BLEND to EGG (Panda3D model format) converter.
- Export RenderPipeline materials
- Export Blender-calculated tangents-bitangents
- Export NodePath "tags" from json-encoded Blender text blocks
- Skeletal animations
- Panda3D (1.10.6+) for EGG generation
- python-blender (2.81+) (Blender as Python module) or Blender's Python
Supported texture maps as BSDF inputs for RenderPipeline materials:
- Base Color
- Specular
- Roughness
- Normal Map
Supported BSDF input values as RenderPipeline material params:
- Metallic (RenderPipeline uses values 0 and 1 only)
- Roughness
- Normal Map Strength (from Normal Map Node)
Some input values could be specified as separate Math Nodes.
You can define object's tags using json-encoded Blender text blocks with the same name as an object.
pview output (notice the "hp" and "type" tags):
GeomNode mesh_ruby (1 geoms: S:(MaterialAttrib TextureAttrib)) [hp type] T:m(scale 10000)
python usage example:
ruby_mesh = self.ruby.find('**/=type=body')
print('hp', ruby_mesh.get_tag('hp'))
hp 100
blend2egg --output x.egg x.blend
blend2egg --output x_action_name.egg --export animation --action action_name x.blend
Original model made by theStoff:
Convert models from BLEND file:
make -C examples/ruby_rose
Open converted models using Panda3D and RenderPipeline (from EGG format):
python examples/ruby_rose/