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Django Quantity Field

A Small django field extension allowing you to store quantities in certain units and perform conversions easily. Uses pint behind the scenes. Also contains a form field class and form widget that allows a user to choose alternative units to input data. The cleaned_data will output the value in the base_units defined for the field, eg: you specify you want to store a value in grams but will allow users to input either grams or ounces.


Requires django >= 1.8, and python 2.7/3.2/3.3/3.4


pip install django-pint

Simple Example

Best way to illustrate is with an example

# app/

from django.db import models
from quantityfield.fields import QuantityField

class HayBale(models.Model):
    weight = QuantityField('tonne')

Quantities are stored and retrieved like any other field

>> bale = HayBale.objects.create(weight=1.2)
>> bale = HayBale.objects.first()
>> bale.weight
<Quantity(1.2, 'tonne')>
>> bale.weight.magnitude
>> bale.weight.units
<Quantity(1200, 'kilogram')>
<Quantity(2645.55, 'pound')>

You can also pass Quantity objects to be stored in models. These are automatically converted to the units defined for the field ( but can be converted to something else when retrieved of course ).

>> from quantityfield import ureg
>> Quantity = ureg.Quantity
>> pounds = Quantity(500 * ureg.pound)
>> bale = HayBale.objects.create(weight=pounds)
>> bale.weight
<Quantity(0.226796, 'tonne')>

Use the inbuilt form field and widget to allow input of quantity values in different units

from quantityfield.fields import QuantityFormField

class HayBaleForm(forms.Form):
    weight = QuantityFormField(base_units='gram', unit_choices=['gram', 'ounce', 'milligram'])

The form will render a float input and a select widget to choose the units. Whenever cleaned_data is presented from the above form the weight field value will be a Quantity with the units set to grams ( values are converted from the units input by the user ).

For comparative lookups, query values will be coerced into the correct units when comparing values, this means that comparing 1 ounce to 1 tonne should yield the correct results.

less_than_a_tonne = HayBale.objects.filter(weight__lt=Quantity(2000 * ureg.pound))