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3. Installation of the plugin

kdschmidt1 edited this page Apr 3, 2024 · 8 revisions


Using the Debian-Package:

Download the package provided in the releases section Sail_Instrument or build your own package using (requires a linux machine with docker installed). Install the package using the command

sudo apt install /path/to/avnav-sail_instrument-plugin_xxxx.deb

this will include the numpy and scipy package


Download the Sail_Instrument repository as a zip and unzip the Sail_Instrument-Folder into the directory /home/pi/avnav/data/plugins/Sail_Instrument. If the directory does not exist just create it. On a standard Linux system (not raspberry pi) the directory will be /home/(user)/avnav/plugins/Sail_Instrument.

If not already present, you have additionally to install the numpy and scipy packages with:

 sudo apt-get install python3-scipy python3-numpy

Polar Data

The plugin is copying the files polar.json and heel.json to the viewer-section of your data-directory (normally /home/pi/avnav/user/viewer/) with the first run. You can download/upload/delete/edit/view the files using the The Files/Download Page page, selecting the User Files Section where you will find the files.

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