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Deploying to Cloud Foundry

Only of interest to 18F team members

Download the Cloud Foundry CLI according to the instructions here: Make sure you are using a version >= v6.17.1, otherwise pushing multiple apps at once might not work.

You will also need to install the autopilot plugin for Cloud Foundry, which is used for zero-downtime deploys. You can install via cf install-plugin autopilot -f -r CF-Community.

CALC is deployed to the GovCloud instance of You will need to login to via the GovCloud api of cf login -a --sso

Then target the org and space you want to work with. For example, if you wanted to work with the dev space: cf target -o fas-calc -s dev

Manifest files, which contain import deploy configuration settings, are located in the manifests directory of this project.

Note that this project has two requirements files:

  • requirements.txt for production dependencies
  • requirements-dev.txt for development and testing dependencies

During local development and continuous integration testing, pip install -r requirements-dev.txt is used, which installs both development and production dependencies. During deployments, the Cloud Foundry python buildpack uses only requirements.txt by default, so only production dependencies will be installed.

CF Structure

  • environment: GovCloud
  • Organization: fas-calc
  • Spaces: dev, staging, prod
  • Apps:
    • dev space:
      • calc-dev
      • calc-rqworker
      • calc-rqscheduler
    • staging space:
      • calc-staging
      • calc-rqworker
      • calc-rqscheduler
    • prod space:
      • calc-prod
      • calc-rqworker
      • calc-rqscheduler
      • calc-maintenance
  • Routes:
    • -> dev space, calc-dev app
    • -> staging space, calc-staging app
    • -> prod space, calc-prod app
    • -> prod space, calc-prod app or the maintenance page app, calc-maintenance


User Provided Service

For deployments, this project makes use of a User Provided Service (UPS) to get its configuration variables, instead of using the local environment (except for New Relic-related environment variables). You will need to create a UPS called calc-env, provide 'credentials' to it, and link it to the application instance. This will need to be done for every Cloud Foundry space.

First, create a JSON file (e.g. credentials-staging.json) with all the configuration values specified as per the "Environment Variables" section of DO NOT COMMIT THIS FILE.

  "SECRET_KEY": "my secret key",
  "...": "other environment variables"

Then enter the following commands (filling in the main application instance name for <APP_INSTANCE>) to create the user-provided service:

cf cups calc-env -p credentials-staging.json
cf bind-service <APP_INSTANCE> calc-env
cf restage <APP_INSTANCE>

You can update the user-provided service with the following commands:

cf uups calc-env -p credentials-staging.json
cf restage calc-dev

Database Service

CALC uses PostgreSQL for its database.

cf create-service aws-rds <SERVICE_PLAN> calc-db
cf bind-service <APP_INSTANCE> calc-db

Redis Service

CALC uses Redis along with rq for scheduling and processing asynchronous tasks.

cf create-service redis28 standard calc-redis
cf bind-service <APP_INSTANCE> calc-redis

New Relic Environment Variables

Basic New Relic configuration is done in newrelic.ini, with additional settings specified in each deployment environment's manifest file.

As described in, you will need to supply the NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY as part of each deployment's User Provided Service.

Staging Server

The staging server updates automatically when changes are merged into the develop branch. Check out the deploy section of .travis.yml for details and settings.

Should you need to, you can push directly to with:

cf target -o fas-calc -s dev
cf push -f manifests/manifest-staging.yml

Your Own Server

If you want to deploy to your own sandbox, e.g. for the purpose of deploying a branch you're working on, see the wiki page on How to Deploy to your Sandbox.

There is an example sandbox manifest at manifests/manifest-sandbox.yml

Production Servers

Production deploys are a somewhat manual process in that they are not done from CI. However, just like in our Travis deployments to staging, we use the Cloud Foundry autopilot plugin.

To deploy, first make sure you are targeting the prod space:

cf target -o fas-calc -s prod

Now, if you don't already have the autopilot plugin, you can install it by running:

cf install-plugin autopilot -f -r CF-Community

At the time of writing, we did not have enough memory allocated to do a zero-downtime-push (which effectively doubles memory usage since it spins up another app instance) without first decreasing the memory footprint. This can be accomplished by scaling down the number of app instances:

cf scale -i 1 calc-prod

Then use the autopilot plugin's zero-downtime-push command to deploy:

cf zero-downtime-push calc-prod -f manifests/manifest-prod.yml

If a breaking database migration needs to be done, things get a little trickier because the database service is actually shared between the two production apps. If the migration breaks the current version of CALC, we'll need to have a (hopefully short) amount of downtime.

We have a very simple maintenance page application that uses the CloudFoundry staticfiles buildpack. This app is is the maintenance_page subdirectory.

If calc-maintenance is not running or has not been deployed yet:

cd maintenance_page
cf push

Once calc-maintenance is running:

cf map-route calc-maintenance
cf unmap-route calc-prod

And then deploy the production app:

cf push -f manifests/manifest-prod.yml

One the deploy is successful:

cf map-route calc-prod
cf unmap-route calc-maintenance


Logs in applications are generally viewable by running cf logs <APP_NAME> --recent

Note that the web application and the rq worker application have separate logs, so you will need to look at each individually.

Initial Superuser

After the initial setup of calc-db and a production app, you will need to create a superuser account, after which you'll be able to login to the Django admin panel to add additional user accounts. The easiest way to create the initial superuser is to use cf ssh to get to the remote host and run python createsuperuser. You'll need to do some environment setup on the remote host, as described at

export HOME=/home/vcap/app
export TMPDIR=/home/vcap/tmp
cd /home/vcap/app
source /home/vcap/app/.profile.d/

Setting up the API

In production, CALC's public API is actually fronted by an API Umbrella instance on which proxies all API requests to CALC. This allows CALC to not have to concern itself with details like API keys and rate limiting.

In order to configure the proxying between and CALC, you will need to obtain an administrative account on For more information on doing this, see the User Manual.

You'll then want to tell what host it will listen for, and what host your API backend is listening on. For example:

Frontend Host Backend Host

You will also want to configure your API backend on with one Matching URL Prefixes entry. The Backend Prefix should always be /api/, while the Frontend Prefix is up to you. Here's an example:

Frontend Prefix Backend Prefix
/gsa/calc/ /api/

Now you'll need to configure API_HOST on your CALC instance to be the combination of your Frontend Host and Frontend Prefix. For example, given the earlier examples listed above, your API_HOST setting on CALC would be

Finally, as mentioned in the Securing your API backend section of the user manual, you will likely need to configure WHITELISTED_IPS on your CALC instance to ensure that clients can't bypass rate limiting by directly contacting your CALC instance.