Implementation of webapp connecting learners and mentors which want to share their valuable knowledge by creating course and uploading it to server.
Clone from github and run it locally
git clone
cd know-e-learning
bin/rails s
- Course recording thumbnail automatic generation using image-processing gem and using ffmpeg and libvips on server side
- User authorization using devise gem
- Course searchbar created by ransack gem
- Every course has SEO friendly slug acheived by using friendly_id gem
- Categories bar allowing to filter all courses by category
- Author may mark course by many categories in more elegant way (pillowbox) - thanks to select2 js lib - than using selectbox with multiple attribute
- The potential learner can see a simple (very) view of the course they are interested in
- Active Storage that storages all course recordings in database
- Processing images & videos from Active Storage using image-processing gem
- Fixing turbo & devise conflicts in Rails 7, customizing devise error messages
- Many to many associations using foregin keys
- Developed my database migration skills
- Including particular modules using importmaps
- Creating search mechanism
- More in depth bootstrap knowledge
- Basic asset pipeline usage