).
Channel implementations, event sources and brokers should retry sending events before redirecting them to the dead letter sink. While there are many different ways to implement the retry logic (immediate retry, retry queue, etc...), implementations should rely on a common set of configuration parameters, such as the number of retries and the interval between retries.
The goal of this delivery specification is to formally define the vocabulary related to capabilities defined above (dead letter sink, dead-letter queues and retry) to provide consistency across all Knative event sources, channel implementations and brokers.
The minimal delivery specification looks like this:
// DeliverySpec contains the delivery options for event senders,
// such as channelable and source.
type DeliverySpec struct {
// DeadLetterSink is the sink receiving events that couldn't be sent to
// a destination.
// +optional
DeadLetterSink *duckv1.Destination `json:"deadLetterSink,omitempty"`
// Retry is the minimum number of retries the sender should attempt when
// sending an event before moving it to the dead letter sink
// +optional
Retry *int32 `json:"retry,omitempty"`
// BackoffPolicy is the retry backoff policy (linear, exponential)
// +optional
BackoffPolicy *BackoffPolicyType `json:"backoffPolicy,omitempty"`
// BackoffDelay is the delay before retrying.
// More information on Duration format:
// -
// -
// For linear policy, backoff delay is backoffDelay*<numberOfRetries>.
// For exponential policy, backoff delay is backoffDelay*2^<numberOfRetries>.
// +optional
BackoffDelay *string `json:"backoffDelay,omitempty"`
// BackoffPolicyType is the type for backoff policies
type BackoffPolicyType string
const (
// Linear backoff policy
BackoffPolicyLinear BackoffPolicyType = "linear"
// Exponential backoff policy
BackoffPolicyExponential BackoffPolicyType = "exponential"
Channel, brokers and event sources are not required to support all these capabilities and are free to add more delivery options.
Channel implementation supporting dead letter channel should resolve it to a URI in their status.
// DeliveryStatus contains the Status of an object supporting delivery options.
type DeliveryStatus struct {
// DeadLetterChannel is a KReference that is the reference to the native, platform specific channel
// where failed events are sent to.
// +optional
DeadLetterSinkURI *apis.URL `json:"deadLetterSinkUri,omitempty"`
The error event is the original events annotated with various CloudEvents attributes, eg. to be able to tell why the event could not be delivered.
Note that multiple copies of the same event can be sent to the error sink due to multiple subscription failures.
Brokers might decide to change the event type before reposting the failed event into the broker. This could be done by having a special error sink specific to broker.
(might move to the CloudEvent spec repository)
Here a possible set of CloudEvent extensions:
- deadlettersubscriberuri: The URI of the subscriber
- deadletterreason: The reason for dead lettering the event
- deadletterretry: How many times the channel tried to send the event