All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.0.32 (2021-08-12)
- 🐛 Pie format value fix (b36da75)
0.0.31 (2021-08-10)
- 🎸 Circular chart changes (1fe9961)
0.0.30 (2021-08-09)
- 🎸 Circular chart value mode (a2483b5)
0.0.29 (2021-08-09)
- 🐛 Thousands separator behavior changed (66a5525)
0.0.28 (2021-08-03)
- 🎸 axes titles (54a84a0)
0.0.27 (2021-07-30)
- 🐛 update translation (b92fd7b)
0.0.26 (2021-07-29)
0.0.25 (2021-07-29)
0.0.24 (2021-07-27)
- 🐛 card interface changed (088a43f)
0.0.23 (2021-07-27)
- 🎸 choropleth settings (82e6b50)
- 🎸 funnel percentages (bc5ea78)
- 🎸 heatmap chart settings (27f06d6)
- 🎸 metric and table settings (9bbed69)
- 🎸 Pie/Donut chart settigns (d5517e4)
0.0.22 (2021-07-21)
- 🎸 legend settings component (c9f754d)
- 🎸 legend settings component (80dfbbf)
- 🎸 line chart settings (6ff46bd)
- 🎸 line settings (56925c9)
- 🐛 Horizontal and Vertical grid - serialize order fix (3f19876)
0.0.21 (2021-07-20)
0.0.20 (2021-06-29)
- 🎸 Metric title & subtitle (10b1a11)
0.0.19 (2021-06-14)
- 🐛 Preventing onUpdateFormatValue call on initial render (209f6da)
0.0.18 (2021-04-23)
0.0.17 (2021-04-15)
- 🐛 fade mask for formatters (cffef79)
0.0.16 (2021-04-14)
0.0.15 (2021-04-14)
- 🎸 add Value Formatter (2517403)
0.0.14 (2021-04-14)
0.0.13 (2021-04-13)
- 🎸 inherit widget title from saved query name (3e160fc)