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MPFR Java Bindings

GNU MPFR is a C library for performing mathematical computations on extended precision IEEE 754 binary floating point numbers. Currently, however, MPFR has no Java interface, third-party or otherwise, and all the existing arbitrary precision floating point libraries for Java are not suitable for the task of providing conformance with the IEEE 754-2008 standard for binary floating point numbers. To address this gap, the MPFR Java project exists, with the intent of providing a managed code interface between MPFR and Java analogous to the behavior of Java's existing BigDecimal type, but prioritized to conform to the IEEE standard.

Getting started

The library is known to work with the following versions of GMP and MPFR:

  • GMP 6.2.1
  • MPFR 3.2.1

4.x releases of MPFR are known not to work in certain scenarios, as the behaviour of MPFR's printing functions changes.


To compile for your platform, download the project and run mvn install. The resulting Java code will be placed in the file target/mpfr_java-1.0.jar, and the resulting native code will be placed in the file target/mpfr_java-1.0-<platform>.jar. For example, for 64 bit linux the native code will be found in target/mpfr_java-1.0-linux64.jar. All you need to do in order to use the library is place both of these JARs in the classpath of your project, and then reference the BigFloat class. If you wish to view javadocs for the project, you can run mvn site, which will generate the javadoc html in the directory target/site/apidocs.

Github releases for Linux and macOS will come soon.

Building a JNI library which statically links against MPFR and GMP

By default, MFPR Java builds the native libraries using dynamic linking. As a result of this, the default installation will not work correctly, and will create an UnsatisfiedLinkError, if run on a system which does not have MPFR and GMP installed. To work around this problem, the releases we provide statically link these two dependencies. If you wish to do the same on another platform, follow the following instructions:

  1. Download the latest versions of GMP and MPFR from the web, and unzip their source.
  2. in the gmp directory, run ./configure --with-pic --build=<arch>; make
  3. in the mpfr directory, run ./configure --with-gmp-include=<gmpdir> --with-gmp-lib=<gmpdir>/.libs --with-pic --build=<arch>; make
  4. in the mpfr-java directory, run mvn install -Dmpfr.cppflags='-I<mpfrdir>/src -I<gmpdir>' -Dmpfr.libs='<mpfrdir>/src/.libs/libmpfr.a <gmpdir>/.libs/libgmp.a'<arch>

Where <arch> is the architecture and OS of system you wish to support (e.g. "x86_64-linux").

This will create a jar containing a shared library which is linked statically against mpfr and gmp, and linked dynamically against all other dependencies. Note that this creates a GMP build which does not take advantage of any processor-specific extensions. If you wish to build MPFR Java for absolute maximum performance, you should dynamically link against a version of GMP and MPFR tuned to the specific processor you wish to run on.

Using the CI Scripts

The scripts used for continuous integration can automate the building of statically-linked versions of the library. To do so from a clean checkout:

./src/main/scripts/ [jobs]

The script accepts a single optional parameter; the number of jobs to run in parallel when building GMP and MPFR.


Linux 64-bit Target

To ensure the pre-built native code links agains a suitably old version of libc, the binaries should be built on Ubuntu Bionic (18.04). A Dockerfile is provided to do so:

docker build -t mpfr-bionic .
docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`/output:/output mpfr-bionic $(id -u) $(id -g)

Then, when deploying, use the generated files in output/ rather than target/.

MacOS Target

When deploying for MacOS, limitations with HawtJNI's packaging structure mean that only one native JAR can be uploaded for the same OS identifier (osx). To support both ARM and Intel Macs, the JNi libraries for both platforms need to be combined into a universal library using lipo:

# On ARM Mac
./src/main/scripts/ && ./src/main/scripts/
mkdir temp
cd temp
cp ../target/mpfr_java-1.4-osx.jar .
unzip mpfr_java-1.4-osx.jar
mv META-INF/native/osx64/libmpfr_java.jnilib libmpfr_java_arm.jnilib

# On Intel Mac
./src/main/scripts/ && ./src/main/scripts/
mkdir temp
cd temp
cp ../target/mpfr_java-1.4-osx.jar .
unzip mpfr_java-1.4-osx.jar
mv META-INF/native/osx64/libmpfr_java.jnilib libmpfr_java_x86.jnilib

# ... copy _x86, _arm .jnilib files to same machine
lipo -create -output libmpfr_java.jnilib \
  libmpfr_java_arm.jnilib libmpfr_java_x86.jnilib

# Verify that the output is a universal library
file libmpfr_java.jnilib

mv libmpfr_java.jnilib META-INF/native/osx64
jar cf mpfr_java-1.4-osx.jar META-INF
cp mpfr_java-1.4-osx.jar ../target

# Deploy following instructions below...


To deploy a new version of the library to Maven:

rm -rf vendor && mvn clean

mvn deploy:deploy-file                  \
  -DpomFile=pom.xml                     \
  -Dfile=target/mpfr_java-1.4.jar       \
  -Dfiles=target/mpfr_java-1.4-$OS.jar  \
  -Dclassifiers=$OS                     \
  -Dtypes=jar                           \
  -Durl='s3://$S3_URL'                  \

You will need appropriate values of $S3_URL and $BUCKET_ID for your Maven repository, as well as a settings.xml configured with AWS keys for your Maven installation.

This is currently a manual process, and must be repeated for each supported value of $OS (linux64, osx64, osx64-arm etc.).


If you have issues or questions regarding the project, please create an issue in our issue tracker. Pull requests are also welcome as long as they conform to the design principles of the project.


GNU MPFR Java Bindings







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