Open estilo/syntax/base.yml
(and then the other templates inside the folder) with vim and fill its definitions with these rules:
- first value is the foreground (
) - second value is the background (
) - the third value is for text styles, and you should write just the key letter of every style (b: bold, r: reverse, u: underline, i: italic, c: undercurl)
- fourth value is the undercurl color (
, only for gVim) - a hyphen (
) or an ommited value will be rendered asNONE
- a dot (
) will not render this foreground/background/style
Examples (template - result):
Omitting values:
Comment: 'sky'
hi Comment guifg=#bbddff ctermfg=153 guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE gui=NONE cterm=NONE
Omitting values with dashes:
Title: '- cherry bu'
hi Title guifg=NONE ctermfg=NONE guibg=ffbbcc ctermbg=218 gui=bold,underline cterm=bold,underline
Prevent to print style with dots
Other: '. . ri'
hi Other gui=reverse,italic cterm=reverse,italic
Link to other definition:
WarningMsg: '@Title'
hi link WarningMsg Title
Estilo bundles a pack of templates for common language syntaxes and plugins, you can add this templates by running estilo add-syntax
on your terminal.
See list of available syntax templates
Open estilo/addons/term.yml
and fill each value with a color from your palette.
Open estilo.yml
file and add an object for each colorcheme with its parameters inside colorschemes
list. Every one has 3 parameters:
- name: the name of the colorscheme (should have not spaces)
- background: 'dark' or 'light' ('dark' by default)
- palette: the name of the color palette. It's the same as the file inside
folder without the.yml
- name: 'awesome-night'
background: 'dark'
palette: 'night'
- name: 'awesome-day'
background: 'light'
palette: 'day'
With the command line in the project folder:
estilo render
Rendered files are in colors
folder of your project
Next: Airline themes