First of all read our Code of Conduct.
- Open a new issue
- Write version of your local Iris.
- Write version of your local Go programming language.
- Describe your problem, what did you expect to see and what you see instead.
- If it's a feature request, describe your idea as better as you can
- optionally, navigate to the chat to push other members to participate and share their thoughts about your brilliant idea.
- If it's a feature request, describe your idea as better as you can
- Fork the repository.
- Make your changes.
- Compare & Push the PR from here.
We need your help with translations into your native language.
Iris needs your help, please think about contributing to the translation of the README and, you will be rewarded.
Instructions can be found at:
Write an article about Iris in, or if you're being a hackathon at and send us the link on [email protected].
If you're part of any social network, do a post(or tweet if twitter) about Iris and what you love about it, many examples can be found, the most recent one is that.